/** * The {@link TexturePolygon} is drawn first. * * @param batch batch for drawing. * @return this for chaining. */ public PPCircle draw(PrettyPolygonBatch batch) { if (verticesMustBeUpdated) { updateVertices(); verticesMustBeUpdated = false; } basic.draw(batch); return this; }
@Override public PPCircle setTexturePolygon(TexturePolygon texturePolygon) { basic.setTexturePolygon(texturePolygon); return this; }
@Override public PPCircle setPhysicsThing(Thing physicsThing) { basic.setPhysicsThing(physicsThing); return this; }
/** * Set the opacity of the {@link OutlinePolygon}'s and the {@link TexturePolygon}. * * @param opacity the painting opacity. * @return this for chaining. */ public PPCircle setOpacity(float opacity) { basic.setOpacity(opacity); return this; }
/** * Set the visibility of the {@link OutlinePolygon}'s and the {@link TexturePolygon}. * * @param visible whether to draw the polygons. * @return this for chaining. */ public PPCircle setVisible(boolean visible) { basic.setVisible(visible); return this; }
/** * Set the scale of the {@link OutlinePolygon}'s and the {@link TexturePolygon}. * * @param scale the painting scale. * @return this for chaining. */ public PPCircle setScale(float scale) { basic.setScale(scale); return this; }
/** * Set the angle of the painting polygons and the physics thing if it has a body. * * @param radians angle in radians. * @return this for chaining. */ public PPCircle setAngle(float radians) { basic.setAngle(radians); return this; }
@Override public PPWithBody setPosition(Vector2 position) { basic.setPosition(position.x, position.y); return this; }
/** * Set the position of the painting polygons and the physics thing if it has a body. * * @param x coordinate. * @param y coordinate. * @return this for chaining. */ public PPCircle setPosition(float x, float y) { basic.setPosition(x, y); return this; }
@Override public PPCircle setUserData(Object userData) { basic.userData = userData; return this; }