/*     */ public synchronized void close() /*     */ throws IOException /*     */ {
   /* 399 */ boolean bool1 = logger.traceOn();
   /* 400 */ boolean bool2 = logger.debugOn();
   /*     */
   /* 402 */ if (bool1) logger.trace("close", "closing");
   /*     */
   /* 404 */ Object localObject1 = null;
   /*     */ try {
     /* 406 */ if (bool2) logger.debug("close", "closing Server");
     /* 407 */ closeServer();
     /*     */ } catch (IOException localIOException1) {
     /* 409 */ if (bool1) logger.trace("close", "Failed to close server: " + localIOException1);
     /* 410 */ if (bool2) logger.debug("close", localIOException1);
     /* 411 */ localObject1 = localIOException1;
     /*     */ }
   /*     */
   /* 414 */ if (bool2) logger.debug("close", "closing Clients");
   /*     */ while (true)
   /*     */ {
     /* 417 */ synchronized (this.clientList) {
       /* 418 */ if (bool2) logger.debug("close", "droping dead references");
       /* 419 */ dropDeadReferences();
       /*     */
       /* 421 */ if (bool2) logger.debug("close", "client count: " + this.clientList.size());
       /* 422 */ if (this.clientList.size() == 0)
       /*     */ {
         /*     */ break;
         /*     */ }
       /*     */
       /* 428 */ Iterator localIterator = this.clientList.iterator();
       /* 429 */ if (localIterator.hasNext()) {
         /* 430 */ WeakReference localWeakReference = (WeakReference) localIterator.next();
         /* 431 */ RMIConnection localRMIConnection = (RMIConnection) localWeakReference.get();
         /* 432 */ localIterator.remove();
         /* 433 */ if (localRMIConnection != null) {
           /*     */ try {
             /* 435 */ localRMIConnection.close();
             /*     */ } catch (IOException localIOException2) {
             /* 437 */ if (bool1)
               /* 438 */ logger.trace("close", "Failed to close client: " + localIOException2);
             /* 439 */ if (bool2) logger.debug("close", localIOException2);
             /* 440 */ if (localObject1 == null) {
               /* 441 */ localObject1 = localIOException2;
               /*     */ }
             /*     */ }
           /*     */ }
         /*     */ }
       /*     */ }
     /*     */ }
   /*     */
   /* 449 */ if (this.notifBuffer != null) {
     /* 450 */ this.notifBuffer.dispose();
     /*     */ }
   /* 452 */ if (localObject1 != null) {
     /* 453 */ if (bool1) logger.trace("close", "close failed.");
     /* 454 */ throw localObject1;
     /*     */ }
   /*     */
   /* 457 */ if (bool1) logger.trace("close", "closed.");
   /*     */ }
Esempio n. 2
  public void close() throws IOException {
    synchronized (this) {
      if (closed) return;
      connected = false;
      closed = true;

      if (notificationHandler != null) notificationHandler.stop();
      if (heartbeat != null) heartbeat.stop();
      if (connection != null) connection.close();

      connection = null;
      rmiServer = null;
