Esempio n. 1
  * Visits the current state of the local variables and operand stack elements. This method must(*)
  * be called <i>just before</i> any instruction <b>i</b> that follows an unconditional branch
  * instruction such as GOTO or THROW, that is the target of a jump instruction, or that starts an
  * exception handler block. The visited types must describe the values of the local variables and
  * of the operand stack elements <i>just before</i> <b>i</b> is executed.<br>
  * <br>
  * (*) this is mandatory only for classes whose version is greater than or equal to {@link
  * Opcodes#V1_6 V1_6}. <br>
  * <br>
  * The frames of a method must be given either in expanded form, or in compressed form (all frames
  * must use the same format, i.e. you must not mix expanded and compressed frames within a single
  * method):
  * <ul>
  *   <li>In expanded form, all frames must have the F_NEW type.
  *   <li>In compressed form, frames are basically "deltas" from the state of the previous frame:
  *       <ul>
  *         <li>{@link Opcodes#F_SAME} representing frame with exactly the same locals as the
  *             previous frame and with the empty stack.
  *         <li>{@link Opcodes#F_SAME1} representing frame with exactly the same locals as the
  *             previous frame and with single value on the stack ( <code>nStack</code> is 1 and
  *             <code>stack[0]</code> contains value for the type of the stack item).
  *         <li>{@link Opcodes#F_APPEND} representing frame with current locals are the same as the
  *             locals in the previous frame, except that additional locals are defined (<code>
  *             nLocal</code> is 1, 2 or 3 and <code>local</code> elements contains values
  *             representing added types).
  *         <li>{@link Opcodes#F_CHOP} representing frame with current locals are the same as the
  *             locals in the previous frame, except that the last 1-3 locals are absent and with
  *             the empty stack (<code>nLocals</code> is 1, 2 or 3).
  *         <li>{@link Opcodes#F_FULL} representing complete frame data.
  *       </ul>
  * </ul>
  * <br>
  * In both cases the first frame, corresponding to the method's parameters and access flags, is
  * implicit and must not be visited. Also, it is illegal to visit two or more frames for the same
  * code location (i.e., at least one instruction must be visited between two calls to visitFrame).
  * @param type the type of this stack map frame. Must be {@link Opcodes#F_NEW} for expanded
  *     frames, or {@link Opcodes#F_FULL}, {@link Opcodes#F_APPEND}, {@link Opcodes#F_CHOP}, {@link
  *     Opcodes#F_SAME} or {@link Opcodes#F_APPEND}, {@link Opcodes#F_SAME1} for compressed frames.
  * @param nLocal the number of local variables in the visited frame.
  * @param local the local variable types in this frame. This array must not be modified. Primitive
  *     types are represented by {@link Opcodes#TOP}, {@link Opcodes#INTEGER}, {@link
  *     Opcodes#FLOAT}, {@link Opcodes#LONG}, {@link Opcodes#DOUBLE},{@link Opcodes#NULL} or {@link
  *     Opcodes#UNINITIALIZED_THIS} (long and double are represented by a single element).
  *     Reference types are represented by String objects (representing internal names), and
  *     uninitialized types by Label objects (this label designates the NEW instruction that
  *     created this uninitialized value).
  * @param nStack the number of operand stack elements in the visited frame.
  * @param stack the operand stack types in this frame. This array must not be modified. Its
  *     content has the same format as the "local" array.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if a frame is visited just after another one, without any
  *     instruction between the two (unless this frame is a Opcodes#F_SAME frame, in which case it
  *     is silently ignored).
 public void visitFrame(int type, int nLocal, Object[] local, int nStack, Object[] stack) {
   if (mv != null) {
     mv.visitFrame(type, nLocal, local, nStack, stack);