// // Methods from InputStream // Since Java does not have multiple inheritance, we have to // explicitly expose InputStream's methods as part of our interface // public int read() throws IOException { ensureReadyOnFirstUse(); long remain = getBytesRemaining(); // System.out.println("SICW.read() remain: " + remain); if (remain <= 0) return -1; return streamDataInput.read(); }
public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { ensureReadyOnFirstUse(); long remain = getBytesRemaining(); // System.out.println("SICW.read( "+length+" ) remain: " + remain); if (remain <= 0) return -1; length = (int) Math.min(Math.min(remain, (long) length), (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE); return streamDataInput.read(buffer, offset, length); }
public static FileReader openReader(SeekableInput seekableinput, DatumReader datumreader) throws IOException { if (seekableinput.length() < (long)DataFileConstants.MAGIC.length) { throw new IOException("Not an Avro data file"); } byte abyte0[] = new byte[DataFileConstants.MAGIC.length]; seekableinput.seek(0L); for (int i = 0; i < abyte0.length; i = seekableinput.read(abyte0, i, abyte0.length - i)) { } seekableinput.seek(0L); if (Arrays.equals(DataFileConstants.MAGIC, abyte0)) { return new DataFileReader(seekableinput, datumreader); } if (Arrays.equals(DataFileReader12.MAGIC, abyte0)) { return new DataFileReader12(seekableinput, datumreader); } else { throw new IOException("Not an Avro data file"); } }
public int read(byte abyte0[], int i, int j) throws IOException { return in.read(abyte0, i, j); }
public int read(byte abyte0[]) throws IOException { return in.read(abyte0, 0, abyte0.length); }