Esempio n. 1
  protected Vector<SquirmCell> getThoseOfTypeAndState(
      Vector<SquirmCell> cells, int type, int state) {
    // do any of these cells match the type and state specified?
    // if so return all that match (empty list if none)

    Vector<SquirmCell> v = new Vector<SquirmCell>();
    SquirmCell c;
    for (Enumeration<SquirmCell> enumx = cells.elements(); enumx.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      c = ((SquirmCell) enumx.nextElement());
      if (type != -1) {
        if (c.isTypeAndState(type, state)) v.addElement(c);
      } else if (c.isState(state)) v.addElement(c);

    return v;
Esempio n. 2
  protected void tryReaction(
      final SquirmCellSlot cell_grid[][],
      final SquirmCell cell,
      final Vector<SquirmCell> neighbours,
      char us_type,
      int us_state,
      boolean current_bond,
      char them_type,
      int them_state,
      int future_us_state,
      boolean future_bond,
      int future_them_state,
      final SquirmReaction reaction) {

    // us_type is one of {e,f,a,b,c,d,x}
    if (us_type != 'e'
        && us_type != 'f'
        && us_type != 'a'
        && us_type != 'b'
        && us_type != 'c'
        && us_type != 'd'
        && us_type != 'x') throw new Error("SquirmChemistry::Reaction() : invalid us_type");

    // them_type is one of {e,f,a,b,c,d,x,y}
    if (them_type != 'e'
        && them_type != 'f'
        && them_type != 'a'
        && them_type != 'b'
        && them_type != 'c'
        && them_type != 'd'
        && them_type != 'x'
        && them_type != 'y') throw new Error("SquirmChemistry::Reaction() : invalid them_type");

    // sanity check on the states requested
    if (us_state < 0 || them_state < 0 || future_us_state < 0 || future_them_state < 0)
      throw new Error("SquirmChemistry::tryReaction() : states less than zero not permitted");

    // Are we the right kind of cell for this reaction?
    if ((us_type != 'x' && cell.isTypeAndState(us_type, us_state))
        || (us_type == 'x' && cell.isState(us_state))) {
      // do we have a neighbour (bonded/not) that is the right kind for
      // this reaction?
      final Vector<SquirmCell> search_from = current_bond ? cell.getBonds() : neighbours;
      Vector<SquirmCell> ns;
      // if them_type specified then search for it
      if (them_type != 'x' && them_type != 'y')
        ns = getThoseOfTypeAndState(search_from, them_type, them_state);
      // if unspecified but to be same as us_type then search for it
      else if (them_type == 'x' && us_type == 'x')
        ns = getThoseOfTypeAndState(search_from, cell.getType(), them_state);
      // must be unspecified
      else if ((them_type == 'x' && us_type != 'x') || them_type == 'y')
        ns = getThoseOfState(search_from, them_state);
      else throw new Error("SquirmChemistry::tryReaction() : unexpected case statement");
      // try the reaction on each of the possibles
      for (final Enumeration<SquirmCell> e = ns.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        final SquirmCell n = (SquirmCell) e.nextElement();
        // reactions can happen if the two cells are right next to each
        // other (share a face) or over a diagonal (share a corner) if
        // the other diagonal
        // doesn't have a bond
        boolean can_react = false;

        if (rightNextToEachOther(cell, n)) can_react = true;
        else {
          // if either other diagonal square is empty then OK
          if (cell_grid[cell.getX()][n.getY()].queryEmpty()
              || cell_grid[n.getX()][cell.getY()].queryEmpty()) can_react = true;
          else {
            // otherwise, if there is no bond between diagonals then
            // still OK
            final SquirmCell cellA = cell_grid[cell.getX()][n.getY()].getOccupant();
            final SquirmCell cellB = cell_grid[n.getX()][cell.getY()].getOccupant();
            if (!cellA.getBonds().contains(cellB)) {
              can_react = true;
            } // End of if
        } // End of if - else //
        if (can_react) {
          // make or break bonds as specified
          if (current_bond && !future_bond) {
                "Breaking bond : UsType="
                    + us_type
                    + " UsState="
                    + us_state
                    + " ThemType="
                    + them_type
                    + " ThemState="
                    + them_state);
          } else if (!current_bond && future_bond) {
                "Making bond for reaction : UsType="
                    + us_type
                    + " UsState="
                    + us_state
                    + " ThemType="
                    + them_type
                    + " ThemState="
                    + them_state
                    + " reaction="
                    + reaction);
            cell.makeBondWith(n, reaction);
          // set our states to their new values