Esempio n. 1
   * Create geometry for vertices.
   * @param offset Should we offset vertically
   * @param offsetField A full SFVec3f that we only use the height off for offset
  private X3DNode[] createVertexGeom(
      X3DExecutionContext mainScene,
      X3DNode appearance,
      MFInt32 geomIndicesField,
      MFNode geometryField,
      MFVec3f sizeField,
      MFVec3f startField,
      MFVec3f endField,
      boolean offset,
      MFVec3f offsetField,
      int shapesToCreate,
      int verticesPerShape) {

    // System.out.println("**** Creating vertex geom: " + geomIndicesField.getSize() + "
    // shapesToCreate: " + shapesToCreate + " verticesPerShape: " + verticesPerShape);
    int coord_size = 0;
    int index_size = 0;
    int texCoord_size = 0;
    int normal_size = 0;
    int num = 0;
    X3DNode[] ret_val = new X3DNode[shapesToCreate];
    int shape_idx = 0;

    // System.out.println("Vertex Geoms to add: " + shapesToCreate);
    for (int n = 0; n < shapesToCreate; n++) {
      coord_size = 0;
      index_size = 0;
      texCoord_size = 0;
      normal_size = 0;

      int numVerticesInShape = verticesPerShape;

      if (n == shapesToCreate - 1) {

      // System.out.println("NumVertices in Shape: " + numVerticesInShape);
      for (int i = 0; i < numVerticesInShape; i++) {
        int idx = geomIndicesField.get1Value(i);

        if (idx > geometryField.getSize() - 1) {
          System.out.println("Invalid geometry index for vertex");

        X3DNode geom_node = geometryField.get1Value(idx);

        MField coord_field = (MField) geom_node.getField("coord");
        coord_size += coord_field.getSize() * 3;

        MField index_field = (MField) geom_node.getField("index");
        index_size += index_field.getSize();

        MField texCoord_field = (MField) geom_node.getField("texCoord");
        texCoord_size += texCoord_field.getSize() * 2;

        MField normal_field = (MField) geom_node.getField("normal");
        normal_size += texCoord_field.getSize() * 3;
      // System.out.println("Coord size: " + coord_size);

      // System.out.println("Handling vertex shape: " + n);
      //            int[] index = new int[index_size / shapesToCreate];
      //            float[] point = new float[coord_size / shapesToCreate];
      //            float[] tc = new float[texCoord_size / shapesToCreate];

      int[] index = new int[index_size];
      float[] point = new float[coord_size];
      float[] tc = new float[texCoord_size];
      int iidx = 0;
      int pidx = 0;
      int tidx = 0;

      iidx = 0;
      pidx = 0;
      tidx = 0;

      // Post Shape
      X3DNode shape = mainScene.createNode("Shape");
      SFNode shape_appearance = (SFNode) (shape.getField("appearance"));

      SFNode shape_geometry = (SFNode) (shape.getField("geometry"));
      X3DNode its = mainScene.createNode("IndexedTriangleSet");
      // SFBool its_solid = (SFBool) its.getField("solid");
      // its_solid.setValue(false);

      X3DNode coord = mainScene.createNode("Coordinate");
      SFNode its_coord = (SFNode) (its.getField("coord"));
      MFVec3f point_field = (MFVec3f) coord.getField("point");
      X3DNode normal = mainScene.createNode("Normal");
      SFNode its_normal = (SFNode) (its.getField("normal"));
      MFVec3f vector_field = (MFVec3f) normal.getField("vector");
      X3DNode texcoord = mainScene.createNode("TextureCoordinate");
      SFNode its_texcoord = (SFNode) (its.getField("texCoord"));
      MFVec2f tcpoint_field = (MFVec2f) texcoord.getField("point");
      MFInt32 its_index = (MFInt32) (its.getField("index"));

      float[] size = new float[3];
      int[] indexes = null;
      float[] coords = null;
      float[] texCoords = null;
      float[] normals = null;
      int currPost = -1;
      int post;
      int lastIdx = 0;
      float[] start = new float[3];
      float[] end = new float[3];
      float[] tmp = new float[3];

      // System.out.println("Vertices to add: " + verticesPerShape);
      // Handle all but the end vertices
      for (int i = 0; i < verticesPerShape; i++) {
        post = geomIndicesField.get1Value(num);

        // System.out.println("Getting start: " + num);
        startField.get1Value(num, start);
        // System.out.println("translate post: " + java.util.Arrays.toString(start));
        if (post != currPost) {
          X3DNode geom_node = geometryField.get1Value(post);

          MFVec3f coord_field = (MFVec3f) geom_node.getField("coord");
          MFInt32 index_field = (MFInt32) geom_node.getField("index");
          MFVec2f texCoord_field = (MFVec2f) geom_node.getField("texCoord");
          MFVec3f normal_field = (MFVec3f) geom_node.getField("normal");

          indexes = new int[index_field.getSize()];

          coords = new float[coord_field.getSize() * 3];
          // System.out.println("coords: " + coords.length);
          texCoords = new float[texCoord_field.getSize() * 2];

          normals = new float[normal_field.getSize() * 3];

          currPost = post;

        sizeField.get1Value(num, size);

        int highest_idx = -1;
        int val;

        for (int j = 0; j < indexes.length; j++) {
          val = indexes[j] + lastIdx;
          index[iidx++] = val;

          if (val > highest_idx) highest_idx = val;

        lastIdx = highest_idx + 1;
        float offsetVal = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < coords.length / 3; j++) {
          point[pidx++] = (coords[j * 3] * size[0]) + start[0];
          if (offset) {
            offsetField.get1Value(num, tmp);
            offsetVal = tmp[1];
          point[pidx++] = ((coords[j * 3 + 1] + 0.5f) * size[1]) + start[1] + offsetVal;

          point[pidx++] = (coords[j * 3 + 2] * size[2]) + start[2];

      // System.out.println("pidx: " + pidx);
      // System.out.println("indexes: " + java.util.Arrays.toString(index));
      // System.out.println("Points1: " + java.util.Arrays.toString(point));

      if (n == shapesToCreate - 1) {
        // System.out.println("Handling end vertices");
        // Handle the end post

        if (num > geomIndicesField.getSize() - 1) {
          System.out.println("Error indexing geometry.  Num: " + num);

        post = geomIndicesField.get1Value(num);

        endField.get1Value(endField.getSize() - 1, end);

        if (post != currPost) {
          X3DNode geom_node = geometryField.get1Value(post);

          MFVec3f coord_field = (MFVec3f) geom_node.getField("coord");
          MFInt32 index_field = (MFInt32) geom_node.getField("index");
          MFVec2f texCoord_field = (MFVec2f) geom_node.getField("texCoord");
          MFVec3f normal_field = (MFVec3f) geom_node.getField("normal");

          indexes = new int[index_field.getSize()];

          coords = new float[coord_field.getSize() * 3];

          texCoords = new float[texCoord_field.getSize() * 2];

          normals = new float[normal_field.getSize() * 3];

          currPost = post;

        sizeField.get1Value(num, size);

        int highest_idx = -1;
        int val;
        float offsetVal = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < indexes.length; j++) {
          val = indexes[j] + lastIdx;
          index[iidx++] = val;

          if (val > highest_idx) highest_idx = val;

        lastIdx = highest_idx + 1;

        for (int j = 0; j < coords.length / 3; j++) {
          point[pidx++] = (coords[j * 3] * size[0]) + end[0];

          if (offset) {
            offsetField.get1Value(num, tmp);
            offsetVal = tmp[1];
          point[pidx++] = ((coords[j * 3 + 1] + 0.5f) * size[1]) + end[1] + offsetVal;
          point[pidx++] = (coords[j * 3 + 2] * size[2]) + end[2];

        // System.out.println("pidx: " + pidx);
        //    System.out.println("Points2: " + java.util.Arrays.toString(point));
        //    System.out.println("Index: " + java.util.Arrays.toString(index));


      // System.out.println("TexCoord: " + java.util.Arrays.toString(tc));

      if (CREATE_POSTS) {
        point_field.setValue(point.length / 3, point);
        tcpoint_field.setValue(texCoords.length / 2, texCoords);
        vector_field.setValue(normals.length / 3, normals);
        its_index.setValue(index.length, index);


      // System.out.println("Add vertex shape to: " + (shape_idx) + " size: " + ret_val.length);
      ret_val[shape_idx++] = shape;

    return ret_val;