Esempio n. 1
   * Create the byte sequence used to represent a cell on page pPage and write that byte sequence
   * into pCell[]. Overflow pages are allocated and filled in as necessary. The calling procedure is
   * responsible for making sure sufficient space has been allocated for pCell[].
   * <p>Note that pCell does not necessary need to point to the pPage->aData area. pCell might point
   * to some temporary storage. The cell will be constructed in this temporary area then copied into
   * pPage->aData later.
   * @param pCell Complete text of the cell
   * @param pKey The key
   * @param nKey The key
   * @param pData The data
   * @param nData The data
   * @param nZero Extra zero bytes to append to pData
   * @return cell size
   * @throws SqlJetException
  public int fillInCell(
      ISqlJetMemoryPointer pCell,
      ISqlJetMemoryPointer pKey,
      long nKey,
      ISqlJetMemoryPointer pData,
      int nData,
      int nZero)
      throws SqlJetException {

    final SqlJetMemPage pPage = this;
    int pnSize = 0;

    int nPayload;
    ISqlJetMemoryPointer pSrc;
    int nSrc, n;
    int spaceLeft;
    SqlJetMemPage pOvfl = null;
    SqlJetMemPage pToRelease = null;
    ISqlJetMemoryPointer pPrior;
    ISqlJetMemoryPointer pPayload;
    SqlJetBtreeShared pBt = pPage.pBt;
    int[] pgnoOvfl = {0};
    int nHeader;
    SqlJetBtreeCellInfo info;

    assert (pPage.pBt.mutex.held());

     * pPage is not necessarily writeable since pCell might be auxiliary*
     * buffer space that is separate from the pPage buffer area
    assert (pCell.getBuffer() != pPage.aData.getBuffer() || pPage.pDbPage.isWriteable());

    /* Fill in the header. */
    nHeader = 0;
    if (!pPage.leaf) {
      nHeader += 4;
    if (pPage.hasData) {
      nHeader += putVarint(pointer(pCell, nHeader), nData + nZero);
    } else {
      nData = nZero = 0;
    nHeader += putVarint(pointer(pCell, nHeader), nKey);
    info = pPage.parseCellPtr(pCell);
    assert (info.nHeader == nHeader);
    assert (info.nKey == nKey);
    assert (info.nData == nData + nZero);

    /* Fill in the payload */
    nPayload = nData + nZero;
    if (pPage.intKey) {
      pSrc = pData;
      nSrc = nData;
      nData = 0;
    } else {
      /* TBD: Perhaps raise SQLITE_CORRUPT if nKey is larger than 31 bits? */
      nPayload += (int) nKey;
      pSrc = pKey;
      nSrc = (int) nKey;
    pnSize = info.nSize;
    spaceLeft = info.nLocal;
    pPayload = pointer(pCell, nHeader);
    pPrior = pointer(pCell, info.iOverflow);

    while (nPayload > 0) {
      if (spaceLeft == 0) {
        int pgnoPtrmap = pgnoOvfl[0]; /*
                                               * Overflow page pointer-map entry
                                               * page
        if (pBt.autoVacuum) {
          do {
          } while (pBt.PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pgnoOvfl[0]) || pgnoOvfl[0] == pBt.PENDING_BYTE_PAGE());
        try {
          pOvfl = pBt.allocatePage(pgnoOvfl, pgnoOvfl[0], false);
           * If the database supports auto-vacuum, and the second or
           * subsequent* overflow page is being allocated, add an
           * entry to the pointer-map* for that page now.** If this is
           * the first overflow page, then write a partial entry* to
           * the pointer-map. If we write nothing to this pointer-map
           * slot,* then the optimistic overflow chain processing in
           * clearCell()* may misinterpret the uninitialised values
           * and delete the* wrong pages from the database.
          if (pBt.autoVacuum) {
            byte eType =
                (pgnoPtrmap != 0
                    ? SqlJetBtreeShared.PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2
                    : SqlJetBtreeShared.PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1);
            try {
              pBt.ptrmapPut(pgnoOvfl[0], eType, pgnoPtrmap);
            } catch (SqlJetException e) {
        } catch (SqlJetException e) {
          throw e;

         * If pToRelease is not zero than pPrior points into the data
         * area* of pToRelease. Make sure pToRelease is still writeable.
        assert (pToRelease == null || pToRelease.pDbPage.isWriteable());

         * If pPrior is part of the data area of pPage, then make sure
         * pPage* is still writeable
        assert (pPrior.getBuffer() != pPage.aData.getBuffer() || pPage.pDbPage.isWriteable());

        put4byte(pPrior, pgnoOvfl[0]);
        pToRelease = pOvfl;
        pPrior = pOvfl.aData;
        put4byte(pPrior, 0);
        pPayload = pointer(pOvfl.aData, 4);
        spaceLeft = pBt.usableSize - 4;
      n = nPayload;
      if (n > spaceLeft) n = spaceLeft;

       * If pToRelease is not zero than pPayload points into the data area
       * * of pToRelease. Make sure pToRelease is still writeable.
      assert (pToRelease == null || pToRelease.pDbPage.isWriteable());

       * If pPayload is part of the data area of pPage, then make sure
       * pPage* is still writeable
      assert (pPayload.getBuffer() != pPage.aData.getBuffer() || pPage.pDbPage.isWriteable());

      if (nSrc > 0) {
        if (n > nSrc) n = nSrc;
        assert (pSrc != null);
        memcpy(pPayload, pSrc, n);
      } else {
        memset(pPayload, (byte) 0, n);
      nPayload -= n;
      movePtr(pPayload, n);
      pSrc = pointer(pSrc, n);
      nSrc -= n;
      spaceLeft -= n;
      if (nSrc == 0) {
        nSrc = nData;
        pSrc = pData;

    return pnSize;