public static void main(String[] args) { File column = new File(args[0]); try { // how many different dbs are present LinkedHashMap dbs = new LinkedHashMap(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(column)); String line; int index = 0; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (line.trim().length() == 0) continue; String[] tokens = line.split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i += 2) { if (dbs.containsKey(tokens[i]) == false) { dbs.put(tokens[i], new Integer(index++)); } } } in.close(); // print header Iterator it = dbs.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String c = (String); System.out.print("Reporter BioSequence DatabaseEntry [" + c + "]\t"); } System.out.println(); // print lines in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(column)); int numColumns = dbs.size(); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (line.trim().length() == 0) { System.out.println(); } else { String[] columns = new String[numColumns]; String[] tokens = line.split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i += 2) { // System.out.println(line+"Tok"+tokens[i]); int columnIndex = ((Integer) dbs.get(tokens[i])).intValue(); if (columns[columnIndex] == null) columns[columnIndex] = tokens[i + 1]; else columns[columnIndex] = columns[columnIndex] + ";" + tokens[i + 1]; } // print it for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) { if (columns[i] == null) columns[i] = ""; } System.out.println(Misc.stringArrayToString(columns, "\t")); } } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void executePipelineJob() { String[] cmd = null; try { // write out tempTemplate File template = new File(outputDirectory, "pipelineTemplate.xml"); if (IO.writeString(xmlTemplate, template) == false) Misc.printErrAndExit("Problem writing -> " + template); // build and execute cmd cmd = new String[] { "java", "-jar", "-Xmx2G", pJar.getCanonicalPath(), "-props", completePipelinePropFile.getCanonicalPath(), template.getCanonicalPath() }; String stringCmd = Misc.stringArrayToString(cmd, " "); System.out.println("\nExecuting:\n" + stringCmd); System.out.println("\nPipelineOutput:"); String[] out = IO.executeViaProcessBuilder(cmd, true); // check output for possible errors for (String line : out) { String lcLine = line.toLowerCase(); // watch out for cases where error is mentioned in a warning output line. if (lcLine.contains("error") && lcLine.startsWith("warning") == false) Misc.printErrAndExit( "\n\nERROR found in Pipeline.jar output, see above. Aborting!\n" + line); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Misc.printErrAndExit("ERROR: executing " + Misc.stringArrayToString(cmd, " ")); } }
/** This method will process each argument and assign new variables */ public void processArgs(String[] args) { Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("-[a-z]"); System.out.println( "\n" + IO.fetchUSeqVersion() + " Arguments: " + Misc.stringArrayToString(args, " ") + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String lcArg = args[i].toLowerCase(); Matcher mat = pat.matcher(lcArg); if (mat.matches()) { char test = args[i].charAt(1); try { switch (test) { case 'o': jobId = args[++i]; break; case 's': sampleId = args[++i]; break; case 'm': submitter = args[++i]; break; case 'y': analysisType = args[++i]; break; case 'w': webRootForLinks = new File(args[++i]); break; case 'e': snpEffGenome = args[++i]; break; case 'i': minimumReadDepth = args[++i]; break; case 't': threads = args[++i]; break; case 'l': uploadVarsToNGSWeb = true; break; case 'j': pJar = new File(args[++i]); break; case 'p': truncPipePropFile = new File(args[++i]); break; case 'q': bedForCoverageQC = new File(args[++i]); break; case 'b': bedForVarCalling = new File(args[++i]); break; case 'r': fastaReference = new File(args[++i]); break; case 'u': unfilteredBam = new File(args[++i]); break; case 'f': finalBam = new File(args[++i]); break; case 'v': finalVcf = new File(args[++i]); break; case 'd': outputDirectory = new File(args[++i]); break; case 'c': referenceDir = new File(args[++i]); break; case 'h': printDocs(); System.exit(0); default: Misc.printErrAndExit("\nProblem, unknown option! " +; } } catch (Exception e) { Misc.printErrAndExit( "\nSorry, something doesn't look right with this parameter: -" + test + "\n"); } } } // check output dir and if needed set sampleId if (outputDirectory != null) { outputDirectory.mkdirs(); if (sampleId.length() == 0) sampleId = outputDirectory.getName(); } // check root directory if needed if (webRootForLinks != null) { if (webRootForLinks.exists() == false) webRootForLinks.mkdirs(); // links dir? File links = new File(webRootForLinks, "links"); if (links.exists() == false) links.mkdirs(); } // look for required fields and files checkPrintFields(); checkPrintFiles(); checkForGzippedVcf(); }