   * The redelivery policy is maintained in a child-object, which we extract the properties from
   * when serializing the factory. Ensure this functions by doing a round trip on a factory
   * configured with some new redelivery configuration via the URI.
   * @throws Exception if an error occurs during the test.
  public void testSerializeThenDeserializeMaintainsRedeliveryPolicy() throws Exception {
    String maxRedeliveryValue = "5";
    String maxRedeliveryKey = "redeliveryPolicy.maxRedeliveries";
    String uri = "amqp://localhost:1234?jms." + maxRedeliveryKey + "=" + maxRedeliveryValue;

    JmsConnectionFactory cf = new JmsConnectionFactory(uri);
    Map<String, String> props = cf.getProperties();

        "Props dont contain expected redelivery policy change",
    assertEquals("Unexpected value", maxRedeliveryValue, props.get(maxRedeliveryKey));

    Object roundTripped = roundTripSerialize(cf);

    assertNotNull("Null object returned", roundTripped);
    assertEquals("Unexpected type", JmsConnectionFactory.class, roundTripped.getClass());

    Map<String, String> props2 = ((JmsConnectionFactory) roundTripped).getProperties();
        "Props dont contain expected redelivery policy change",
    assertEquals("Unexpected value", maxRedeliveryValue, props2.get(maxRedeliveryKey));

    assertEquals("Properties were not equal", props, props2);
   * Verify that the 'global' exception listener set on the connection factory is ignored when the
   * factory gets serialized.
   * @throws Exception if an error occurs during the test.
  public void testSerializeThenDeserializeIgnoresGlobalExceptionListener() throws Exception {
    String uri = "amqp://localhost:1234";

    JmsConnectionFactory cf = new JmsConnectionFactory(uri);
        new ExceptionListener() {
          public void onException(JMSException exception) {
            // Nothing

    Map<String, String> props = cf.getProperties();

    Object roundTripped = roundTripSerialize(cf);

    assertNotNull("Null object returned", roundTripped);
    assertEquals("Unexpected type", JmsConnectionFactory.class, roundTripped.getClass());
    assertEquals("Unexpected uri", uri, ((JmsConnectionFactory) roundTripped).getRemoteURI());

    Map<String, String> props2 = ((JmsConnectionFactory) roundTripped).getProperties();

        "Properties map should not contain ExceptionListener",
    assertEquals("Properties were not equal", props, props2);
  public void testGetProperties() throws Exception {
    String clientID = getTestName();
    String queuePrefix = "q:";
    String jmsOptionPrefix = "jms.";
    String clientIDprop = "clientID";
    String baseUri = "amqp://localhost:1234";
    String uri = baseUri + "?" + jmsOptionPrefix + clientIDprop + "=" + clientID;

    JmsConnectionFactory cf = new JmsConnectionFactory();

    // Set the URI property, itself containing a property option in its query
    // Set another property directly

    // Get the properties
    Map<String, String> props = cf.getProperties();

    // Verify the clientID property option from the URI was applied.
    assertTrue(CLIENT_ID_PROP + " property not found", props.containsKey(CLIENT_ID_PROP));
        "clientID uri property query option not applied as expected",
    assertTrue(QUEUE_PREFIX_PROP + " property not found", props.containsKey(QUEUE_PREFIX_PROP));
        "queue prefix property not applied as expected", queuePrefix, props.get(QUEUE_PREFIX_PROP));
 public void testConnectionFactoryCreateUsernameAndPassword() {
   JmsConnectionFactory factory = new JmsConnectionFactory(USER, PASSWORD);
   assertEquals(USER, factory.getUsername());
   assertEquals(PASSWORD, factory.getPassword());
 public void testCreateConnectionWithoutUriThrowsJMSISE() throws Exception {
   JmsConnectionFactory cf = new JmsConnectionFactory();
   try {
     fail("Should have thrown exception");
   } catch (IllegalStateException jmsise) {
     // expected
  public void testCreateConnectionBadProviderString() throws Exception {
    JmsConnectionFactory factory = new JmsConnectionFactory("bad://");

    try {
      fail("Should have thrown exception");
    } catch (JMSException jmse) {
      // expected
  public void testConnectionGetConfiguredURIApplied() throws Exception {
    URI mock = new URI("mock://localhost");

    JmsConnectionFactory factory = new JmsConnectionFactory(mock);

    JmsConnection connection = (JmsConnection) factory.createConnection();
    assertEquals(mock, connection.getConfiguredURI());
    assertEquals(mock, connection.getConnectedURI());
  public void testSetPropertiesWithBadUriOptionCausesFail() throws Exception {
    JmsConnectionFactory cf = new JmsConnectionFactory();

    Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
    props.put("remoteURI", "amqp://localhost:1234?jms.badOption=true");

    try {
      fail("Should have thrown exception");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
      // expected
  public void testSerializeThenDeserialize() throws Exception {
    String uri = "amqp://localhost:1234";

    JmsConnectionFactory cf = new JmsConnectionFactory(uri);
    Map<String, String> props = cf.getProperties();

    Object roundTripped = roundTripSerialize(cf);

    assertNotNull("Null object returned", roundTripped);
    assertEquals("Unexpected type", JmsConnectionFactory.class, roundTripped.getClass());
    assertEquals("Unexpected uri", uri, ((JmsConnectionFactory) roundTripped).getRemoteURI());

    Map<String, String> props2 = ((JmsConnectionFactory) roundTripped).getProperties();
    assertEquals("Properties were not equal", props, props2);
  public void testGlobalExceptionListenerIsAppliedToCreatedConnection() throws Exception {
    JmsConnectionFactory factory = new JmsConnectionFactory(new URI("mock://"));

    ExceptionListener listener =
        new ExceptionListener() {

          public void onException(JMSException exception) {}

    Connection connection = factory.createConnection();
    assertSame(listener, connection.getExceptionListener());
  @Test(timeout = 5000)
  public void testCreateConnectionWithPortOutOfRange() throws Exception {
    JmsConnectionFactory factory = new JmsConnectionFactory("amqp://");

    try {
      fail("Should have thrown exception");
    } catch (JMSException jmse) {
      LOG.debug("Caught Ex -> ", jmse);

    factory = new JmsConnectionFactory("amqp://");

    try {
      fail("Should have thrown exception");
    } catch (JMSException jmse) {
      LOG.debug("Caught Ex -> ", jmse);
  public void testSetPropertiesWithUnusedOptions() throws Exception {
    String uri = "amqp://localhost:1234";
    String unusedKey = "unusedKey";
    String unusedValue = "unusedValue";

    // Create a connection factory object
    JmsConnectionFactory cf = new JmsConnectionFactory();

    // Verify the outcome conditions have not been met already
    assertNotEquals("value should not match yet", uri, cf.getRemoteURI());

    // Set the properties
    Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // Add a property that will get used
    props.put("remoteURI", uri);
    // Add a property that wont get used
    props.put(unusedKey, unusedValue);
    Map<String, String> unusedProps = cf.setProperties(props);

    // Verify the URI property was applied.
    assertEquals("uri property option not applied as expected", uri, cf.getRemoteURI());

    // Verify that the unused property was returned
    assertEquals("Unexpected size of return map", 1, unusedProps.size());
        "Expected property not found in map: " + unusedProps, unusedProps.containsKey(unusedKey));
    assertEquals("Unexpected property value", unusedValue, unusedProps.get(unusedKey));

    // Verify the returned map was unmodifiable
    try {
      unusedProps.put("a", "b");
      fail("Map should be unmodifiable");
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
      // expected
  public void testSetProperties() throws Exception {
    String clientID = getTestName();
    String queuePrefix = "q:";
    String jmsOptionPrefix = "jms.";
    String baseUri = "amqp://localhost:1234";
    String uri = baseUri + "?" + jmsOptionPrefix + CLIENT_ID_PROP + "=" + clientID;

    // Create a connection factory object
    JmsConnectionFactory cf = new JmsConnectionFactory();

    // Verify the outcome conditions have not been met already
    assertNotEquals("value should not match yet", clientID, cf.getClientID());
    assertNotEquals("value should not match yet", queuePrefix, cf.getQueuePrefix());
    assertNotEquals("value should not match yet", baseUri, cf.getRemoteURI());

    // Set the properties
    Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // Add the URI property, itself containing a property option in its query
    props.put("remoteURI", uri);
    // Add another property directly
    props.put("queuePrefix", queuePrefix);
    Map<String, String> unusedProps = cf.setProperties(props);

    // Verify the clientID property option from the URI was applied.
    assertEquals("uri property query option not applied as expected", clientID, cf.getClientID());
    // Verify the direct property was applied
    assertEquals("direct property not applied as expected", queuePrefix, cf.getQueuePrefix());
    // Verify the URI was filtered to remove the applied options
        "URI was filtered to remove options that were applied", baseUri, cf.getRemoteURI());

    // Verify the returned map was empty and unmodifiable
    assertTrue("Map should be empty: " + unusedProps, unusedProps.isEmpty());
    try {
      unusedProps.put("a", "b");
      fail("Map should be unmodifiable");
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
      // expected
  public void testConnectionFactoryOptionsAreAppliedToConnection() throws JMSException {
    JmsConnectionFactory factory = new JmsConnectionFactory(USER, PASSWORD, "mock://localhost");




    JmsConnection connection = (JmsConnection) factory.createConnection();

    assertEquals(USER, connection.getUsername());
    assertEquals(PASSWORD, connection.getPassword());
    assertEquals(CLIENT_ID_PROP, connection.getClientID());
    assertEquals(TOPIC_PREFIX_PROP, connection.getTopicPrefix());
    assertEquals(QUEUE_PREFIX_PROP, connection.getQueuePrefix());

    assertEquals(factory.isForceSyncSend(), connection.isForceSyncSend());
    assertEquals(factory.isForceAsyncSend(), connection.isForceAsyncSend());
    assertEquals(factory.isLocalMessagePriority(), connection.isLocalMessagePriority());
    assertEquals(factory.isForceAsyncAcks(), connection.isForceAsyncAcks());

    assertEquals(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(30), connection.getConnectTimeout());
    assertEquals(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(45), connection.getCloseTimeout());

    assertEquals(1, connection.getPrefetchPolicy().getTopicPrefetch());
    assertEquals(1, connection.getPrefetchPolicy().getQueuePrefetch());
    assertEquals(1, connection.getPrefetchPolicy().getQueueBrowserPrefetch());
    assertEquals(1, connection.getPrefetchPolicy().getDurableTopicPrefetch());
 public void testConnectionFactoryCreate() {
   JmsConnectionFactory factory = new JmsConnectionFactory();