public static WorksheetEntry fromParser(XmlPullParser parser) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { final int depth = parser.getDepth(); final WorksheetEntry entry = new WorksheetEntry(); String tag = null; int type; while (((type = != END_TAG || parser.getDepth() > depth) && type != END_DOCUMENT) { if (type == START_TAG) { tag = parser.getName(); if (LINK.equals(tag)) { final String rel = parser.getAttributeValue(null, REL); final String href = parser.getAttributeValue(null, HREF); if (REL_LISTFEED.equals(rel)) { entry.mListFeed = href; } } } else if (type == END_TAG) { tag = null; } else if (type == TEXT) { final String text = parser.getText(); if (TITLE.equals(tag)) { entry.mTitle = text; } else if (UPDATED.equals(tag)) { entry.mUpdated = ParserUtils.parseTime(text); } } } return entry; }
/** * Conference config date setup uses {@link ParserUtils#parseTime(String)}, so mocking the output. */ private void setUpParserUtils() { PowerMockito.mockStatic(ParserUtils.class); long conferenceDayDuration = 12 * TimeUtils.HOUR; BDDMockito.given(ParserUtils.parseTime(BuildConfig.CONFERENCE_DAY1_START)).willReturn(0L); BDDMockito.given(ParserUtils.parseTime(BuildConfig.CONFERENCE_DAY1_END)) .willReturn(conferenceDayDuration); BDDMockito.given(ParserUtils.parseTime(BuildConfig.CONFERENCE_DAY2_START)) .willReturn((long) (24 * TimeUtils.HOUR)); BDDMockito.given(ParserUtils.parseTime(BuildConfig.CONFERENCE_DAY2_END)) .willReturn((long) (24 * TimeUtils.HOUR) + conferenceDayDuration); BDDMockito.given(ParserUtils.parseTime(BuildConfig.CONFERENCE_DAY3_START)) .willReturn((long) (2 * 24 * TimeUtils.HOUR)); BDDMockito.given(ParserUtils.parseTime(BuildConfig.CONFERENCE_DAY3_END)) .willReturn((long) (2 * 24 * TimeUtils.HOUR) + conferenceDayDuration); }
/** An assortment of UI helpers. */ public class UIUtils { /** * Time zone to use when formatting all session times. To always use the phone local time, use * {@link TimeZone#getDefault()}. */ // public static final TimeZone CONFERENCE_TIME_ZONE = // TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles"); public static final TimeZone CONFERENCE_TIME_ZONE = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Paris"); public static final long CONFERENCE_START_MILLIS = ParserUtils.parseTime("2014-04-16T09:00:00.000+01:00"); public static final long CONFERENCE_END_MILLIS = ParserUtils.parseTime("2014-04-20T19:00:00.000+01:00"); public static final String CONFERENCE_HTTP_URL = ""; public static final Uri CONFERENCE_URL = Uri.parse(CONFERENCE_HTTP_URL); /** Flags used with {@link DateUtils#formatDateRange}. */ private static final int TIME_FLAGS = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_WEEKDAY; /** {@link StringBuilder} used for formatting time block. */ private static StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder(50); /** {@link Formatter} used for formatting time block. */ private static Formatter sFormatter = new Formatter(sBuilder, Locale.getDefault()); private static StyleSpan sBoldSpan = new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD); private static ImageLoader imageLoader; /** * Format and return the given {@link Blocks} and {@link Rooms} values using {@link * #CONFERENCE_TIME_ZONE}. */ public static Spanned formatSessionSubtitle( long blockStart, long blockEnd, String roomName, Context context) { TimeZone.setDefault(CONFERENCE_TIME_ZONE); // NOTE: There is an efficient version of formatDateRange in Eclair and // beyond that allows you to recycle a StringBuilder. final CharSequence timeString = DateUtils.formatDateRange(context, blockStart, blockEnd, TIME_FLAGS); // can be returned by devoxx api if (roomName == null || roomName == "null") { roomName = "N/A"; } return Html.fromHtml(timeString + " @ <u><b>" + roomName + "</b></u>"); } /** * Populate the given {@link TextView} with the requested text, formatting through {@link * Html#fromHtml(String)} when applicable. Also sets {@link TextView#setMovementMethod} so inline * links are handled. */ public static void setTextMaybeHtml(TextView view, String text) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { view.setText(""); return; } if (text.contains("<") && text.contains(">")) { view.setText(Html.fromHtml(text)); view.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); } else { view.setText(text); } } public static void setSessionTitleColor( long blockStart, long blockEnd, TextView title, TextView subtitle) { long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); int colorId = R.color.body_text_1; int subColorId = R.color.body_text_2; if (currentTimeMillis > blockEnd && currentTimeMillis < CONFERENCE_END_MILLIS) { colorId = subColorId = R.color.body_text_disabled; } final Resources res = title.getResources(); title.setTextColor(res.getColor(colorId)); subtitle.setTextColor(res.getColor(subColorId)); } /** * Given a snippet string with matching segments surrounded by curly braces, turn those areas into * bold spans, removing the curly braces. */ public static Spannable buildStyledSnippet(String snippet) { final SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(snippet); // Walk through string, inserting bold snippet spans int startIndex = -1, endIndex = -1, delta = 0; while ((startIndex = snippet.indexOf('{', endIndex)) != -1) { endIndex = snippet.indexOf('}', startIndex); // Remove braces from both sides builder.delete(startIndex - delta, startIndex - delta + 1); builder.delete(endIndex - delta - 1, endIndex - delta); // Insert bold style builder.setSpan( sBoldSpan, startIndex - delta, endIndex - delta - 1, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); delta += 2; } return builder; } public static String getLastUsedTrackID(Context context) { SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); return sp.getString("last_track_id", null); } public static void setLastUsedTrackID(Context context, String trackID) { SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); sp.edit().putString("last_track_id", trackID).commit(); } private static final int BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLD = 130; /** * Calculate whether a color is light or dark, based on a commonly known brightness formula. * * @see {@literal} */ public static boolean isColorDark(int color) { return ((30 * + 59 * + 11 * / 100) <= BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLD; } public static boolean isHoneycomb() { // Can use static final constants like HONEYCOMB, declared in later versions // of the OS since they are inlined at compile time. This is guaranteed behavior. return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB; } public static boolean isTablet(Context context) { return (context.getResources().getConfiguration().screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK) >= Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE; } public static boolean isHoneycombTablet(Context context) { return isHoneycomb() && isTablet(context); } public static Drawable getIconForIntent(final Context context, Intent i) { PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); List<ResolveInfo> infos = pm.queryIntentActivities(i, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); if (infos.size() > 0) { return infos.get(0).loadIcon(pm); } return null; } public static Class getMapActivityClass(Context context) { if (UIUtils.isHoneycombTablet(context)) { return MapMultiPaneActivity.class; } return MapActivity.class; } public static void displayImageLazily(Context context, String url, ImageView view) { if (imageLoader == null) { imageLoader = new ImageLoader(context); } imageLoader.displayImage(url, view); } }