protected RubyValue doStep(RubyValue toArg, RubyValue stepArg, RubyBlock block) { if ((toArg instanceof RubyFixnum) && (stepArg instanceof RubyFixnum)) { int i = this.value_; int end = ((RubyFixnum) toArg).value_; int diff = ((RubyFixnum) stepArg).value_; if (diff > 0) { while (i <= end) { RubyValue v = block.invoke(this, ObjectFactory.createFixnum(i)); if (block.breakedOrReturned()) { return v; } i += diff; } } else { while (i >= end) { RubyValue v = block.invoke(this, ObjectFactory.createFixnum(i)); if (block.breakedOrReturned()) { return v; } i += diff; } } return this; } return super.doStep(toArg, stepArg, block); }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="each_index") public RubyValue each_index(RubyBlock block) { for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { RubyValue v = block.invoke(this, new RubyFixnum(i)); if (block.breakedOrReturned()) { return v; } } return this; }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="reverse_each") public RubyValue reverse_each(RubyBlock block) { ListIterator /*<RubyValue>*/ ite = array_.listIterator(array_.size()); while (ite.hasPrevious()) { RubyValue v = block.invoke(this, (RubyValue) ite.previous()); if (block.breakedOrReturned()) { return v; } } return this; }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="each") public RubyValue each(RubyBlock block) { // for (RubyValue item : array_) { for (Iterator iter = array_.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { RubyValue item = (RubyValue); RubyValue v = block.invoke(this, item); if (block.breakedOrReturned()) { return v; } } return this; }
public RubyValue times(RubyBlock block) { int value = this.value_; for (int i = 0; i < value; ++i) { RubyValue v = block.invoke(this, ObjectFactory.createFixnum(i)); if (block.breakedOrReturned()) { return v; } } return this; }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "loop", module = true) public static RubyValue loop(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { if (null == block) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.LocalJumpErrorClass, "in `loop': no block given"); } for (; ; ) { RubyValue v = block.invoke(receiver, args); if (block.breakedOrReturned()) { return v; } } }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "open") public static RubyValue open(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { String filename = args.get(0).toStr(); RubyIO io; if (args.size() <= 1) { io = ObjectFactory.createFile(filename, "r"); } else if (args.get(1) instanceof RubyFixnum) { String mode = "r"; int i = args.get(1).toInt(); if ((i & RDWR) != 0) { mode = mode + "w"; } io = ObjectFactory.createFile(filename, mode); } else { RubyString mode = (RubyString) args.get(1); io = ObjectFactory.createFile(filename, mode.toString()); } if (null == block) { return io; } else { RubyValue v = block.invoke(receiver, io); io.close(); return v; } }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "instance_eval") public static RubyValue instanceEval(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { if (null == args && null == block) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.ArgumentErrorClass, "block not supplied"); } if (null != args) { RubyBinding binding = new RubyBinding(); System.out.println(receiver); binding.setScope((RubyModule) receiver); binding.setSelf(receiver); return eval(args.get(0).toStr(), binding); } else { block.setSelf(receiver); return block.invoke(receiver); } }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="delete_if") public RubyValue delete_if(RubyBlock block) { for (int i = 0; i < array_.size(); ) { RubyValue r = block.invoke(this, (RubyValue) array_.get(i)); if (r.isTrue()) { array_.remove(i); } else { ++i; } } return this; }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="delete") public RubyValue delete(RubyValue item, RubyBlock block) { boolean found = false; while (array_.remove(item)) { found = true; } if (block != null && !found) { return block.invoke(item); } else { return found ? item : RubyConstant.QNIL; } }
/** * Call a RubyBlock, wrapped with the exception handlers that print out reasonable backtraces for * Ruby exceptions. * * @param contextMessage A message to print at the top of the backtrace * @param rb The block * @return The result from the block * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws NoSuchMethodException * @throws ScriptException */ Object doBlockWithRubyExceptionWrapper(String contextMessage, RubyBlock rb) throws FileNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, ScriptException { Object result = null; try { result = rb.yield(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { printRubyStacktrace(contextMessage, e); throw (e); } catch (ScriptException e) { printRubyStacktrace(contextMessage, e); throw (e); } return result; }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="each_byte") public RubyValue each_byte(RubyBlock block) { if (block == null) return this; String string = toString(); byte bytes[] = null; try { bytes = string.getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch ( exc) { } for (int i = 0; bytes != null && i < bytes.length; ++i) { int nByte = bytes[i]; if (nByte < 0) nByte = 256 + nByte; block.invoke(this, ObjectFactory.createFixnum(nByte)); } return this; }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "catch", module = true) public static RubyValue catchMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block) { if (!(arg instanceof RubySymbol)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.ArgumentErrorClass, arg.toString() + " is not a symbol"); } try { block.invoke(receiver); } catch (RubyException e) { RubyValue ev = RubyAPI.convertRubyException2RubyValue(e); if (ev instanceof RubyExceptionValueForThrow) { RubyExceptionValueForThrow v = (RubyExceptionValueForThrow) ev; if (v.isSameSymbol(arg)) { return v.getReturnValue(); } } throw e; } return RubyConstant.QNIL; }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="new", singleton=true) public static RubyValue newArray(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { RubyArray a; if (null == args) { a = new RubyArray(); } else if (null == block) { if (args.get(0) instanceof RubyArray) { a = (RubyArray) args.get(0).clone(); } else { RubyFixnum size = (RubyFixnum) args.get(0); RubyValue default_value = args.get(1); a = ObjectFactory.createArray(size.toInt(), default_value); } } else { RubyFixnum size = (RubyFixnum) args.get(0); a = new RubyArray(); for (int i = 0; i < size.toFloat(); i++) { RubyValue return_value = block.invoke(receiver, ObjectFactory.createFixnum(i)); a.add(return_value); } } a.setRubyClass((RubyClass) receiver); return a; }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "lambda", alias = "proc", module = true) public static RubyValue lambda(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block) { block.setCreatedByLambda(); return ObjectFactory.createProc(block); }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="each", alias="each_line") public RubyValue each(RubyBlock block) { // FIXME: for each line if (block != null) block.invoke(this, this); return this; }