public static DeviceEntry getDevice(String device) { try { if (props.containsKey(device)) return (DeviceEntry) props.get(device); else { File f = new File( OS.getWorkDir() + File.separator + "devices" + File.separator + device + ".ftd"); if (f.exists()) { DeviceEntry ent = null; JarFile jar = new JarFile(f); Enumeration e = jar.entries(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry file = (JarEntry) e.nextElement(); if (file.getName().endsWith(device + ".properties")) { InputStream is = jar.getInputStream(file); // get the input stream PropertiesFile p = new PropertiesFile(); p.load(is); ent = new DeviceEntry(p); } } return ent; } else return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
public static Warzone load(String name, boolean createNewVolume) { // war.getLogger().info("Loading warzone " + name + " config and blocks..."); PropertiesFile warzoneConfig = new PropertiesFile(War.war.getDataFolder().getPath() + "/warzone-" + name + ".txt"); try { warzoneConfig.load(); } catch (IOException e) { War.war.getLogger().info("Failed to load warzone-" + name + ".txt file."); e.printStackTrace(); } // world String worldStr = warzoneConfig.getProperty("world"); World world = null; if (worldStr == null || worldStr.equals("")) { world = War.war.getServer().getWorlds().get(0); // default to first world } else { world = War.war.getServer().getWorld(worldStr); } if (world == null) { War.war.log( "Failed to restore warzone " + name + ". The specified world (name: " + worldStr + ") does not exist!", Level.WARNING); } else { // Create the zone Warzone warzone = new Warzone(world, name); // Create file if needed if (!warzoneConfig.containsKey("name")) {, false); War.war.getLogger().info("Warzone " + name + " config file created."); try { warzoneConfig.load(); } catch (IOException e) { // war.getLogger().info("Failed to reload warzone-" + name + ".txt file after creating // it."); e.printStackTrace(); } } // teleport String teleportStr = warzoneConfig.getString("teleport"); if (teleportStr != null && !teleportStr.equals("")) { String[] teleportSplit = teleportStr.split(","); int teleX = Integer.parseInt(teleportSplit[0]); int teleY = Integer.parseInt(teleportSplit[1]); int teleZ = Integer.parseInt(teleportSplit[2]); int yaw = Integer.parseInt(teleportSplit[3]); warzone.setTeleport(new Location(world, teleX, teleY, teleZ, yaw, 0)); } // ff if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("friendlyFire")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.FRIENDLYFIRE, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("friendlyFire")); } // loadout warzone.getDefaultInventories().getLoadouts().clear(); String loadoutStr = warzoneConfig.getString("loadout"); if (loadoutStr != null && !loadoutStr.equals("")) { warzone .getDefaultInventories() .getLoadouts() .put("default", new HashMap<Integer, ItemStack>()); LoadoutTxtMapper.fromStringToLoadout( loadoutStr, warzone.getDefaultInventories().getLoadouts().get("default")); } // extraLoadouts String extraLoadoutStr = warzoneConfig.getString("extraLoadouts"); String[] extraLoadoutsSplit = extraLoadoutStr.split(","); for (String nameStr : extraLoadoutsSplit) { if (nameStr != null && !nameStr.equals("")) { warzone .getDefaultInventories() .getLoadouts() .put(nameStr, new HashMap<Integer, ItemStack>()); } } for (String extraName : extraLoadoutsSplit) { if (extraName != null && !extraName.equals("")) { String loadoutString = warzoneConfig.getString(extraName + "Loadout"); HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> loadout = warzone.getDefaultInventories().getLoadouts().get(extraName); LoadoutTxtMapper.fromStringToLoadout(loadoutString, loadout); } } // authors if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("author") && !warzoneConfig.getString("author").equals("")) { for (String authorStr : warzoneConfig.getString("author").split(",")) { if (!authorStr.equals("")) { warzone.addAuthor(authorStr); } } } // life pool (always set after teams, so the teams' remaining lives get initialized properly // by this setter) if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("lifePool")) { warzone.getTeamDefaultConfig().put(TeamConfig.LIFEPOOL, warzoneConfig.getInt("lifePool")); } // monument heal if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("monumentHeal")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.MONUMENTHEAL, warzoneConfig.getInt("monumentHeal")); } // autoAssignOnly if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("autoAssignOnly")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.AUTOASSIGN, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("autoAssignOnly")); } // flagPointsOnly if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("flagPointsOnly")) { warzone .getTeamDefaultConfig() .put(TeamConfig.FLAGPOINTSONLY, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("flagPointsOnly")); } // flagMustBeHome if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("flagMustBeHome")) { warzone .getTeamDefaultConfig() .put(TeamConfig.FLAGMUSTBEHOME, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("flagMustBeHome")); } // team cap if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("teamCap")) { warzone.getTeamDefaultConfig().put(TeamConfig.TEAMSIZE, warzoneConfig.getInt("teamCap")); } // score cap if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("scoreCap")) { warzone.getTeamDefaultConfig().put(TeamConfig.MAXSCORE, warzoneConfig.getInt("scoreCap")); } // respawn timer if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("respawnTimer")) { warzone .getTeamDefaultConfig() .put(TeamConfig.RESPAWNTIMER, warzoneConfig.getInt("respawnTimer")); } // blockHeads if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("blockHeads")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.BLOCKHEADS, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("blockHeads")); } // spawnStyle String spawnStyle = warzoneConfig.getString("spawnStyle"); if (spawnStyle != null && !spawnStyle.equals("")) { warzone .getTeamDefaultConfig() .put(TeamConfig.SPAWNSTYLE, TeamSpawnStyle.getStyleFromString(spawnStyle)); } // flagReturn String flagReturn = warzoneConfig.getString("flagReturn"); if (flagReturn != null && !flagReturn.equals("")) { warzone .getTeamDefaultConfig() .put(TeamConfig.FLAGRETURN, FlagReturn.getFromString(flagReturn)); } // reward String rewardStr = warzoneConfig.getString("reward"); if (rewardStr != null && !rewardStr.equals("")) { HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> reward = new HashMap<Integer, ItemStack>(); LoadoutTxtMapper.fromStringToLoadout(rewardStr, reward); warzone.getDefaultInventories().setReward(reward); } // unbreakableZoneBlocks if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("unbreakableZoneBlocks")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.UNBREAKABLE, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("unbreakableZoneBlocks")); } // disabled if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("disabled")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.DISABLED, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("disabled")); } // noCreatures if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("noCreatures")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.NOCREATURES, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("noCreatures")); } // glassWalls if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("glassWalls")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.GLASSWALLS, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("glassWalls")); } // pvpInZone if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("pvpInZone")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.PVPINZONE, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("pvpInZone")); } // instaBreak if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("instaBreak")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.INSTABREAK, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("instaBreak")); } // noDrops if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("noDrops")) { warzone.getWarzoneConfig().put(WarzoneConfig.NODROPS, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("noDrops")); } // noHunger if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("noHunger")) { warzone .getTeamDefaultConfig() .put(TeamConfig.NOHUNGER, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("noHunger")); } // saturation if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("saturation")) { warzone .getTeamDefaultConfig() .put(TeamConfig.SATURATION, warzoneConfig.getInt("saturation")); } // minPlayers if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("minPlayers")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.MINPLAYERS, warzoneConfig.getInt("minPlayers")); } // minTeams if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("minTeams")) { warzone.getWarzoneConfig().put(WarzoneConfig.MINTEAMS, warzoneConfig.getInt("minTeams")); } // resetOnEmpty if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("resetOnEmpty")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.RESETONEMPTY, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("resetOnEmpty")); } // resetOnLoad if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("resetOnLoad")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.RESETONLOAD, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("resetOnLoad")); } // resetOnUnload if (warzoneConfig.containsKey("resetOnUnload")) { warzone .getWarzoneConfig() .put(WarzoneConfig.RESETONUNLOAD, warzoneConfig.getBoolean("resetOnUnload")); } // rallyPoint String rallyPointStr = warzoneConfig.getString("rallyPoint"); if (rallyPointStr != null && !rallyPointStr.equals("")) { String[] rallyPointStrSplit = rallyPointStr.split(","); int rpX = Integer.parseInt(rallyPointStrSplit[0]); int rpY = Integer.parseInt(rallyPointStrSplit[1]); int rpZ = Integer.parseInt(rallyPointStrSplit[2]); Location rallyPoint = new Location(world, rpX, rpY, rpZ); warzone.setRallyPoint(rallyPoint); } // monuments String monumentsStr = warzoneConfig.getString("monuments"); if (monumentsStr != null && !monumentsStr.equals("")) { String[] monumentsSplit = monumentsStr.split(";"); warzone.getMonuments().clear(); for (String monumentStr : monumentsSplit) { if (monumentStr != null && !monumentStr.equals("")) { String[] monumentStrSplit = monumentStr.split(","); int monumentX = Integer.parseInt(monumentStrSplit[1]); int monumentY = Integer.parseInt(monumentStrSplit[2]); int monumentZ = Integer.parseInt(monumentStrSplit[3]); Monument monument = new Monument( monumentStrSplit[0], warzone, new Location(world, monumentX, monumentY, monumentZ)); warzone.getMonuments().add(monument); } } } // teams String teamsStr = warzoneConfig.getString("teams"); if (teamsStr != null && !teamsStr.equals("")) { String[] teamsSplit = teamsStr.split(";"); warzone.getTeams().clear(); for (String teamStr : teamsSplit) { if (teamStr != null && !teamStr.equals("")) { String[] teamStrSplit = teamStr.split(","); int teamX = Integer.parseInt(teamStrSplit[1]); int teamY = Integer.parseInt(teamStrSplit[2]); int teamZ = Integer.parseInt(teamStrSplit[3]); Location teamLocation = new Location(world, teamX, teamY, teamZ); if (teamStrSplit.length > 4) { int yaw = Integer.parseInt(teamStrSplit[4]); teamLocation.setYaw(yaw); } Team team = new Team( teamStrSplit[0], TeamKind.teamKindFromString(teamStrSplit[0]), teamLocation, warzone); team.setRemainingLives(warzone.getTeamDefaultConfig().resolveInt(TeamConfig.LIFEPOOL)); warzone.getTeams().add(team); } } } // teamFlags String teamFlagsStr = warzoneConfig.getString("teamFlags"); if (teamFlagsStr != null && !teamFlagsStr.equals("")) { String[] teamFlagsSplit = teamFlagsStr.split(";"); for (String teamFlagStr : teamFlagsSplit) { if (teamFlagStr != null && !teamFlagStr.equals("")) { String[] teamFlagStrSplit = teamFlagStr.split(","); Team team = warzone.getTeamByKind(TeamKind.teamKindFromString(teamFlagStrSplit[0])); if (team != null) { int teamFlagX = Integer.parseInt(teamFlagStrSplit[1]); int teamFlagY = Integer.parseInt(teamFlagStrSplit[2]); int teamFlagZ = Integer.parseInt(teamFlagStrSplit[3]); Location teamFlagLocation = new Location(world, teamFlagX, teamFlagY, teamFlagZ); if (teamFlagStrSplit.length > 4) { int yaw = Integer.parseInt(teamFlagStrSplit[4]); teamFlagLocation.setYaw(yaw); } team.setTeamFlag(teamFlagLocation); // this may screw things up } } } } // lobby String lobbyStr = warzoneConfig.getString("lobby"); warzoneConfig.close(); if (createNewVolume) { ZoneVolume zoneVolume = new ZoneVolume( warzone.getName(), world, warzone); // VolumeMapper.loadZoneVolume(warzone.getName(), warzone.getName(), war, // warzone.getWorld(), warzone); warzone.setVolume(zoneVolume); } // monument blocks for (Monument monument : warzone.getMonuments()) { monument.setVolume(VolumeMapper.loadVolume(monument.getName(), warzone.getName(), world)); } // team spawn blocks for (Team team : warzone.getTeams()) { team.setSpawnVolume(VolumeMapper.loadVolume(team.getName(), warzone.getName(), world)); if (team.getTeamFlag() != null) { team.setFlagVolume( VolumeMapper.loadVolume(team.getName() + "flag", warzone.getName(), world)); } } // lobby BlockFace lobbyFace = null; if (lobbyStr != null && !lobbyStr.equals("")) { String[] lobbyStrSplit = lobbyStr.split(","); if (lobbyStrSplit.length > 0) { // lobby orientation if (lobbyStrSplit[0].equals("south")) { lobbyFace = Direction.SOUTH(); } else if (lobbyStrSplit[0].equals("east")) { lobbyFace = Direction.EAST(); } else if (lobbyStrSplit[0].equals("north")) { lobbyFace = Direction.NORTH(); } else if (lobbyStrSplit[0].equals("west")) { lobbyFace = Direction.WEST(); } // lobby world World lobbyWorld = world; // by default, warzone world if (lobbyStrSplit.length > 1) { World strWorld = War.war.getServer().getWorld(lobbyStrSplit[1]); if (strWorld != null) { lobbyWorld = strWorld; } } // create the lobby Volume lobbyVolume = VolumeMapper.loadVolume("lobby", warzone.getName(), lobbyWorld); ZoneLobby lobby = new ZoneLobby(warzone, lobbyFace, lobbyVolume); warzone.setLobby(lobby); } } return warzone; } return null; }
/** Loads or reloads the mod */ public final void load() { if (properties == null) { properties = new PropertiesFile(""); } else { try { properties.load(); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading from", e); } } try { dataSourceType = properties.getString("data-source", "flatfile"); allowedItems = properties.getString("alloweditems", "").split(","); disallowedItems = properties.getString("disalloweditems", "").split(","); itemSpawnBlacklist = properties.getString("itemspawnblacklist", "").split(","); motd = properties.getString("motd", "Type /help for a list of commands.").split("@"); playerLimit = properties.getInt("max-players", 20); saveHomes = properties.getBoolean("save-homes", true); whitelistEnabled = properties.getBoolean("whitelist", false); whitelistMessage = properties.getString("whitelist-message", "Not on whitelist."); if (dataSourceType.equalsIgnoreCase("flatfile")) { usersLoc = properties.getString("admintxtlocation", "users.txt"); kitsLoc = properties.getString("kitstxtlocation", "kits.txt"); homeLoc = properties.getString("homelocation", "homes.txt"); warpLoc = properties.getString("warplocation", "warps.txt"); itemLoc = properties.getString("itemstxtlocation", "items.txt"); groupLoc = properties.getString("group-txt-location", "groups.txt"); whitelistLoc = properties.getString("whitelist-txt-location", "whitelist.txt"); reservelistLoc = properties.getString("reservelist-txt-location", "reservelist.txt"); } else { PropertiesFile sql = new PropertiesFile(""); driver = sql.getString("driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); username = sql.getString("user", "root"); password = sql.getString("pass", "root"); db = sql.getString("db", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft"); } spawnProtectionSize = properties.getInt("spawn-protection-size", 16); logging = properties.getBoolean("logging", false); enableHealth = properties.getBoolean("enable-health", true); String autoHealString = properties.getString("auto-heal", "default"); if (autoHealString.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { autoHeal = PluginLoader.HookResult.ALLOW_ACTION; } else if (autoHealString.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { autoHeal = PluginLoader.HookResult.PREVENT_ACTION; } showUnknownCommand = properties.getBoolean("show-unknown-command", true); URL url = this.getClass().getResource("/version.txt"); if (url != null) { InputStreamReader ins = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(ins); String versionParam = bufferedReader.readLine(); if (versionParam.startsWith( "git-")) { // recommended version.txt for git builds: git-<gituser>-<shorttag> // example: git-sk89q-591c662cf4afc8e3e09a version = -1; versionStr = versionParam; tainted = true; } else { version = Integer.parseInt(versionParam); versionStr = Integer.toString(version); // and back to a string. tainted = false; // looks official. We hope. } } else { // I'm a tainted build, probably. version = -1; versionStr = "Undefined version"; tainted = true; // If any mods check the version.. #@!$ } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading from", e); // Just in case... disallowedItems = new String[] {""}; allowedItems = new String[] {""}; itemSpawnBlacklist = new String[] {""}; motd = new String[] {"Type /help for a list of commands."}; } }