Esempio n. 1
   * Facilitates the creation of simple "function objects" that implement one or more interfaces by
   * delegation to a provided {@link MethodHandle}, after appropriate type adaptation and partial
   * evaluation of arguments. Typically used as a <em>bootstrap method</em> for {@code
   * invokedynamic} call sites, to support the <em>lambda expression</em> and <em>method reference
   * expression</em> features of the Java Programming Language.
   * <p>This is the general, more flexible metafactory; a streamlined version is provided by {@link
   * #altMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup, String, MethodType, Object...)}. A general description of
   * the behavior of this method is provided {@link LambdaMetafactory above}.
   * <p>The argument list for this method includes three fixed parameters, corresponding to the
   * parameters automatically stacked by the VM for the bootstrap method in an {@code invokedynamic}
   * invocation, and an {@code Object[]} parameter that contains additional parameters. The declared
   * argument list for this method is:
   * <pre>{@code
   * CallSite altMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
   *                         String invokedName,
   *                         MethodType invokedType,
   *                         Object... args)
   * }</pre>
   * <p>but it behaves as if the argument list is as follows:
   * <pre>{@code
   * CallSite altMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
   *                         String invokedName,
   *                         MethodType invokedType,
   *                         MethodType samMethodType,
   *                         MethodHandle implMethod,
   *                         MethodType instantiatedMethodType,
   *                         int flags,
   *                         int markerInterfaceCount,  // IF flags has MARKERS set
   *                         Class... markerInterfaces, // IF flags has MARKERS set
   *                         int bridgeCount,           // IF flags has BRIDGES set
   *                         MethodType... bridges      // IF flags has BRIDGES set
   *                         )
   * }</pre>
   * <p>Arguments that appear in the argument list for {@link #metafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup,
   * String, MethodType, MethodType, MethodHandle, MethodType)} have the same specification as in
   * that method. The additional arguments are interpreted as follows:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>{@code flags} indicates additional options; this is a bitwise OR of desired flags.
   *       Defined flags are {@link #FLAG_BRIDGES}, {@link #FLAG_MARKERS}, and {@link
   *   <li>{@code markerInterfaceCount} is the number of additional interfaces the function object
   *       should implement, and is present if and only if the {@code FLAG_MARKERS} flag is set.
   *   <li>{@code markerInterfaces} is a variable-length list of additional interfaces to implement,
   *       whose length equals {@code markerInterfaceCount}, and is present if and only if the
   *       {@code FLAG_MARKERS} flag is set.
   *   <li>{@code bridgeCount} is the number of additional method signatures the function object
   *       should implement, and is present if and only if the {@code FLAG_BRIDGES} flag is set.
   *   <li>{@code bridges} is a variable-length list of additional methods signatures to implement,
   *       whose length equals {@code bridgeCount}, and is present if and only if the {@code
   *       FLAG_BRIDGES} flag is set.
   * </ul>
   * <p>Each class named by {@code markerInterfaces} is subject to the same restrictions as {@code
   * Rd}, the return type of {@code invokedType}, as described {@link LambdaMetafactory above}. Each
   * {@code MethodType} named by {@code bridges} is subject to the same restrictions as {@code
   * samMethodType}, as described {@link LambdaMetafactory above}.
   * <p>When FLAG_SERIALIZABLE is set in {@code flags}, the function objects will implement {@code
   * Serializable}, and will have a {@code writeReplace} method that returns an appropriate {@link
   * SerializedLambda}. The {@code caller} class must have an appropriate {@code
   * $deserializeLambda$} method, as described in {@link SerializedLambda}.
   * <p>When the target of the {@code CallSite} returned from this method is invoked, the resulting
   * function objects are instances of a class with the following properties:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>The class implements the interface named by the return type of {@code invokedType} and
   *       any interfaces named by {@code markerInterfaces}
   *   <li>The class declares methods with the name given by {@code invokedName}, and the signature
   *       given by {@code samMethodType} and additional signatures given by {@code bridges}
   *   <li>The class may override methods from {@code Object}, and may implement methods related to
   *       serialization.
   * </ul>
   * @param caller Represents a lookup context with the accessibility privileges of the caller. When
   *     used with {@code invokedynamic}, this is stacked automatically by the VM.
   * @param invokedName The name of the method to implement. When used with {@code invokedynamic},
   *     this is provided by the {@code NameAndType} of the {@code InvokeDynamic} structure and is
   *     stacked automatically by the VM.
   * @param invokedType The expected signature of the {@code CallSite}. The parameter types
   *     represent the types of capture variables; the return type is the interface to implement.
   *     When used with {@code invokedynamic}, this is provided by the {@code NameAndType} of the
   *     {@code InvokeDynamic} structure and is stacked automatically by the VM. In the event that
   *     the implementation method is an instance method and this signature has any parameters, the
   *     first parameter in the invocation signature must correspond to the receiver.
   * @param args An {@code Object[]} array containing the required arguments {@code samMethodType},
   *     {@code implMethod}, {@code instantiatedMethodType}, {@code flags}, and any optional
   *     arguments, as described {@link #altMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup, String, MethodType,
   *     Object...)} above}
   * @return a CallSite whose target can be used to perform capture, generating instances of the
   *     interface named by {@code invokedType}
   * @throws LambdaConversionException If any of the linkage invariants described {@link
   *     LambdaMetafactory above} are violated
  public static CallSite altMetafactory(
      MethodHandles.Lookup caller, String invokedName, MethodType invokedType, Object... args)
      throws LambdaConversionException {
    MethodType samMethodType = (MethodType) args[0];
    MethodHandle implMethod = (MethodHandle) args[1];
    MethodType instantiatedMethodType = (MethodType) args[2];
    int flags = (Integer) args[3];
    Class<?>[] markerInterfaces;
    MethodType[] bridges;
    int argIndex = 4;
    if ((flags & FLAG_MARKERS) != 0) {
      int markerCount = (Integer) args[argIndex++];
      markerInterfaces = new Class<?>[markerCount];
      System.arraycopy(args, argIndex, markerInterfaces, 0, markerCount);
      argIndex += markerCount;
    } else markerInterfaces = EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    if ((flags & FLAG_BRIDGES) != 0) {
      int bridgeCount = (Integer) args[argIndex++];
      bridges = new MethodType[bridgeCount];
      System.arraycopy(args, argIndex, bridges, 0, bridgeCount);
      argIndex += bridgeCount;
    } else bridges = EMPTY_MT_ARRAY;

    boolean isSerializable = ((flags & FLAG_SERIALIZABLE) != 0);
    if (isSerializable) {
      boolean foundSerializableSupertype =
      for (Class<?> c : markerInterfaces)
        foundSerializableSupertype |= Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(c);
      if (!foundSerializableSupertype) {
        markerInterfaces = Arrays.copyOf(markerInterfaces, markerInterfaces.length + 1);
        markerInterfaces[markerInterfaces.length - 1] = Serializable.class;

    AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory mf =
        new InnerClassLambdaMetafactory(
    return mf.buildCallSite();
  private static String postData(
      MethodType method, String openfireUrl, Map<String, String> params) {
    try {
      StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
      for (String s : params.keySet()) {
        String tmp =
            URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(params.get(s), "UTF-8") + "&";
      // ADD METHOD
      String methodStr =
          URLEncoder.encode("type", "UTF-8")
              + "="
              + URLEncoder.encode(method.toString().toLowerCase(), "UTF-8");

      // Send data
      URL url = new URL(openfireUrl);
      URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
      OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());

      // Get the response
      BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      String line;
      while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {

      return sb.toString();

    } catch (Exception e) {

    return "";
Esempio n. 3
 public MethodTypeWrapper GetMethod(String method) throws TypingRuleException {
   MethodTypeWrapper resultMethod;
   if (!(fatherScope instanceof ClassScope)) {
     throw new Error("Internal error, method scope cann't be nested not in class scope");
   ClassScope classScope = (ClassScope) fatherScope;
   // if (classScope.getStaticMethodScopes().containsKey(method))
   // {
   // return classScope.getStaticMethodScopes().get(method);
   // }
   resultMethod = classScope.getStaticMethod(method);
   if (resultMethod != null) return resultMethod;
   resultMethod = classScope.getVirtualMethod(method);
   if (resultMethod != null) {
     if (methodType.equals(MethodType.Static)) {
       throw new TypingRuleException(
           "Calling a local virtual method from inside a static method is not allowed", -1);
     return resultMethod;
   return fatherScope.GetMethod(method);
Esempio n. 4
  public Type GetVariable(String name) {

    // search parameters
    Type resultType = parameters.get(name);
    // search local vars
    if (resultType == null) {
      resultType = super.GetVariable(name);

    if (resultType == null) {
      // search fields
      Scope currentScope = fatherScope;
      while (!(currentScope instanceof ClassScope)) currentScope = fatherScope;
      ClassScope classScope = (ClassScope) currentScope;
      resultType = classScope.getField(name);
      if (resultType != null && methodType.equals(MethodType.Static)) {
        throw new TypingRuleException("Use of field inside a static method is not allowed", -1);
      // while (currentScope instanceof ClassScope) {
      // ClassScope classScope = (ClassScope) currentScope;
      // if (classScope.getFields().containsKey(name)) {
      // if (methodType.equals(MethodType.Static)) {
      // throw new TypingRuleException(
      // "Use of field inside a static method is not allowed",
      // -1);
      // }
      // if (methodType.equals(MethodType.Virtual)) {
      // resultType = classScope.getFields().get(name);
      // }
      // }
      // currentScope = currentScope.fatherScope;

    return resultType;
Esempio n. 5
 public int hashCode() {
   int result = invocationType != null ? invocationType.hashCode() : 0;
   result = 31 * result + (methodType != null ? methodType.hashCode() : 0);
   return result;