Esempio n. 1
  * This method converts a given metric centimeter value in the new system value. E.g. centimeters
  * in foots
  * @param unitInCentimeter Input value in centimeters
  * @param toUnit a string that indicates what unit to convert to. For the available Strings you
  *     must see in the docs of the concrete converter
  * @return A String the includes the converted value, and the unit
  * @throws NoConverterExeption Will raised, when you have forgotten to set the concrete unit
  *     converter
  * @throws NotSupportedUnitException Will raised when the unit is not supported by the converter.
  *     There is a list with all options on the most Exceptions saved, in the field supportedUnits
 public String convertFromCentimeters(double unitInCentimeter, String toUnit)
     throws NoConverterExeption, NotSupportedUnitException {
   if (!checkIsSetTheConverter()) throw new NoConverterExeption("It isn't set a converter");
   return converter.convertFromCentimeters(unitInCentimeter, toUnit);