Esempio n. 1
 protected void compute() {
   n = (int) ni[0].parseInput();
   t0 = ni[1].parseInput();
   deltat = ni[2].parseInput();
   x1 = ni[3].parseInput();
   x2 = ni[4].parseInput();
   sigma = ni[5].parseInput();
   // generate data points
   t = new DatanVector(n);
   y = new DatanVector(n);
   dy = new DatanVector(n);
   rand = DatanRandom.standardNormal(n);
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     t.setElement(i, t0 + (double) i * deltat);
     y.setElement(i, x1 * Math.pow(t.getElement(i), x2) + sigma * rand[i]);
     dy.setElement(i, sigma);
   // find 1st approximation of unknowns by method of log-log plot
   tlog = new double[n];
   ylog = new double[n];
   dellog = new double[n];
   int npos = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (t.getElement(i) > 0. && y.getElement(i) > 0.) {
       tlog[npos] = Math.log(t.getElement(i));
       ylog[npos] = Math.log(y.getElement(i));
       dellog[npos] = 1.;
   DatanVector vtlog = new DatanVector(npos);
   DatanVector vylog = new DatanVector(npos);
   DatanVector vdellog = new DatanVector(npos);
   for (int j = 0; j < npos; j++) {
     vtlog.setElement(j, tlog[j]);
     vylog.setElement(j, ylog[j]);
     vdellog.setElement(j, dellog[j]);
   LsqPol lp = new LsqPol(vtlog, vylog, vdellog, 2);
   x = lp.getResult();
   x.setElement(0, Math.exp(x.getElement(0)));
   df.writeLine(" x = " + x.toString());
   // perform fit
   int[] list = {1, 1};
   powerlaw = new Powerlaw();
   LsqNon ln = new LsqNon(t, y, dy, x, list, powerlaw);
   x = ln.getResult();
   x1 = x.getElement(0);
   x2 = x.getElement(1);
   cov = ln.getCovarianceMatrix();
   delx1 = Math.sqrt(cov.getElement(0, 0));
   delx2 = Math.sqrt(cov.getElement(1, 1));
   rho = cov.getElement(1, 0) / (delx1 * delx2);
   m = ln.getChiSquare();
   p = 1. - StatFunct.cumulativeChiSquared(m, n - 1);
   // curve of fitted exponential
   xpl = new double[1001];
   ypl = new double[1001];
   dpl = (double) (n - 1) * deltat / 1000.;
   for (int i = 0; i < 1001; i++) {
     xpl[i] = t0 + (double) i * dpl;
     ypl[i] = x1 * Math.pow(xpl[i], x2);
   // prepare data points for plotting
   datx = new double[n];
   daty = new double[n];
   datsx = new double[n];
   datsy = new double[n];
   datrho = new double[n];
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     datx[i] = t.getElement(i);
     daty[i] = y.getElement(i);
     datsx[i] = 0.;
     datsy[i] = dy.getElement(i);
     datrho[i] = 0.;
   // display data and fitted curve
   caption =
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", x1)
           + ", x_2#="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", x2)
           + ", &D@x_1#="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", delx1)
           + ", &D@x_2#="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", delx2)
           + ", &r@="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", rho)
           + ", M="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%5.2f", m)
           + ", P="
           + String.format(Locale.US, "%6.4f", p);
   new GraphicsWithDataPointsAndPolyline(