public String[] getGroupRoutes(String group) { LinkedHashSet<String> routes = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (ApiDoc apiDoc : docs) { if (StringUtils.equals(group, Collections.addAll(routes, apiDoc.routes); } return routes.toArray(new String[routes.size()]); }
private ArrayList<LocatableHLayout> createTagLayouts() { ArrayList<LocatableHLayout> tagLayouts = new ArrayList<LocatableHLayout>(tags.size()); for (final Tag tag : tags) { LocatableHLayout tagLayout = new LocatableHLayout(extendLocatorId(tag.getName())); tagLayout.setHeight(18); tagLayout.setHeight(16); HTMLFlow tagString = new HTMLFlow( "<nobr><a href=\"" + LinkManager.getTagLink(tag.toString()) + "\">" + tag.toString() + "</a></nobr>"); tagString.setAutoWidth(); tagLayout.addMember(tagString); if (!readOnly) { final LayoutSpacer spacer = new LayoutSpacer(); spacer.setHeight(16); spacer.setWidth(16); final Img remove = new LocatableImg( tagLayout.extendLocatorId("Remove"), "[skin]/images/actions/remove.png", 16, 16); remove.setTooltip(MSG.view_tags_tooltip_1()); remove.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { tags.remove(tag); save(); } }); tagLayout.addMember(remove); tagLayout.addMember(spacer); remove.hide(); tagLayout.addMouseOverHandler( new MouseOverHandler() { public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent mouseOverEvent) {; spacer.hide(); } }); tagLayout.addMouseOutHandler( new MouseOutHandler() { public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent mouseOutEvent) {; remove.hide(); } }); } tagLayouts.add(tagLayout); } return tagLayouts; }
public String[] getAuthMechanisms( Context cx, URI req_uri, String realm, final String[] default_mechanisms) { final LinkedHashSet<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); // Order is important enumerateProperty( cx, "auth", new PropEnumerator() { public void handleProperty(Scriptable p, int s) { Object mechanism = p.get("mechanism", p); if (mechanism == null || mechanism == Scriptable.NOT_FOUND || mechanism == Context.getUndefinedValue()) { // Any mechanism is OK result.addAll(Arrays.asList(default_mechanisms)); } else { result.add(Context.toString(mechanism).toLowerCase()); } } }, req_uri, realm, null); return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); }
public String[] getGroupNames() { LinkedHashSet<String> groups = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (ApiDoc apiDoc : docs) { groups.add(; } return groups.toArray(new String[groups.size()]); }
/** * Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (21.12.2000 22:24:23) * * @return boolean * @param object * @param zoomOnHilited sets the option whether the hilited object should be zoomed in */ public boolean setAsHilited(VisibleObject object, boolean zoomOnHilited) { this.zoomOnHilited = zoomOnHilited; if (zoomOnHilited) { DrawingSurface.getInstance().repaint(); hilitedObjects.clear(); if (hilitedObject != null) { hilitedObjects.add(hilitedObject); } } if (object == null) { hilitedObjects.clear(); hilitedObject = null; return false; } if (object != hilitedObject || hilitedObjects.size() == 1) { hilitedObject = object; // initialization hilitedObjects.clear(); hilitedObjects.add(hilitedObject); Object obj = hilitedObject; // inlinks Vector outlinks = null; if (obj instanceof MultiInLink) { outlinks = ((MultiInLink) obj).getOutlinks(); } else if (obj instanceof InLink) { outlinks = new Vector(); outlinks.add(((InLink) obj).getOutput()); } if (!zoomOnHilited) { if (outlinks != null) for (int i = 0; i < outlinks.size(); i++) { obj = outlinks.elementAt(i); hilitedObjects.add(obj); while (obj instanceof InLink) { obj = ((InLink) obj).getOutput(); hilitedObjects.add(obj); } } // outLinks obj = hilitedObject; while (obj instanceof OutLink) { obj = ((OutLink) obj).getInput(); hilitedObjects.add(obj); } } return true; } else return false; }
@Override public PsiType[] guessTypeToCast( PsiExpression expr) { // TODO : make better guess based on control flow LinkedHashSet<PsiType> types = new LinkedHashSet<>(); ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(types, getControlFlowExpressionType(expr)); addExprTypesWhenContainerElement(types, expr); addExprTypesByDerivedClasses(types, expr); return types.toArray(PsiType.createArray(types.size())); }
@Override public void execute() { Map<String, Set<CortexLinksMap>> links = new HashMap<String, Set<CortexLinksMap>>(); Map<String, Set<String>> linkFilenames = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); if (LINKS != null && !LINKS.isEmpty()) { for (CortexLinksMap cl : LINKS) { String name = cl.getCortexLinks().getColor(0).getSampleName(); if (!links.containsKey(name)) { links.put(name, new HashSet<CortexLinksMap>()); linkFilenames.put(name, new HashSet<String>()); } links.get(name).add(cl); linkFilenames.get(name).add(cl.getCortexLinks().getCortexLinksFile().getAbsolutePath()); }"Loaded {} links", LINKS.size()); for (CortexLinksMap clm : LINKS) { " {}: {}", clm.getCortexLinks().getCortexLinksFile().getAbsolutePath(), clm.getCortexLinks().getNumLinks()); } }"Loaded {} graphs", GRAPHS.size()); for (CortexGraph cg : GRAPHS) { String name = cg.getColor(0).getSampleName(); graphs.put(cg.getCortexFile().getName(), cg); " {}: {} {}", cg.getCortexFile().getName(), cg.getKmerSize(), linkFilenames.get(name)); } loadContigs();"Loaded {} contigs", contigs.size());"Listening on port {}", PORT); try { HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(PORT), 0); server.createContext("/", new PageHandler()); server.createContext("/graphlist", new GraphList()); server.createContext("/search", new SearchHandler()); server.createContext("/cr", new CtxRecordHandler()); server.createContext("/links", new LinksHandler()); server.setExecutor(null); server.start(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndianaException("Unable to start server", e); } }
// ## operation setReactantTree(LinkedHashSet) public void setReactantTree(LinkedHashSet p_treeSet) { // #[ operation setReactantTree(LinkedHashSet) if (p_treeSet == null) throw new InvalidReactantTreeException(); int size = p_treeSet.size(); if (size == 0) throw new InvalidReactantTreeException(); Iterator iter = p_treeSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { HierarchyTree tree = (HierarchyTree); addReactantTree(tree); } return; // #] }
public CommonProblemDescriptor[] getSelectedDescriptors() { final InspectionTool tool = getSelectedTool(); if (getSelectionCount() == 0 || !(tool instanceof DescriptorProviderInspection && !(tool instanceof CommonInspectionToolWrapper))) return EMPTY_DESCRIPTORS; final TreePath[] paths = getSelectionPaths(); final LinkedHashSet<CommonProblemDescriptor> descriptors = new LinkedHashSet<CommonProblemDescriptor>(); for (TreePath path : paths) { Object node = path.getLastPathComponent(); traverseDescriptors((InspectionTreeNode) node, descriptors); } return descriptors.toArray(new CommonProblemDescriptor[descriptors.size()]); }
/** Removes duplicate roots that have been added as the result of a bug with *.egg handling. */ private static boolean removeDuplicateClassRoots( @NotNull Sdk sdk, @NotNull SdkModificator modificator) { final List<VirtualFile> sourceRoots = Arrays.asList(sdk.getRootProvider().getFiles(OrderRootType.CLASSES)); final LinkedHashSet<VirtualFile> uniqueRoots = new LinkedHashSet<VirtualFile>(sourceRoots); if (uniqueRoots.size() != sourceRoots.size()) { modificator.removeRoots(OrderRootType.CLASSES); for (VirtualFile root : uniqueRoots) { modificator.addRoot(root, OrderRootType.CLASSES); } return true; } return false; }
public static ApiDocs scan(String... files) { try { result = new ApiDocs(); LinkedHashSet<String> sources = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (String file : files) findSourceFiles(sources, file); Main.execute( "borqs_server_api_doc_scanner", HttpApiDoclet.class.getName(), sources.toArray(new String[sources.size()])); return result; } finally { result = null; } }
/** * Removes the timeout role from the given user. This does NOT create or manage any * storage/persistence, it only sets the user's roles * * @param user The user to remove the timeout role * @param server The server on which to remove the user from the timeout role * @param invocationChannel The channel to send messages on error */ public boolean removeTimeoutRole(User user, Server server, Channel invocationChannel) { String serverId = server.getId(); TempServerConfig serverConfig = serverStorage.get(serverId); if (serverConfig == null) { serverConfig = new TempServerConfig(serverId); serverStorage.put(serverId, serverConfig); } ServerTimeoutStorage storage = serverConfig.getServerTimeouts(); String serverName = server.getName(); if (storage != null && storage.getTimeoutRoleId() != null) { String timeoutRoleId = storage.getTimeoutRoleId(); Role timeoutRole = apiClient.getRole(timeoutRoleId, server); if (timeoutRole != NO_ROLE) { // Get roles Set<Role> userRoles = apiClient.getMemberRoles(apiClient.getUserMember(user, server), server); // Delete the ban role LinkedHashSet<String> newRoles = new LinkedHashSet<>(userRoles.size() - 1); userRoles .stream() .map(Role::getId) .filter(s -> !timeoutRoleId.equals(s)) .forEach(newRoles::add); // Update apiClient.updateRoles(user, server, newRoles); return userRoles.size() == newRoles.size(); } else { LOGGER.warn( "Timeout role ID {} for server {} ({}) does not exist", timeoutRoleId, serverName, serverId); apiClient.sendMessage( loc.localize("message.mod.timeout.bad_role", timeoutRoleId), invocationChannel); } } else { storage = new ServerTimeoutStorage(); serverConfig.setServerTimeouts(storage); serverStorage.put(serverId, serverConfig); LOGGER.warn( "Timeout role for server {} ({}) is not configured", storage.getTimeoutRoleId(), serverName, serverId); apiClient.sendMessage(loc.localize("message.mod.timeout.not_configured"), invocationChannel); } return false; }
public static BridgeInvocation_c[] getManyACT_BRGsOnR628( ActualParameter_c[] targets, ClassQueryInterface_c test, boolean loadComponent) { if (targets == null || targets.length == 0 || targets[0] == null) return new BridgeInvocation_c[0]; LinkedHashSet<BridgeInvocation_c> elementsSet = new LinkedHashSet<BridgeInvocation_c>(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { BridgeInvocation_c associate = targets[i].BridgeInvocation; if (targets[i] != null && associate != null && (test == null || test.evaluate(associate))) { if (elementsSet.add(associate)) {} } } BridgeInvocation_c[] result = new BridgeInvocation_c[elementsSet.size()]; elementsSet.toArray(result); return result; }
public static ComponentResultSet_c[] getManyPE_CRSsOnR8008( ComponentVisibility_c[] targets, ClassQueryInterface_c test, boolean loadComponent) { if (targets == null || targets.length == 0 || targets[0] == null) return new ComponentResultSet_c[0]; LinkedHashSet<ComponentResultSet_c> elementsSet = new LinkedHashSet<ComponentResultSet_c>(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { ComponentResultSet_c associate = targets[i].MakesUpAComponentResultSet; if (targets[i] != null && associate != null && (test == null || test.evaluate(associate))) { if (elementsSet.add(associate)) {} } } ComponentResultSet_c[] result = new ComponentResultSet_c[elementsSet.size()]; elementsSet.toArray(result); return result; }
public static Graphnode_c[] getManyDIM_NDsOnR19( FloatingText_c[] targets, ClassQueryInterface_c test, boolean loadComponent) { if (targets == null || targets.length == 0 || targets[0] == null) return new Graphnode_c[0]; LinkedHashSet<Graphnode_c> elementsSet = new LinkedHashSet<Graphnode_c>(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { if (loadComponent && targets[i] != null && targets[i].IsSupertypeGraphnode == null) targets[i].loadProxy(); Graphnode_c associate = targets[i].IsSupertypeGraphnode; if (targets[i] != null && associate != null && (test == null || test.evaluate(associate))) { if (elementsSet.add(associate)) {} } } Graphnode_c[] result = new Graphnode_c[elementsSet.size()]; elementsSet.toArray(result); return result; }
@NotNull @Override public List<Instruction> getReversedInstructions() { LinkedHashSet<Instruction> traversedInstructions = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); PseudocodeTraverserKt.traverseFollowingInstructions( sinkInstruction, traversedInstructions, BACKWARD, null); if (traversedInstructions.size() < instructions.size()) { List<Instruction> simplyReversedInstructions = Lists.newArrayList(instructions); Collections.reverse(simplyReversedInstructions); for (Instruction instruction : simplyReversedInstructions) { if (!traversedInstructions.contains(instruction)) { PseudocodeTraverserKt.traverseFollowingInstructions( instruction, traversedInstructions, BACKWARD, null); } } } return Lists.newArrayList(traversedInstructions); }
private static void ensureEverythingVisibleAdded( LookupImpl lookup, final LinkedHashSet<LookupElement> model, Iterator<LookupElement> byRelevance) { JList list = lookup.getList(); final boolean testMode = ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode(); final int limit = Math.max(list.getLastVisibleIndex(), model.size()) + ourUISettings.MAX_LOOKUP_LIST_HEIGHT * 3; addSomeItems( model, byRelevance, new Condition<LookupElement>() { @Override public boolean value(LookupElement lastAdded) { return !testMode && model.size() >= limit; } }); }
public static ComponentInComponent_c[] getManyCN_CICsOnR4203( Component_c[] targets, ClassQueryInterface_c test, boolean loadComponent) { if (targets == null || targets.length == 0 || targets[0] == null) return new ComponentInComponent_c[0]; LinkedHashSet<ComponentInComponent_c> elementsSet = new LinkedHashSet<ComponentInComponent_c>(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { if (loadComponent && targets[i] != null && targets[i].IsNestedThroughComponentInComponent == null) targets[i].loadProxy(); ComponentInComponent_c associate = targets[i].IsNestedThroughComponentInComponent; if (targets[i] != null && associate != null && (test == null || test.evaluate(associate))) { if (elementsSet.add(associate)) { if (loadComponent) { associate.loadProxy(); } } } } ComponentInComponent_c[] result = new ComponentInComponent_c[elementsSet.size()]; elementsSet.toArray(result); return result; }
@Nullable static String filterBadPlugins( List<? extends IdeaPluginDescriptor> result, final Map<String, String> disabledPluginNames) { final Map<PluginId, IdeaPluginDescriptor> idToDescriptorMap = new HashMap<PluginId, IdeaPluginDescriptor>(); final StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); boolean pluginsWithoutIdFound = false; for (Iterator<? extends IdeaPluginDescriptor> it = result.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final IdeaPluginDescriptor descriptor =; final PluginId id = descriptor.getPluginId(); if (id == null) { pluginsWithoutIdFound = true; } if (idToDescriptorMap.containsKey(id)) { message.append("<br>"); message.append(IdeBundle.message("")); message.append(id); it.remove(); } else if (descriptor.isEnabled()) { idToDescriptorMap.put(id, descriptor); } } addModulesAsDependents(idToDescriptorMap); final List<String> disabledPluginIds = new ArrayList<String>(); final LinkedHashSet<String> faultyDescriptors = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (final Iterator<? extends IdeaPluginDescriptor> it = result.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final IdeaPluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor =; checkDependants( pluginDescriptor, new Function<PluginId, IdeaPluginDescriptor>() { @Override public IdeaPluginDescriptor fun(final PluginId pluginId) { return idToDescriptorMap.get(pluginId); } }, new Condition<PluginId>() { @Override public boolean value(final PluginId pluginId) { if (!idToDescriptorMap.containsKey(pluginId)) { pluginDescriptor.setEnabled(false); if (!pluginId.getIdString().startsWith(MODULE_DEPENDENCY_PREFIX)) { faultyDescriptors.add(pluginId.getIdString()); disabledPluginIds.add(pluginDescriptor.getPluginId().getIdString()); message.append("<br>"); final String name = pluginDescriptor.getName(); final IdeaPluginDescriptor descriptor = idToDescriptorMap.get(pluginId); String pluginName; if (descriptor == null) { pluginName = pluginId.getIdString(); if (disabledPluginNames.containsKey(pluginName)) { pluginName = disabledPluginNames.get(pluginName); } } else { pluginName = descriptor.getName(); } message.append( getDisabledPlugins().contains(pluginId.getIdString()) ? IdeBundle.message("error.required.plugin.disabled", name, pluginName) : IdeBundle.message( "error.required.plugin.not.installed", name, pluginName)); } it.remove(); return false; } return true; } }); } if (!disabledPluginIds.isEmpty()) { myPlugins2Disable = disabledPluginIds; myPlugins2Enable = faultyDescriptors; message.append("<br>"); message.append("<br>").append("<a href=\"" + DISABLE + "\">Disable "); if (disabledPluginIds.size() == 1) { final PluginId pluginId2Disable = PluginId.getId(disabledPluginIds.iterator().next()); message.append( idToDescriptorMap.containsKey(pluginId2Disable) ? idToDescriptorMap.get(pluginId2Disable).getName() : pluginId2Disable.getIdString()); } else { message.append("not loaded plugins"); } message.append("</a>"); boolean possibleToEnable = true; for (String descriptor : faultyDescriptors) { if (disabledPluginNames.get(descriptor) == null) { possibleToEnable = false; break; } } if (possibleToEnable) { message .append("<br>") .append("<a href=\"" + ENABLE + "\">Enable ") .append( faultyDescriptors.size() == 1 ? disabledPluginNames.get(faultyDescriptors.iterator().next()) : " all necessary plugins") .append("</a>"); } message.append("<br>").append("<a href=\"" + EDIT + "\">Open plugin manager</a>"); } if (pluginsWithoutIdFound) { message.append("<br>"); message.append(IdeBundle.message("")); } if (message.length() > 0) { message.insert(0, IdeBundle.message("error.problems.found.loading.plugins")); return message.toString(); } return null; }
@Override public void invoke(@NotNull final Project project, final Editor editor, final PsiFile file) throws IncorrectOperationException { if (!FileModificationService.getInstance().prepareFileForWrite(file)) return; PsiMethod[] constructors = myClass.getConstructors(); if (constructors.length == 0) { final AddDefaultConstructorFix defaultConstructorFix = new AddDefaultConstructorFix(myClass); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runWriteAction( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { defaultConstructorFix.invoke(project, editor, file); } }); constructors = myClass.getConstructors(); } Arrays.sort( constructors, new Comparator<PsiMethod>() { @Override public int compare(PsiMethod c1, PsiMethod c2) { final PsiMethod cc1 = RefactoringUtil.getChainedConstructor(c1); final PsiMethod cc2 = RefactoringUtil.getChainedConstructor(c2); if (cc1 == c2) return 1; if (cc2 == c1) return -1; if (cc1 == null) { return cc2 == null ? 0 : compare(c1, cc2); } else { return cc2 == null ? compare(cc1, c2) : compare(cc1, cc2); } } }); final ArrayList<PsiMethod> constrs = filterConstructorsIfFieldAlreadyAssigned(constructors, getField()); if (constrs.size() > 1) { final PsiMethodMember[] members = new PsiMethodMember[constrs.size()]; int i = 0; for (PsiMethod constructor : constrs) { members[i++] = new PsiMethodMember(constructor); } final List<PsiMethodMember> elements; if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { elements = Arrays.asList(members); } else { final MemberChooser<PsiMethodMember> chooser = new MemberChooser<PsiMethodMember>(members, false, true, project); chooser.setTitle("Choose constructors to add parameter to");; elements = chooser.getSelectedElements(); if (elements == null) return; } for (PsiMethodMember member : elements) { if (!addParameterToConstructor( project, file, editor, member.getElement(), new PsiField[] {getField()})) break; } } else if (!constrs.isEmpty()) { final Collection<SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiField>> fieldsToFix = getFieldsToFix(); try { final PsiMethod constructor = constrs.get(0); final LinkedHashSet<PsiField> fields = new LinkedHashSet<PsiField>(); getFieldsToFix().add(myField); for (SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiField> elementPointer : fieldsToFix) { final PsiField field = elementPointer.getElement(); if (field != null && isAvailable(field) && filterConstructorsIfFieldAlreadyAssigned(new PsiMethod[] {constructor}, field) .contains(constructor)) { fields.add(field); } } if (constrs.size() == constructors.length && fields.size() > 1 && !ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { PsiFieldMember[] members = new PsiFieldMember[fields.size()]; int i = 0; for (PsiField field : fields) { members[i++] = new PsiFieldMember(field); } MemberChooser<PsiElementClassMember> chooser = new MemberChooser<PsiElementClassMember>(members, false, true, project); chooser.setTitle("Choose Fields to Generate Constructor Parameters for");; if (chooser.getExitCode() != DialogWrapper.OK_EXIT_CODE) return; final List<PsiElementClassMember> selectedElements = chooser.getSelectedElements(); if (selectedElements == null) return; fields.clear(); for (PsiElementClassMember member : selectedElements) { fields.add((PsiField) member.getElement()); } } addParameterToConstructor( project, file, editor, constructor, constrs.size() == constructors.length ? fields.toArray(new PsiField[fields.size()]) : new PsiField[] {getField()}); } finally { fieldsToFix.clear(); } } }
private void setComboboxModel( final JComboBox comboBox, final VirtualFile initialTargetDirectorySourceRoot, final VirtualFile oldSelection, final ProjectFileIndex fileIndex, final VirtualFile[] sourceRoots, final Project project, final boolean forceIncludeAll, final Pass<String> updateErrorMessage) { final LinkedHashSet<PsiDirectory> targetDirectories = new LinkedHashSet<PsiDirectory>(); final HashMap<PsiDirectory, String> pathsToCreate = new HashMap<PsiDirectory, String>(); MoveClassesOrPackagesUtil.buildDirectoryList( new PackageWrapper(PsiManager.getInstance(project), getTargetPackage()), sourceRoots, targetDirectories, pathsToCreate); if (!forceIncludeAll && targetDirectories.size() > pathsToCreate.size()) { targetDirectories.removeAll(pathsToCreate.keySet()); } final ArrayList<DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper> items = new ArrayList<DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper>(); DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper initial = null; DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper oldOne = null; for (PsiDirectory targetDirectory : targetDirectories) { DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper itemWrapper = new DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper(targetDirectory, pathsToCreate.get(targetDirectory)); items.add(itemWrapper); final VirtualFile sourceRootForFile = fileIndex.getSourceRootForFile(targetDirectory.getVirtualFile()); if (sourceRootForFile == initialTargetDirectorySourceRoot) { initial = itemWrapper; } else if (sourceRootForFile == oldSelection) { oldOne = itemWrapper; } } items.add(NULL_WRAPPER); final DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper selection = chooseSelection(initialTargetDirectorySourceRoot, fileIndex, items, initial, oldOne); final ComboBoxModel model = comboBox.getModel(); if (model instanceof CollectionComboBoxModel) { boolean sameModel = model.getSize() == items.size(); if (sameModel) { for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { final DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper oldItem = (DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper) model.getElementAt(i); final DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper itemWrapper = items.get(i); if (!areItemsEquivalent(oldItem, itemWrapper)) { sameModel = false; break; } } } if (sameModel) { if (areItemsEquivalent( (DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper) comboBox.getSelectedItem(), selection)) { return; } } } updateErrorMessage(updateErrorMessage, fileIndex, selection); Collections.sort( items, new Comparator<DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper>() { @Override public int compare(DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper o1, DirectoryChooser.ItemWrapper o2) { if (o1 == NULL_WRAPPER) return -1; if (o2 == NULL_WRAPPER) return 1; return o1.getRelativeToProjectPath().compareToIgnoreCase(o2.getRelativeToProjectPath()); } }); comboBox.setModel(new CollectionComboBoxModel(items, selection)); }
@Transactional public DayGrid updateDayGid(DayGrid dayGrid, String profile) throws ParseException { Set<EmplacementDTO> blocs = dayGrid.getBlocs(); if (blocs != null) { for (Iterator<EmplacementDTO> iterator = blocs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { EmplacementDTO emplacementDTO =; Set<RubriqueDTO> rubriqueDTOSet = emplacementDTO.getRubrique(); if (rubriqueDTOSet != null) { for (Iterator<RubriqueDTO> rubriqueDTOIterator = rubriqueDTOSet.iterator(); rubriqueDTOIterator.hasNext(); ) { RubriqueDTO rubriqueDTO =; rubriqueLoggingService.updateEmplacementRubriqueForDay( emplacementDTO.getId(), emplacementDTO.getName(), emplacementDTO.getPosition(), rubriqueDTO.getId(), profile, dayGrid.getId()); LinkedHashSet<CommunicationGroupDTO> communicationGroups = rubriqueDTO.getCommunicationGroups(); for (Iterator<CommunicationGroupDTO> communicationGroupDTOIterator = communicationGroups.iterator(); communicationGroupDTOIterator.hasNext(); ) { CommunicationGroupDTO communicationGroupDTO =; LinkedHashSet<CommunicationDTO> communicationDTOs = communicationGroupDTO.getCommunications(); if (communicationDTOs != null && communicationDTOs.size() > 0) { List<String> communicationIdsToDeactivate = Lists.newArrayList(); List<String> communicationIdsToActivate = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Iterator<CommunicationDTO> communicationDTOIterator = communicationDTOs.iterator(); communicationDTOIterator.hasNext(); ) { CommunicationDTO communicationDTO =; if (isToday(dayGrid.getDate())) { if (communicationDTO.isDeactivated() && !communicationLoggingService.isDeactivatedCommunicationLogging( communicationDTO.getCommunicationLoggingId())) { communicationIdsToDeactivate.add(communicationDTO.getIdArrowCommunication()); } if (!communicationDTO.isDeactivated() && communicationLoggingService.isDeactivatedCommunicationLogging( communicationDTO.getCommunicationLoggingId())) { communicationIdsToActivate.add(communicationDTO.getIdArrowCommunication()); } } // update communicationLogging communicationLoggingService.updateCommunicationLoggingForCommunicationAndDay( communicationDTO.getIdCommunication(), dayGrid.getId(), communicationDTO.getPriority(), communicationGroupDTO.getId(), communicationGroupDTO.getLabel(), communicationDTO.getNbAffichageMax(), communicationDTO.getNbJourAffichageMax(), communicationDTO.getNbClicMax(), communicationDTO.getNbJourClicMax(), communicationDTO.isDeactivated()); } if (isToday(dayGrid.getDate())) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(communicationIdsToDeactivate)) { deactivateCommunicationsInstantaneously( dayGrid.getDate(), communicationIdsToDeactivate); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(communicationIdsToActivate)) { activateCommunicationsInstantaneously( dayGrid.getDate(), communicationIdsToActivate); } } } } } } } } return dayGrid; }