public static final Status execute(final NewLiferayPluginProjectOp op, final ProgressMonitor pm) {
    final IProgressMonitor monitor = ProgressMonitorBridge.create(pm);

        "Creating Liferay plugin project (this process may take several minutes)",
        100); //$NON-NLS-1$

    Status retval = null;

    try {
      final NewLiferayProjectProvider<NewLiferayPluginProjectOp> projectProvider =

      // IDE-1306  If the user types too quickly all the model changes may not have propagated
      final Path projectLocation = op.getLocation().content();
      updateLocation(op, projectLocation);

      final IStatus status = projectProvider.createNewProject(op, monitor);

      if (status.isOK()) {


      retval = StatusBridge.create(status);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      final String msg = "Error creating Liferay plugin project."; // $NON-NLS-1$
      ProjectCore.logError(msg, e);

      return Status.createErrorStatus(msg + " Please see Eclipse error log for more details.", e);

    return retval;
  public static Set<String> getPossibleProfileIds(
      NewLiferayPluginProjectOp op, boolean includeNewProfiles) {
    final String activeProfilesValue = op.getActiveProfilesValue().content();

    final Path currentLocation = op.getLocation().content();

    final File param = currentLocation != null ? currentLocation.toFile() : null;

    final List<String> systemProfileIds =
        op.getProjectProvider().content().getData("profileIds", String.class, param);

    final ElementList<NewLiferayProfile> newLiferayProfiles = op.getNewLiferayProfiles();

    final Set<String> possibleProfileIds = new HashSet<String>();

    if (!CoreUtil.isNullOrEmpty(activeProfilesValue)) {
      final String[] vals = activeProfilesValue.split(",");

      if (!CoreUtil.isNullOrEmpty(vals)) {
        for (String val : vals) {
          if (!possibleProfileIds.contains(val) && !val.contains(StringPool.SPACE)) {

    if (!CoreUtil.isNullOrEmpty(systemProfileIds)) {
      for (Object systemProfileId : systemProfileIds) {
        if (systemProfileId != null) {
          final String val = systemProfileId.toString();

          if (!possibleProfileIds.contains(val) && !val.contains(StringPool.SPACE)) {

    if (includeNewProfiles) {
      for (NewLiferayProfile newLiferayProfile : newLiferayProfiles) {
        final String newId = newLiferayProfile.getId().content();

        if ((!CoreUtil.isNullOrEmpty(newId))
            && (!possibleProfileIds.contains(newId))
            && (!newId.contains(StringPool.SPACE))) {

    return possibleProfileIds;