public void rebuild() { for (String locale : Locale.getLocales()) { if (!localeMeta.containsKey(locale)) localeMeta.put(locale, getLocaleMeta("en_GB")); } for (String locale : Locale.getLocales()) { List<String> lines = getTooltipLines(locale); ItemMeta meta = getLocaleMeta(locale); meta.setDisplayName(lines.get(0)); lines.remove(0); meta.setLore(lines); setLocaleMeta(locale, meta); // item.setItemMeta(meta); } for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { Iterator<ItemStack> it = player.getInventory().iterator(); String locale = Locale.getPlayerLocale(player); while (it.hasNext()) { ItemStack item =; if (ItemManager.toRPGItem(item) != null) updateItem(item, locale, false); } for (ItemStack item : player.getInventory().getArmorContents()) { if (ItemManager.toRPGItem(item) != null) updateItem(item, locale, false); } } resetRecipe(true); }
/** Tests if an added item is contained in the list. */ public void testAdd() { final ItemManager manager = new ItemManager(); final ExpirableItem item = new ExpirableItem(); manager.add(item); final boolean isItemInList = manager.getAllItems().contains(item); assertTrue("The item added cannot be found in the list", isItemInList); }
/** Tests the removal of items. */ public void testRemove() { final ItemManager manager = new ItemManager(); final ExpirableItem item = new ExpirableItem(); manager.add(item); manager.remove(item); final boolean isItemInList = manager.getAllItems().contains(item); assertFalse("The manager still knows the removed item", isItemInList); }
/** Tests replacement of all items. */ public void testReplaceAll() { final ItemManager manager = new ItemManager(); final ExpirableItem oldItem = new ExpirableItem(); manager.add(oldItem); final Collection col = new ArrayList(); final ExpirableItem newItem = new ExpirableItem(); newItem.setName("NewItem"); col.add(newItem); manager.replaceAll(col); assertFalse("Manager still knows old item", manager.getAllItems().contains(oldItem)); assertTrue("Manager does not know new item", manager.getAllItems().contains(newItem)); }
private void saveItem() { mItem.setTitle(mTitle.getText().toString()); mItem.setDetails(mDetails.getText().toString()); // date is already set mItem.setAutodelete(mAutoDelete.isChecked()); ItemManager.get(getActivity()).saveItem(mItem); }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Long itemId = null; Bundle args = getArguments(); if (args != null && args.containsKey(ARG_ITEM_ID)) { itemId = (Long) args.getSerializable(ARG_ITEM_ID); } if (itemId != null) { ItemManager mgr = ItemManager.get(getActivity()); mItem = mgr.getItem(itemId); } if (mItem == null) { mItem = new Item(); } }
public void giveArmor(Player p, String i) { if (im.checkArmor(p, i)) { if (i.equalsIgnoreCase(Main.CHAIN)) { p.getInventory().setArmorContents(CHAIN_ARMOR); } else if (i.equalsIgnoreCase(Main.DIAMOND)) { p.getInventory().setArmorContents(DIAMOND_ARMOR); } else if (i.equalsIgnoreCase(Main.LEATHER)) { p.getInventory().setArmorContents(LEATHER_ARMOR); } else if (i.equalsIgnoreCase(Main.GOLD)) { p.getInventory().setArmorContents(GOLD_ARMOR); } else if (i.equalsIgnoreCase(Main.IRON)) { p.getInventory().setArmorContents(IRON_ARMOR); } p.sendMessage(Main.prefix + "You have got a " + ChatColor.AQUA + i + ChatColor.GOLD + " set"); } else { p.sendMessage(Main.prefix + ChatColor.RED + "You haven't bought this kit yet!"); } }
public static void updateItem( ItemStack item, String locale, RPGMetadata rpgMeta, boolean updateDurability) { RPGItem rItem = ItemManager.toRPGItem(item); if (rItem == null) return; item.setType(rItem.item.getType()); ItemMeta meta = rItem.getLocaleMeta(locale); if (!(meta instanceof LeatherArmorMeta) && updateDurability) { item.setDurability(rItem.item.getDurability()); } List<String> lore = meta.getLore(); rItem.addExtra(rpgMeta, item, lore); lore.set(0, meta.getLore().get(0) + rpgMeta.toMCString()); meta.setLore(lore); Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchantments = null; if (enchantmentSupport) enchantments = item.getEnchantments(); item.setItemMeta(meta); if (enchantmentSupport) item.addEnchantments(enchantments); }
/** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Barcode.Test(); Item.Test(); Product.Test(); StorageUnit.Test(); ProductContainer.Test(); ProductGroup.Test(); ProductList.Test(); ItemList.Test(); ProductContainerList.Test(); ItemFilter.Test(); ProductFilter.Test(); ItemManager.Test(); ProductManager.Test(); // Size.Test(); StorageUnitManager.Test(); System.out.println("All tests passed."); }
public void resetRecipe(boolean removeOld) { if (removeOld) { Iterator<Recipe> it = Bukkit.recipeIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Recipe recipe =; RPGItem rpgitem = ItemManager.toRPGItem(recipe.getResult()); if (rpgitem == null) continue; if (rpgitem.getID() == getID()) { it.remove(); } } } if (hasRecipe) { Set<ItemStack> iSet = new HashSet<ItemStack>(); for (ItemStack m : recipe) { iSet.add(m); } ItemStack[] iList = iSet.toArray(new ItemStack[iSet.size()]); item.setItemMeta(getLocaleMeta("en_GB")); ShapedRecipe shapedRecipe = new ShapedRecipe(item); int i = 0; Map<ItemStack, Character> iMap = new HashMap<ItemStack, Character>(); for (ItemStack m : iList) { iMap.put(m, (char) (65 + i)); i++; } iMap.put(null, ' '); StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); for (ItemStack m : recipe) { out.append(iMap.get(m)); } String shape = out.toString(); shapedRecipe.shape(shape.substring(0, 3), shape.substring(3, 6), shape.substring(6, 9)); for (Entry<ItemStack, Character> e : iMap.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey() != null) { shapedRecipe.setIngredient( e.getValue(), e.getKey().getType(), e.getKey().getDurability()); } } Bukkit.addRecipe(shapedRecipe); } }
private void deleteItem() { ItemManager.get(getActivity()).deleteItem(mItem); }
/** Tests if supply list is not null. */ public void testGetSupplyList() { final ItemManager manager = new ItemManager(); final List supply = manager.getAllItems(); assertNotNull("getSupplyList() returns null", supply); }
// uh, this needs refactoring private void createPlayer(ShipConfig prevShip) { Vector2 pos = myGalaxyFiller.getPlayerSpawnPos(this); myCam.setPos(pos); Pilot pilot; if (myCmp.getOptions().controlType == GameOptions.CONTROL_MOUSE) { myBeaconHandler.init(this, pos); pilot = new AiPilot( new BeaconDestProvider(), true, Fraction.LAANI, false, "you", Const.AI_DET_DIST); } else { pilot = new UiControlledPilot(myScreens.mainScreen); } ShipConfig shipConfig; if (DebugOptions.GOD_MODE) { shipConfig = myPlayerSpawnConfig.godShipConfig; } else if (prevShip != null) { shipConfig = prevShip; } else { shipConfig = myPlayerSpawnConfig.shipConfig; } float money = myRespawnMoney != 0 ? myRespawnMoney : myTutorialManager != null ? 200 :; HullConfig hull = myRespawnHull != null ? myRespawnHull : shipConfig.hull; String itemsStr = !myRespawnItems.isEmpty() ? "" : shipConfig.items; boolean giveAmmo = prevShip == null && myRespawnItems.isEmpty(); myHero = myShipBuilder .buildNewFar( this, new Vector2(pos), null, 0, 0, pilot, itemsStr, hull, null, true, money, null, giveAmmo) .toObj(this); ItemContainer ic = myHero.getItemContainer(); if (!myRespawnItems.isEmpty()) { for (int i1 = 0, sz = myRespawnItems.size(); i1 < sz; i1++) { SolItem item = myRespawnItems.get(i1); ic.add(item); } } else if (DebugOptions.GOD_MODE) { myItemManager.addAllGuns(ic); } else if (myTutorialManager != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { if (ic.groupCount() > 1.5f * Const.ITEM_GROUPS_PER_PAGE) break; SolItem it = myItemManager.random(); if (!(it instanceof GunItem) && it.getIcon(this) != null && ic.canAdd(it)) { ic.add(it.copy()); } } } ic.seenAll(); AiPilot.reEquip(this, myHero); myObjectManager.addObjDelayed(myHero); myObjectManager.resetDelays(); }