   * Converts a {@link Grammar} and {@link Lexicon} to BUBS sparse-matrix format, specifically
   * {@link LeftCscSparseMatrixGrammar}. Prunes rules below the minimum rule probability threshold
   * specified when the {@link DiscriminativeMergeObjectiveFunction} was initialized with {@link
   * #init(CompleteClosureModel, List, List, float)}.
   * @param grammar
   * @param lexicon
   * @return {@link LeftCscSparseMatrixGrammar}
  protected LeftCscSparseMatrixGrammar convertGrammarToSparseMatrix(
      final Grammar grammar, final Lexicon lexicon) {
    try {
      final Writer w = new StringWriter(150 * 1024 * 1024);
      // Note We could use a PipedOutputStream / PipedInputStream combination (with 2 threads) to
      // write and read
      // at the same time, and avoid using enough memory to serialize the entire grammar. But memory
      // isn't a huge
      // constraint during training, and the threading would add complexity, so we'll skip that for
      // now.
      w.write(grammar.toString(lexicon.totalRules(minRuleProbability), minRuleProbability, 0, 0));
      w.write("===== LEXICON =====\n");
      return new LeftCscSparseMatrixGrammar(
          new StringReader(w.toString()), new DecisionTreeTokenClassifier());

    } catch (final IOException e) {
      // StringWriter and StringReader should never IOException
      throw new AssertionError(e);