public static String toCharset(final String str, final String charset, int judgeCharsetLength) { try { String oldCharset = getEncoding(str, judgeCharsetLength); return new String(str.getBytes(oldCharset), charset); } catch (Throwable ex) { LogUtils.w(ex); return str; } }
private int getSelectedCount() { int num = -1; if (mTodosListAdapter.getEditType() == TodosListAdapter.EDIT_TODOS) { num = mTodosListAdapter.getSeletedTodosNumber(); } else if (mTodosListAdapter.getEditType() == TodosListAdapter.EDIT_DONES) { num = mTodosListAdapter.getSeletedDonesNumber(); } else { LogUtils.w( TAG, "mTodosListAdapter.getEditType():+mTodosListAdapter.getEditType()" + ",may be has error."); } return num; }
/** * {@link AsyncTask#execute(Object...)}は,API level 11以降ではシリアルに実行されます.<br> * (複数個登録した場合,1つ終わらないと次が開始されない)<br> * このメソッドを介して呼んだ場合,パラレルに実行されます.<br> * * @param task * @param params * @see <a href="">参考ページ</a> */ @SuppressLint("NewApi") public static <T> void executeTask(AsyncTask<T, ?, ?> task, T... params) { try { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { task.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, params); } else { task.execute(params); } } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { LogUtils.d("Pool is full. Retrying..."); executeTask(task, params); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { LogUtils.w("This Task may be already runnning. " + e.toString()); } }