Esempio n. 1
 public File getFile() {
   if (_torrent.isComplete()) {
     return _torrent.getMetaInfo().getFileSystem().getCompleteFile();
   } else {
     return _torrent.getMetaInfo().getFileSystem().getIncompleteFile();
   * Stop this download. Calls stop() on the ManagedTorrent, and then removes it from the
   * TorrentManager's list of them.
  public void stop() {

    // Tell the ManagedTorrent to stop
    if (!_torrent.hasStopped()) _torrent.stop();

    // Remove it from the program's list
    RouterService.getTorrentManager().removeTorrent(_torrent, true);
Esempio n. 3
 public boolean isInactive() {
   switch (_torrent.getState()) {
     case PAUSED:
     case STOPPED:
       return true;
   return false;
   * Get the number of hosts we are remotely queued on. For BitTorrent, these are remote computers
   * we're connected to for this torrent, but that are choking us.
   * @param The number of connections we have but are witholding data from us
  public int getQueuedHostCount() {

    // Loop through the ManagedTorrent object's list of BTConnection objects
    int qd = 0;
    for (Iterator iter = _torrent.getConnections().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      BTConnection c = (BTConnection);

      // If this remote computer is choking us, count it
      if (c.isChoking()) qd++;

    // Return the count
    return qd;
   * Get a list of the IP addresses of the remote computers we're connected to in order to get this
   * torrent.
   * @return An Iterator you can move down a list of Endpoint objects
  public Iterator getHosts() {

    // Make an empty HashSet we'll fill with Endpoint objects and return
    Set ret = new HashSet();

    // Loop for each BTConnection in the ManagedTorrent's list of them
    for (Iterator iter = _torrent.getConnections().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      BTConnection btc = (BTConnection);

      // If we're not choking this connection right now, add it's IP address to our list
      if (!btc.isChoking()) ret.add(btc.getEndpoint());

    // Return the HashSet of Endpoint objects with the addresses
    return ret.iterator();
Esempio n. 6
  public void handleTorrentEvent(TorrentEvent evt) {
    if (evt.getTorrent() != _torrent) return;

    switch (evt.getType()) {
      case STARTED:
      case STOP_APPROVED:
      case STOPPED:

        // the below don't need any special handling...
      case COMPLETE:
      case STARTING:
      case STOP_REQUESTED:
        // handled in TorrentDHTManager
Esempio n. 7
  public UploadStatus getState() {

    if (_torrent.getState() == TorrentState.STOPPED) {
      return UploadStatus.CANCELLED;

    if (!_torrent.isActive()) {
      if (_torrent.isComplete() && _torrent.getRatio() > 1) {
        return UploadStatus.COMPLETE;
      return UploadStatus.INTERRUPTED;

    if (_torrent.isUploading()) return UploadStatus.UPLOADING;

    if (_torrent.isSuspended()) return UploadStatus.SUSPENDED;

    // neither uploading, nor suspended..
    return UploadStatus.WAITING_REQUESTS;
   * Determine what state this BitTorrent download is in right now.
   * @return The int code for the state
  public int getState() {

    // Ask the ManagedTorrent object
    return _torrent.getState();
   * Get the start of the file that we can preview play for the user. BitTorrent downloads don't
   * happen from the start, so we can't do this. Returns null if the file isn't done yet, and the
   * whole file if it is.
   * @return null if the torrent is still downloading. A Java File object with the path to the saved
   *     file.
  public File getDownloadFragment() {

    // Return null until we have the entire torrent
    if (!_torrent.isComplete()) return null;
    return getFile();
Esempio n. 10
 public void measureBandwidth() {
Esempio n. 11
 public float getMeasuredBandwidth() throws InsufficientDataException {
   if (!_torrent.isActive()) return 0.f;
   return _torrent.getMeasuredBandwidth(false);
   * Find out how many remote computers don't have any information that we need. Loops through our
   * connections for this torrent, counting those that are not interesting to us.
   * @return The number of connections we have open, but aren't using
  public int getBusyHostCount() {

    // Have the ManagedTorrent count our connections that have no data we need
    return _torrent.getNumBusyPeers();
   * Find out how many computers we're connected to in order to get this torrent.
   * @return The number of connections we have for this torrent
  public int getNumberOfAlternateLocations() {

    // Count our connections
    return _torrent.getNumAltLocs();
  /** Pause this download. Calls pause() on the ManagedTorrent. */
  public void pause() {

    // Have the ManagedTorrent do it
Esempio n. 15
 public long getTotalAmountUploaded() {
   return _torrent.getTotalUploaded();
   * Find out how many remote computers we have open connections to sharing this torrent through.
   * @return The number of connections we have
  public int getNumHosts() {

    // Ask the ManagedTorrent that made us, and represents this torrent
    return _torrent.getNumConnections();
   * Get the path of this BitTorrent download. While we're still getting the torrent, returns a path
   * like "C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Incomplete\File Name.ext". After it's done, returns a
   * path like "C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Shared\File Name.ext".
   * @return A Java File object with the path
  public File getFile() {

    // Return the path in the "Saved" or "Incomplete" folder
    if (_torrent.isComplete()) return _info.getCompleteFile();
    return _info.getBaseFile();
   * Get the torrent's info hash as a text URN, like "urn:sha1:JAZSGOLT6UP4I5N5KGJRZPSF6RZCEJKQ".
   * The info hash is the SHA1 hash of the "info" section of the bencoded data of the .torrent file.
   * @return A String like "urn:sha1:JAZSGOLT6UP4I5N5KGJRZPSF6RZCEJKQ"
  public URN getSHA1Urn() {

    // Get it from the BTMetaInfo object
    return _torrent.getMetaInfo().getURN();
   * Determine if this BitTorrent download is finished yet.
   * @return true if it's done, false if not
  public boolean isCompleted() {

    // Ask the ManagedTorrent object
    return _torrent.isComplete();
   * Find out how many addresses we tried to connect to and we're unable to connect to while making
   * connections to get this torrent.
   * @return The number of addresses we couldn't connect to
  public int getNumberOfInvalidAlternateLocations() {

    // Count the number of Endpoint objects the ManagedTorrent placed in its _badPeers list
    return _torrent.getNumBadPeers();
Esempio n. 21
 public URN getUrn() {
   return _torrent.getMetaInfo().getURN();
   * Determine if this BitTorrent download is paused. Asks the ManagedTorrent object.
   * @return True if the download is paused
  public boolean isPaused() {

    // Ask the ManagedTorrent object
    return _torrent.isPaused();
Esempio n. 23
 public int getNumUploadConnections() {
   return _torrent.getNumUploadPeers();
   * Determine if this BitTorrent download is paused or stopped.
   * @return True if the ManagedTorrent is paused or has stopped. False if it's going.
  public boolean isInactive() {

    // Return true if the ManagedTorrent is paused or stopped
    return _torrent.isPaused() || _torrent.hasStopped();
  /** Resume downloading this torrent. Has the ManagedTorrent object do it. */
  public boolean resume() {

    // Have the ManagedTorrent object do it
    return _torrent.resume();
   * Find out how many more addresses we have of remote computers that have this torrent.
   * @return The number of addressess we could connect to
  public int getPossibleHostCount() {

    // Get the number of addresses in the ManagedTorrent object's _peers list
    return _torrent.getNumPeers();