   * Check if the geometry component of this shape node under path intersects with the pickRay.
   * @return true if intersected else false. If return is true, dist contains the closest distance
   *     of intersection.
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>path</code> is invalid.
  boolean intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickShape pickShape, double[] dist) {

    int flags;
    PickInfo pickInfo = new PickInfo();

    Transform3D localToVworld = path.getTransform();
    if (localToVworld == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("Shape3DRetained3"));

    Shape3D shape = (Shape3D) path.getObject();
    // Get the geometries for this shape only, since the compiled
    // geomtryList contains several shapes
    ArrayList glist = (ArrayList) geometryInfo.get(shape.id);

    // System.err.println("Shape3DCompileRetained.intersect() : ");
    if (dist == null) {
      // System.err.println("      no dist request ....");
      return intersect(pickInfo, pickShape, 0, glist);

    flags = PickInfo.CLOSEST_DISTANCE;
    if (intersect(pickInfo, pickShape, flags, glist)) {
      dist[0] = pickInfo.getClosestDistance();
      return true;

    return false;