private void initCameraPanel() { int x = 0, y = 0, my = 0; int tx = x + camera.add(new Label("Camera:"), x, y).sz.x + 5; camera.add( new Dropbox<String>(100, 5, 16) { @Override protected String listitem(int i) { return new LinkedList<>(MapView.camlist()).get(i); } @Override protected int listitems() { return MapView.camlist().size(); } @Override protected void drawitem(GOut g, String item, int i) { g.text(item, Coord.z); } @Override public void change(String item) { super.change(item); MapView.defcam(item); if (ui.gui != null && != null) { =; } } }, tx, y) .sel = MapView.defcam(); y += 35; camera.add(new Label("Brighten view"), x, y); y += 15; camera.add( new HSlider(200, 0, 500, 0) { public void changed() { CFG.CAMERA_BRIGHT.set(val / 1000.0f); if (ui.sess != null && ui.sess.glob != null) { ui.sess.glob.brighten(); } } }, x, y) .val = (int) (1000 * CFG.CAMERA_BRIGHT.get()); y += 25; my = Math.max(my, y); camera.add(new PButton(200, "Back", 27, main), 0, my + 35); camera.pack(); }
private void initRadarPanel() { final WidgetList<RadarCFG.MarkerCheck> markers = new WidgetList<RadarCFG.MarkerCheck>(new Coord(200, 16), 20) { @Override protected void itemclick(RadarCFG.MarkerCheck item, int button) { if (button == 1) { item.set(!item.a); } } }; markers.canselect = false; radar.add(markers, 225, 0); WidgetList<RadarCFG.GroupCheck> groups = radar.add( new WidgetList<RadarCFG.GroupCheck>(new Coord(200, 16), 20) { @Override public void selected(RadarCFG.GroupCheck item) { markers.clear(true); for (RadarCFG.MarkerCFG marker : { markers.additem(new RadarCFG.MarkerCheck(marker)); } } }); for (RadarCFG.Group group : RadarCFG.groups) { groups.additem(new RadarCFG.GroupCheck(group)).hitbox = true; } radar.add( new Button(60, "Save") { @Override public void click() {; } }, 183, + 10); radar.pack(); radar.add(new PButton(200, "Back", 27, main), / 2 - 100, + 35); radar.pack(); }
private void initShortcutsPanel() { WidgetList<KeyBinder.ShortcutWidget> list = shortcuts.add( new WidgetList<KeyBinder.ShortcutWidget>(new Coord(300, 24), 16) { @Override public boolean mousedown(Coord c0, int button) { boolean result = super.mousedown(c0, button); KeyBinder.ShortcutWidget item = itemat(c0); if (item != null) { c0 = c0.add(0, sb.val * itemsz.y); item.mousedown(c0.sub(item.parentpos(this)), button); } return result; } @Override public Object tooltip(Coord c0, Widget prev) { KeyBinder.ShortcutWidget item = itemat(c0); if (item != null) { c0 = c0.add(0, sb.val * itemsz.y); return item.tooltip(c0, prev); } return super.tooltip(c, prev); } }); list.canselect = false; KeyBinder.makeWidgets( () -> { for (int i = 0; i < list.listitems(); i++) { list.listitem(i).update(); } return null; }) .forEach(list::additem); shortcuts.pack(); shortcuts.add( new PButton(200, "Back", 27, main), / 2 - 100, + 35); shortcuts.pack(); }
private void initDisplayPanel() { int x = 0; int y = 0; int my = 0; display.add(new CFGBox("Always show kin names", CFG.DISPLAY_KINNAMES), new Coord(x, y)); y += 25; display.add(new CFGBox("Show flavor objects", CFG.DISPLAY_FLAVOR), new Coord(x, y)); y += 25; display.add( new CFGBox( "Show gob info", CFG.DISPLAY_GOB_INFO, "Enables damage and crop/tree growth stage displaying", true), x, y); y += 25; display.add( new CFGBox("Show timestamps in chat messages", CFG.SHOW_CHAT_TIMESTAMP), new Coord(x, y)); y += 25; display.add( new CFGBox("Undock minimap", CFG.MMAP_FLOAT, null, true) { @Override public void set(boolean a) { super.set(a); if (ui != null && ui.gui != null) { ui.gui.showmmappanel(a); } } }, x, y); y += 25; display.add(new CFGBox("Swap item quality and number", CFG.SWAP_NUM_AND_Q), x, y); y += 25; display.add(new CFGBox("Show item progress as number", CFG.PROGRESS_NUMBER), x, y); y += 25; display.add(new CFGBox("Show biomes on minimap", CFG.MMAP_SHOW_BIOMES), x, y); y += 25; display.add(new CFGBox("Simple crops", CFG.SIMPLE_CROPS, "Requires area reload"), x, y); y += 35; display.add( new CFGBox( "Show object radius", CFG.SHOW_GOB_RADIUS, "Shows radius of mine supports, beehives etc.", true), x, y); y += 25; int w = display.add(new CFGBox("Show gob path", CFG.SHOW_GOB_PATH), x, y).sz.x; display.add( new IButton("gfx/hud/opt", "", "-d", "-h") { @Override public void click() { if (ui.gui != null) { GobPathOptWnd.toggle(ui.gui); } else { GobPathOptWnd.toggle(ui.root); } } }, x + w + 5, y); y += 25; display.add( new Button(120, "Show as buffs") { @Override public void click() { if (ui.gui != null) { ShowBuffsCfgWnd.toggle(ui.gui); } else { ShowBuffsCfgWnd.toggle(ui.root); } } }, x, y); my = Math.max(my, y); x += 250; y = 0; my = Math.max(my, y); int tx = x + display.add(new CFGBox("Show quality as:", CFG.Q_SHOW_SINGLE), x, y).sz.x; display.add(new QualityBox(100, 6, 16, CFG.Q_SINGLE_TYPE), tx + 5, y); y += 25; display.add(new CFGBox("Show on SHIFT:", CFG.Q_SHOW_SHIFT), x, y); display.add(new QualityBox(100, 6, 16, CFG.Q_SHIFT_TYPE), tx + 5, y); y += 25; display.add(new CFGBox("Show on CTRL:", CFG.Q_SHOW_CTRL), x, y); display.add(new QualityBox(100, 6, 16, CFG.Q_CTRL_TYPE), tx + 5, y); y += 25; display.add(new CFGBox("Show on ALT:", CFG.Q_SHOW_ALT), x, y); display.add(new QualityBox(100, 6, 16, CFG.Q_ALT_TYPE), tx + 5, y); y += 35; display.add(new CFGBox("Show item durability", CFG.SHOW_ITEM_DURABILITY), new Coord(x, y)); y += 25; display.add(new CFGBox("Show item wear bar", CFG.SHOW_ITEM_WEAR_BAR), new Coord(x, y)); y += 25; display.add(new CFGBox("Show item armor", CFG.SHOW_ITEM_ARMOR), new Coord(x, y)); y += 25; display.add( new CFGBox("Show hunger meter", CFG.HUNGER_METER) { @Override public void set(boolean a) { super.set(a); if (ui.gui != null && ui.gui.chrwdg != null) { if (a) { ui.gui.addcmeter(new HungerMeter(ui.gui.chrwdg.glut)); } else { ui.gui.delcmeter(HungerMeter.class); } } } }, x, y); y += 25; display.add( new CFGBox("Show FEP meter", CFG.FEP_METER) { @Override public void set(boolean a) { super.set(a); if (ui.gui != null && ui.gui.chrwdg != null) { if (a) { ui.gui.addcmeter(new FEPMeter(ui.gui.chrwdg.feps)); } else { ui.gui.delcmeter(FEPMeter.class); } } } }, x, y); my = Math.max(my, y); display.add(new PButton(200, "Back", 27, main), new Coord(0, my + 35)); display.pack(); }
private void initGeneralPanel() { int x = 0; int y = 0, my = 0; general.add(new CFGBox("Store minimap tiles", CFG.STORE_MAP), x, y); y += 25; general.add( new CFGBox("Store chat logs", CFG.STORE_CHAT_LOGS, "Logs are stored in 'chats' folder"), new Coord(x, y)); y += 25; general.add( new CFGBox( "Single item CTRL choose", CFG.MENU_SINGLE_CTRL_CLICK, "If checked, will automatically select single item menus if CTRL is pressed when menu is opened."), x, y); y += 35; general.add( new Button(120, "Toggle at login") { @Override public void click() { if (ui.gui != null) { LoginTogglesCfgWnd.toggle(ui.gui); } else { LoginTogglesCfgWnd.toggle(ui.root); } } }, x, y); my = Math.max(my, y); x += 250; y = 0; general.add(new Label("Choose menu items to select automatically:"), x, y); y += 15; final FlowerList list = general.add(new FlowerList(), x, y); y += + 5; final TextEntry value = general.add( new TextEntry(150, "") { @Override public void activate(String text) { list.add(text); settext(""); } }, x, y); general.add( new Button(45, "Add") { @Override public void click() { list.add(value.text); value.settext(""); } }, x + 155, y - 2); my = Math.max(my, y); general.add(new PButton(200, "Back", 27, main), 0, my + 35); general.pack(); }
public OptWnd(boolean gopts) { super(Coord.z, "Options", true); main = add(new Panel()); video = add(new VideoPanel(main)); audio = add(new Panel()); display = add(new Panel()); general = add(new Panel()); camera = add(new Panel()); radar = add(new Panel()); shortcuts = add(new Panel()); int y; addPanelButton("Video settings", 'v', video, 0, 0); addPanelButton("Audio settings", 'a', audio, 0, 1); addPanelButton("Camera settings", 'c', camera, 0, 2); addPanelButton("General settings", 'g', general, 1, 0); addPanelButton("Display settings", 'd', display, 1, 1); addPanelButton("Radar settings", 'r', radar, 1, 2); addPanelButton("Shortcut settings", 's', shortcuts, 1, 3); if (gopts) { main.add( new Button(200, "Switch character") { public void click() { getparent(GameUI.class).act("lo", "cs"); } }, new Coord(0, 120)); main.add( new Button(200, "Log out") { public void click() { getparent(GameUI.class).act("lo"); } }, new Coord(0, 150)); } main.add( new Button(200, "Close") { public void click() { OptWnd.this.hide(); } }, new Coord(0, 180)); y = 0; audio.add(new Label("Master audio volume"), new Coord(0, y)); y += 15; audio.add( new HSlider(200, 0, 1000, (int) (Audio.volume * 1000)) { public void changed() { Audio.setvolume(val / 1000.0); } }, new Coord(0, y)); y += 30; audio.add(new Label("In-game event volume"), new Coord(0, y)); y += 15; audio.add( new HSlider(200, 0, 1000, 0) { protected void attach(UI ui) { super.attach(ui); val = (int) ( * 1000); } public void changed() { / 1000.0); } }, new Coord(0, y)); y += 20; audio.add(new Label("Ambient volume"), new Coord(0, y)); y += 15; audio.add( new HSlider(200, 0, 1000, 0) { protected void attach(UI ui) { super.attach(ui); val = (int) ( * 1000); } public void changed() { / 1000.0); } }, new Coord(0, y)); y += 35; audio.add(new PButton(200, "Back", 27, main), new Coord(0, y)); audio.pack(); initDisplayPanel(); initGeneralPanel(); initRadarPanel(); initCameraPanel(); main.pack(); chpanel(main); }