Esempio n. 1
  // this is the apriori_gen procedure that generates starting from
  // a k-itemset collection a new collection of (k+1)-itemsets.
  private Vector apriori_gen(Vector itemsets) {
    if (itemsets.size() == 0) return new Vector(0);

    // create a hashtree so that we can check more efficiently the
    // number of subsets
    // this may not really be necessary when generating rules since
    // itemsets will probably be a small collection, but just in case
    HashTree ht_itemsets = new HashTree(itemsets);
    for (int i = 0; i < itemsets.size(); i++) ht_itemsets.add(i);

    Vector result = new Vector();
    Itemset is_i, is_j;
    for (int i = 0; i < itemsets.size() - 1; i++)
      for (int j = i + 1; j < itemsets.size(); j++) {
        is_i = (Itemset) itemsets.get(i);
        is_j = (Itemset) itemsets.get(j);

        // if we cannot combine element i with j then we shouldn't
        // waste time for bigger j's. This is because we keep the
        // collections ordered, an important detail in this implementation
        if (!is_i.canCombineWith(is_j)) break;
        else {
          Itemset is = is_i.combineWith(is_j);

          // a real k-itemset has k (k-1)-subsets
          // so we test that this holds before adding to result
          if (ht_itemsets.countSubsets(is) == is.size()) result.add(is);

    return result;