Esempio n. 1
 public void process(long ticks, Level level) {
   if (exploding) {
     float mul = 0.05f;
     if (!botUsage) {
       child.translate(0, 8f * animIndex, 0);
       SimpleVector sz = child.getZAxis();
       sz.scalarMul(4f * animIndex);
     animIndex += ((float) ticks) * mul;
     if (animIndex >= 1 && exploding != false) {
       exploding = false;
       if (!botUsage) {
     if (animIndex >= 0.5f && !itemShown) {
       // The item inherits the id from the crate, which is unique and
       // the same on all clients.
       if (level.createItem(getTransformedCenter(), getLocalObject(), sh) && !botUsage) {
         SoundManager.getInstance().play("bubble", getTranslation());
       itemShown = true;
Esempio n. 2
 public String printObject() {
   try {
     final LispThread thread = LispThread.currentThread();
     // FIXME
     if (typep(Symbol.RESTART) != NIL) {
       LispObject fun = PRINT_RESTART.getSymbolFunction();
       StringOutputStream stream = new StringOutputStream();
       thread.execute(fun, this, stream);
       return stream.getString().getStringValue();
     if (_PRINT_STRUCTURE_.symbolValue(thread) == NIL)
       return unreadableString(structureClass.getName().printObject());
     int maxLevel = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
     LispObject printLevel = Symbol.PRINT_LEVEL.symbolValue(thread);
     if (printLevel instanceof Fixnum) maxLevel = ((Fixnum) printLevel).value;
     LispObject currentPrintLevel = _CURRENT_PRINT_LEVEL_.symbolValue(thread);
     int currentLevel = Fixnum.getValue(currentPrintLevel);
     if (currentLevel >= maxLevel && slots.length > 0) return "#";
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("#S(");
     if (currentLevel < maxLevel) {
       LispObject effectiveSlots = structureClass.getSlotDefinitions();
       LispObject[] effectiveSlotsArray = effectiveSlots.copyToArray();
       Debug.assertTrue(effectiveSlotsArray.length == slots.length);
       final LispObject printLength = Symbol.PRINT_LENGTH.symbolValue(thread);
       final int limit;
       if (printLength instanceof Fixnum)
         limit = Math.min(slots.length, ((Fixnum) printLength).value);
       else limit = slots.length;
       final boolean printCircle = (Symbol.PRINT_CIRCLE.symbolValue(thread) != NIL);
       for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
         sb.append(' ');
         SimpleVector slotDefinition = (SimpleVector) effectiveSlotsArray[i];
         // FIXME AREF(1)
         LispObject slotName = slotDefinition.AREF(1);
         Debug.assertTrue(slotName instanceof Symbol);
         sb.append(((Symbol) slotName).name.getStringValue());
         sb.append(' ');
         if (printCircle) {
           StringOutputStream stream = new StringOutputStream();
           thread.execute(Symbol.OUTPUT_OBJECT.getSymbolFunction(), slots[i], stream);
         } else sb.append(slots[i].printObject());
       if (limit < slots.length) sb.append(" ...");
     return sb.toString();
   } catch (StackOverflowError e) {
     error(new StorageCondition("Stack overflow."));
     return null; // Not reached.
Esempio n. 3
 protected int getSlotIndex(LispObject slotName) {
   LispObject effectiveSlots = structureClass.getSlotDefinitions();
   LispObject[] effectiveSlotsArray = effectiveSlots.copyToArray();
   for (int i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) {
     SimpleVector slotDefinition = (SimpleVector) effectiveSlotsArray[i];
     LispObject candidateSlotName = slotDefinition.AREF(1);
     if (slotName == candidateSlotName) {
       return i;
   return -1;
Esempio n. 4
 public LispObject getParts() {
   LispObject result = NIL;
   result = result.push(new Cons("class", structureClass));
   LispObject effectiveSlots = structureClass.getSlotDefinitions();
   LispObject[] effectiveSlotsArray = effectiveSlots.copyToArray();
   Debug.assertTrue(effectiveSlotsArray.length == slots.length);
   for (int i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) {
     SimpleVector slotDefinition = (SimpleVector) effectiveSlotsArray[i];
     LispObject slotName = slotDefinition.AREF(1);
     result = result.push(new Cons(slotName, slots[i]));
   return result.nreverse();
Esempio n. 5
     * Method to calculate alpha and t as indices from the radon transformed image of a view.
     * Neccessary are the inverse projection image (as SimpleMatrix) and the epipolar plane E
     * @param E: epipolar plane E as SimpleVector (4 entries)
     * @return: line integral value as double
    private double getValueByAlphaAndT(SimpleVector E) {

      // compute corresponding epipolar lines //
      // (epipolar lines are of 3x1 = 3x4 * 4x1)
      SimpleVector l_kappa = SimpleOperators.multiply(this.P_Inverse.transposed(), E);

      // init the coordinate shift //
      int t_u = this.projectionWidth / 2;
      int t_v = this.projectionHeight / 2;

      // compute angle alpha and distance to origin t //
      double l0 = l_kappa.getElement(0);
      double l1 = l_kappa.getElement(1);
      double l2 = l_kappa.getElement(2);

      double alpha_kappa_RAD = Math.atan2(-l0, l1) + Math.PI / 2;

      double t_kappa = -l2 / Math.sqrt(l0 * l0 + l1 * l1);
      // correct the coordinate shift //
      t_kappa -= t_u * Math.cos(alpha_kappa_RAD) + t_v * Math.sin(alpha_kappa_RAD);

      // correct some alpha falling out of the radon window //
      if (alpha_kappa_RAD < 0) {
        alpha_kappa_RAD *= -1.0;
      } else if (alpha_kappa_RAD > Math.PI) {
        alpha_kappa_RAD = 2.0 * Math.PI - alpha_kappa_RAD;

      // write back to l_kappa //
      l_kappa.setElementValue(0, Math.cos(alpha_kappa_RAD));
      l_kappa.setElementValue(1, Math.sin(alpha_kappa_RAD));
      l_kappa.setElementValue(2, -t_kappa);

      // calculate x and y coordinates for derived radon transformed image //
      double x = t_kappa * this.lineIncrement + 0.5 * this.radonWidth;
      double y = alpha_kappa_RAD * this.angleIncrement;

      // get intensity value out of radon transformed image //
      // (interpolation needed)
      return InterpolationOperators.interpolateLinear(this.radon, x, y);
Esempio n. 6
   * Places the car. The car has to follow the ground. This is done by casting 4 rays (one from each
   * wheel) to the ground and calculating the resulting rotation angles to let the car follow the
   * ground as close as possible.
   * @param ground the ground
   * @return if it was possible to place the car or not
  public boolean place(Object3D ground) {
    SimpleVector dropDown = new SimpleVector(0, 1, 0);

     * To cast the rays, the car will be rotated in horizontal position first, rotated around the
     * y-axis according to the cars direction and moved 10 units up.
    Matrix rotMat = getRotationMatrix();

    translate(0, -10, 0);

    /** Cast the rays... */
    float rightFrontHeight =
        ground.calcMinDistance(rightFront.getTransformedCenter(), dropDown, 4 * 30);
    float rightRearHeight =
        ground.calcMinDistance(rightRear.getTransformedCenter(), dropDown, 4 * 30);
    float leftFrontHeight =
        ground.calcMinDistance(leftFront.getTransformedCenter(), dropDown, 4 * 30);
    float leftRearHeight =
        ground.calcMinDistance(leftRear.getTransformedCenter(), dropDown, 4 * 30);

    /** Correct the movement we did above. */
    translate(0, 10, 0);

    /** Reset the rotation matrix again. */
    rotMat = getRotationMatrix();

    /** The rays all hit the ground, the car can be placed */
    if (rightFrontHeight != Object3D.COLLISION_NONE
        && rightRearHeight != Object3D.COLLISION_NONE
        && leftFrontHeight != Object3D.COLLISION_NONE
        && leftRearHeight != Object3D.COLLISION_NONE) {

      /** Correct the values (see translation above) */
      rightFrontHeight -= 10;
      rightRearHeight -= 10;
      leftFrontHeight -= 10;
      leftRearHeight -= 10;

       * Calculate the angles between the wheels and the ground. This is done four times: for the
       * front and the rear as well as for left and right. Front/rear and left/right are averaged
       * afterwards.
      double angleFront = rightFrontHeight - leftFrontHeight;
      double as = (angleFront / (16d));
      angleFront = Math.atan(as);

      double angleRear = rightRearHeight - leftRearHeight;
      as = (angleRear / (16d));
      angleRear = Math.atan(as);

      float rot = (float) ((angleFront + angleRear) / 2d);

      double angleLeft = leftFrontHeight - leftRearHeight;
      as = (angleLeft / (16d));
      angleLeft = Math.atan(as);

      double angleRight = rightFrontHeight - rightRearHeight;
      as = (angleRight / (16d));
      angleRight = Math.atan(as);

      rot = (float) ((angleLeft + angleRight) / 2d);


       * The car is correctly rotated now. But we still have to adjust the height. We are simply
       * taking the minimum distance from all wheels to the ground as the new height.
      float down = rightFrontHeight;
      if (leftFrontHeight < down) {
        down = leftFrontHeight;
      if (rightRearHeight < down) {
        down = rightRearHeight;
      if (leftRearHeight < down) {
        down = leftRearHeight;

      dropDown.scalarMul(down - 4);

    } else {
      return false;

    /** And finally, rotate the car around Y (that's the car's direction) */
    return true;
Esempio n. 7
   * method to calculate a mapping K from two source positions C0, C1 to a plane C0 (C1) is the
   * source position from the first (second) view
  public void createMappingToEpipolarPlane() {

    // set up source matrices //
    SimpleVector C0 = this.view1.C;
    SimpleVector C1 = this.view2.C;

    // compute Pluecker coordinates //
    double L01 = C0.getElement(0) * C1.getElement(1) - C0.getElement(1) * C1.getElement(0);
    double L02 = C0.getElement(0) * C1.getElement(2) - C0.getElement(2) * C1.getElement(0);
    double L03 = C0.getElement(0) * C1.getElement(3) - C0.getElement(3) * C1.getElement(0);
    double L12 = C0.getElement(1) * C1.getElement(2) - C0.getElement(2) * C1.getElement(1);
    double L13 = C0.getElement(1) * C1.getElement(3) - C0.getElement(3) * C1.getElement(1);
    double L23 = C0.getElement(2) * C1.getElement(3) - C0.getElement(3) * C1.getElement(2);

    // construct B (6x1) //
    SimpleVector B = new SimpleVector(L01, L02, L03, L12, L13, L23);

    // compute infinity point in direction of B //
    SimpleVector N = new SimpleVector(-L03, -L13, -L23, 0);

    // compute plane E0 containing B and X0=(0,0,0,1) //
    SimpleVector E0 = SimpleOperators.getPlueckerJoin(B, new SimpleVector(0, 0, 0, 1));

    // find othonormal basis from plane normals //
    // (vectors are of 3x1)
    SimpleVector a2 = new SimpleVector(E0.getElement(0), E0.getElement(1), E0.getElement(2));
    SimpleVector a3 = new SimpleVector(N.getElement(0), N.getElement(1), N.getElement(2));
    // set vectors to unit length

    // calculate cross product to get the last basis vector //
    SimpleVector a1 = General.crossProduct(a2, a3).negated();
    // (a1 is already of unit length -> no normalization needed)

    // set up assembly matrix A (4x3) //
    SimpleMatrix A = new SimpleMatrix(4, 3);
    A.setSubColValue(0, 0, a1);
    A.setSubColValue(0, 1, a2);
    A.setSubColValue(0, 2, C0);

    // store mapping matrix K (4x3 = 4x4 * 4x3) //
    this.K = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(SimpleOperators.getPlueckerMatrixDual(B), A);