Esempio n. 1
 /* =============================================================================
  * Vector_alloc
  * -- Returns null if failed
  * =============================================================================
 public static IntVector vector_alloc(int initCapacity) {
   int capacity = Math.max(initCapacity, 1);
   IntVector vectorPtr = new IntVector();
   vectorPtr.size = 0;
   vectorPtr.capacity = capacity;
   vectorPtr.elements = new int[capacity];
   return vectorPtr;
Esempio n. 2
  /* =============================================================================
   * Vector_copy
   * =============================================================================
  public static boolean vector_copy(IntVector dstVectorPtr, IntVector srcVectorPtr) {
    int dstCapacity = dstVectorPtr.capacity;
    int srcSize = srcVectorPtr.size;
    if (dstCapacity < srcSize) {
      int srcCapacity = srcVectorPtr.capacity;
      int[] elements = new int[srcCapacity];

      dstVectorPtr.elements = null;
      dstVectorPtr.elements = elements;
      dstVectorPtr.capacity = srcCapacity;

    for (int i = 0; i < srcSize; i++) {
      dstVectorPtr.elements[i] = srcVectorPtr.elements[i];

    dstVectorPtr.size = srcSize;

    return true;
Esempio n. 3
  /* =============================================================================
   * data_generate
   * -- Binary variables of random PDFs
   * -- If seed is <0, do not reseed
   * -- Returns random network
   * =============================================================================
  public Net data_generate(int seed, int maxNumParent, int percentParent) {
    if (seed >= 0) {

     * Generate random Bayesian network

    Net netPtr = new Net(numVar);
    netPtr.net_generateRandomEdges(maxNumParent, percentParent, randomPtr);

     * Create a threshold for each of the possible permutation of variable
     * value instances

    int[][] thresholdsTable = new int[numVar][];
    int v;
    for (v = 0; v < numVar; v++) {
      IntList parentIdListPtr = netPtr.net_getParentIdListPtr(v);
      int numThreshold = 1 << parentIdListPtr.list_getSize();
      int[] thresholds = new int[numThreshold];
      for (int t = 0; t < numThreshold; t++) {
        int threshold = (int) (randomPtr.random_generate() % (DATA_PRECISION + 1));
        thresholds[t] = threshold;
      thresholdsTable[v] = thresholds;

     * Create variable dependency ordering for record generation

    int[] order = new int[numVar];
    int numOrder = 0;

    Queue workQueuePtr = Queue.queue_alloc(-1);

    IntVector dependencyVectorPtr = IntVector.vector_alloc(1);

    BitMap orderedBitmapPtr = BitMap.bitmap_alloc(numVar);

    BitMap doneBitmapPtr = BitMap.bitmap_alloc(numVar);

    v = -1;
    while ((v = doneBitmapPtr.bitmap_findClear(v + 1)) >= 0) {
      IntList childIdListPtr = netPtr.net_getChildIdListPtr(v);
      int numChild = childIdListPtr.list_getSize();

      if (numChild == 0) {

        boolean status;

         * Use breadth-first search to find net connected to this leaf

        status = workQueuePtr.queue_push(v);

        while (!(workQueuePtr.queue_isEmpty())) {
          int id = workQueuePtr.queue_pop();
          status = doneBitmapPtr.bitmap_set(id);

          status = dependencyVectorPtr.vector_pushBack(id);

          IntList parentIdListPtr = netPtr.net_getParentIdListPtr(id);
          IntListNode it = parentIdListPtr.head;

          while (it.nextPtr.get() != null) {
            it = it.nextPtr.get();
            int parentId = it.dataPtr;
            status = workQueuePtr.queue_push(parentId);

         * Create ordering

        int n = dependencyVectorPtr.vector_getSize();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          int id = dependencyVectorPtr.vector_popBack();
          if (!(orderedBitmapPtr.bitmap_isSet(id))) {
            order[numOrder++] = id;

     * Create records

    int startindex = 0;
    for (int r = 0; r < numRecord; r++) {
      for (int o = 0; o < numOrder; o++) {
        v = order[o];
        IntList parentIdListPtr = netPtr.net_getParentIdListPtr(v);
        int index = 0;
        IntListNode it = parentIdListPtr.head;

        while (it.nextPtr.get() != null) {
          it = it.nextPtr.get();
          int parentId = it.dataPtr;
          int value = records[startindex + parentId];
          index = (index << 1) + value;
        int rnd = (int) (randomPtr.random_generate() % DATA_PRECISION);
        int threshold = thresholdsTable[v][index];
        records[startindex + v] = (byte) ((rnd < threshold) ? 1 : 0);
      startindex += numVar;

    return netPtr;
   * @return list of nodeids from branchRoot to branchHead, inclusive. IOW, first element of the
   *     list is always root of the branch
  public List<Nodeid> completeBranch(final Nodeid branchRoot, final Nodeid branchHead)
      throws HgRemoteConnectionException {
    class DataEntry {
      public final Nodeid queryHead;
      public final int headIndex;
      public List<Nodeid> entries;

      public DataEntry(Nodeid head, int index, List<Nodeid> data) {
        queryHead = head;
        headIndex = index;
        entries = data;

    List<Nodeid> initial = remoteRepo.between(branchHead, branchRoot);
    Nodeid[] result = new Nodeid[1 + (1 << initial.size())];
    result[0] = branchHead;
    int rootIndex = -1; // index in the result, where to place branche's root.
    if (initial.isEmpty()) {
      rootIndex = 1;
    } else if (initial.size() == 1) {
      rootIndex = 2;
    LinkedList<DataEntry> datas = new LinkedList<DataEntry>();
    // DataEntry in datas has entries list filled with 'between' data, whereas
    // DataEntry in toQuery keeps only nodeid and its index, with entries to be initialized before
    // moving to datas.
    LinkedList<DataEntry> toQuery = new LinkedList<DataEntry>();
    datas.add(new DataEntry(branchHead, 0, initial));
    int totalQueries = 1;
    HashSet<Nodeid> queried = new HashSet<Nodeid>();
    while (!datas.isEmpty()) {
      // keep record of those planned to be queried next time we call between()
      // although may keep these in queried, if really don't want separate collection
      HashSet<Nodeid> scheduled = new HashSet<Nodeid>();
      do {
        DataEntry de = datas.removeFirst();
        // populate result with discovered elements between de.qiueryRoot and branch's head
        for (int i = 1, j = 0; j < de.entries.size(); i = i << 1, j++) {
          int idx = de.headIndex + i;
          result[idx] = de.entries.get(j);
        // form next query entries from new unknown elements
        if (de.entries.size() > 1) {
          /* when entries has only one element, it means de.queryRoot was at head-2 position, and thus
           * no new information can be obtained. E.g. when it's 2, it might be case of [0..4] query with
           * [1,2] result, and we need one more query to get element 3.
          for (int i = 1, j = 0; j < de.entries.size(); i = i << 1, j++) {
            int idx = de.headIndex + i;
            Nodeid x = de.entries.get(j);
            if (!queried.contains(x)
                && !scheduled.contains(x)
                && (rootIndex == -1 || rootIndex - de.headIndex > 1)) {
              /*queries for elements right before head is senseless, but unless we know head's index, do it anyway*/
              toQuery.add(new DataEntry(x, idx, null));
      } while (!datas.isEmpty());
      if (!toQuery.isEmpty()) {
      // for each query, create an between request range, keep record Range->DataEntry to know
      // range's start index
      LinkedList<HgRemoteRepository.Range> betweenBatch =
          new LinkedList<HgRemoteRepository.Range>();
      HashMap<HgRemoteRepository.Range, DataEntry> rangeToEntry =
          new HashMap<HgRemoteRepository.Range, DataEntry>();
      for (DataEntry de : toQuery) {
        HgRemoteRepository.Range r = new HgRemoteRepository.Range(branchRoot, de.queryHead);
        rangeToEntry.put(r, de);
      if (!betweenBatch.isEmpty()) {
        Map<Range, List<Nodeid>> between = remoteRepo.between(betweenBatch);
        for (Entry<Range, List<Nodeid>> e : between.entrySet()) {
          DataEntry de = rangeToEntry.get(e.getKey());
          assert de != null;
          de.entries = e.getValue();
          if (rootIndex == -1 && de.entries.size() == 1) {
            // returned sequence of length 1 means we used element from [head-2] as root
            int numberOfElementsExcludingRootAndHead = de.headIndex + 1;
            rootIndex = numberOfElementsExcludingRootAndHead + 1;
            if (debug) {
                  "On query %d found out exact number of missing elements: %d\n",
                  totalQueries, numberOfElementsExcludingRootAndHead);
          datas.add(de); // queue up to record result and construct further requests
    if (rootIndex == -1) {
      throw new HgInvalidStateException("Shall not happen, provided between output is correct");
    result[rootIndex] = branchRoot;
    boolean resultOk = true;
    LinkedList<Nodeid> fromRootToHead = new LinkedList<Nodeid>();
    IntVector missing = new IntVector();
    for (int i = 0; i <= rootIndex; i++) {
      Nodeid n = result[i];
      if (n == null) {
        resultOk = false;
      fromRootToHead.addFirst(n); // reverse order
    if (debug) {
      System.out.println("Total queries:" + totalQueries);
    if (!resultOk) {
      assert missing.size() > 0;
      // TODO post-1.0 perhaps, there's better alternative than HgInvalidStateException, e.g.
      // HgDataFormatException?
      throw new HgInvalidStateException(
          String.format("Missing elements with indexes: %s", Arrays.toString(missing.toArray())));
    return fromRootToHead;
Esempio n. 5
  // Triangulate glyph with 'unicode' if not already done.
  GeometryArrayRetained triangulateGlyphs(GlyphVector gv, char c) {
    Character ch = new Character(c);
    GeometryArrayRetained geo = geomHash.get(ch);

    if (geo == null) {
      // Font Y-axis is downwards, so send affine transform to flip it.
      Rectangle2D bnd = gv.getVisualBounds();
      AffineTransform aTran = new AffineTransform();
      double tx = bnd.getX() + 0.5 * bnd.getWidth();
      double ty = bnd.getY() + 0.5 * bnd.getHeight();
      aTran.setToTranslation(-tx, -ty);
      aTran.scale(1.0, -1.0);
      aTran.translate(tx, -ty);
      Shape shape = gv.getOutline();
      PathIterator pIt = shape.getPathIterator(aTran, tessellationTolerance);
      int flag = -1, numPoints = 0, i, j, k, num = 0, vertCnt;
      UnorderList coords = new UnorderList(100, Point3f.class);
      float tmpCoords[] = new float[6];
      float lastX = .0f, lastY = .0f;
      float firstPntx = Float.MAX_VALUE, firstPnty = Float.MAX_VALUE;
      IntVector contours = new IntVector();
      float maxY = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
      int maxYIndex = 0, beginIdx = 0, endIdx = 0, start = 0;

      boolean setMaxY = false;

      while (!pIt.isDone()) {
        Point3f vertex = new Point3f();
        flag = pIt.currentSegment(tmpCoords);
        if (flag == PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE) {
          if (num > 0) {
            if (setMaxY) {
              // Get Previous point
              beginIdx = start;
              endIdx = numPoints - 1;
            num = 0;
        } else if (flag == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO) {
          vertex.x = tmpCoords[0];
          vertex.y = tmpCoords[1];
          lastX = vertex.x;
          lastY = vertex.y;

          if ((lastX == firstPntx) && (lastY == firstPnty)) {
          setMaxY = false;
          firstPntx = lastX;
          firstPnty = lastY;
          if (num > 0) {
            num = 0;
          // skip checking of first point,
          // since the last point will repeat this.
          start = numPoints;
        } else if (flag == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) {
          vertex.x = tmpCoords[0];
          vertex.y = tmpCoords[1];
          // Check here for duplicate points. Code
          // later in this function can not handle
          // duplicate points.

          if ((vertex.x == lastX) && (vertex.y == lastY)) {
          if (vertex.y > maxY) {
            maxY = vertex.y;
            maxYIndex = numPoints;
            setMaxY = true;
          lastX = vertex.x;
          lastY = vertex.y;

      // No data(e.g space, control characters)
      // Two point can't form a valid contour
      if (numPoints == 0) {
        return null;

      // Determine font winding order use for side triangles
      Point3f p1 = new Point3f(), p2 = new Point3f(), p3 = new Point3f();
      boolean flip_side_orient = true;
      Point3f vertices[] = (Point3f[]) coords.toArray(false);

      if (endIdx - beginIdx > 0) {
        // must be true unless it is a single line
        // define as "MoveTo p1 LineTo p2 Close" which is
        // not a valid font definition.

        if (maxYIndex == beginIdx) {
        } else {
          p1.set(vertices[maxYIndex - 1]);
        if (maxYIndex == endIdx) {
        } else {
          p3.set(vertices[maxYIndex + 1]);

        if (p3.x != p2.x) {
          if (p1.x != p2.x) {
            // Use the one with smallest slope
            if (Math.abs((p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x)) > Math.abs((p3.y - p2.y) / (p3.x - p2.x))) {
              flip_side_orient = (p3.x > p2.x);
            } else {
              flip_side_orient = (p2.x > p1.x);
          } else {
            flip_side_orient = (p3.x > p2.x);
        } else {
          // p1.x != p2.x, otherwise all three
          // point form a straight vertical line with
          // the middle point the highest. This is not a
          // valid font definition.
          flip_side_orient = (p2.x > p1.x);

      // Build a Tree of Islands
      int startIdx = 0;
      IslandsNode islandsTree = new IslandsNode(-1, -1);

      for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < contours.size; cIdx++) {
        endIdx = startIdx +[cIdx];
        islandsTree.insert(new IslandsNode(startIdx, endIdx), vertices);
        startIdx = endIdx;

      coords = null; // Free memory
      contours = null;

      // Compute islandCounts[][] and outVerts[][]
      UnorderList islandsList = new UnorderList(10, IslandsNode.class);
      islandsTree.collectOddLevelNode(islandsList, 0);
      IslandsNode nodes[] = (IslandsNode[]) islandsList.toArray(false);
      int islandCounts[][] = new int[islandsList.arraySize()][];
      Point3f outVerts[][] = new Point3f[islandCounts.length][];
      int nchild, sum;
      IslandsNode node;

      for (i = 0; i < islandCounts.length; i++) {
        node = nodes[i];
        nchild = node.numChild();
        islandCounts[i] = new int[nchild + 1];
        islandCounts[i][0] = node.numVertices();
        sum = 0;
        sum += islandCounts[i][0];
        for (j = 0; j < nchild; j++) {
          islandCounts[i][j + 1] = node.getChild(j).numVertices();
          sum += islandCounts[i][j + 1];
        outVerts[i] = new Point3f[sum];
        startIdx = 0;
        for (k = node.startIdx; k < node.endIdx; k++) {
          outVerts[i][startIdx++] = vertices[k];

        for (j = 0; j < nchild; j++) {
          endIdx = node.getChild(j).endIdx;
          for (k = node.getChild(j).startIdx; k < endIdx; k++) {
            outVerts[i][startIdx++] = vertices[k];

      islandsTree = null; // Free memory
      islandsList = null;
      vertices = null;

      int[] contourCounts = new int[1];
      ArrayList<GeometryArray> triangData = new ArrayList<GeometryArray>();

      Point3f q1 = new Point3f(), q2 = new Point3f(), q3 = new Point3f();
      Vector3f n1 = new Vector3f(), n2 = new Vector3f();
      numPoints = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < islandCounts.length; i++) {
        numPoints += outVerts[i].length;

      final GeometryService gs = newGeometryService();
      int vertOffset = gs.triangulateIslands(islandCounts, outVerts, contourCounts, triangData);

      // Multiply by 2 since we create 2 faces of the font
      // Second term is for side-faces along depth of the font
      if (fontExtrusion == null) vertCnt = vertOffset;
      else {
        if (fontExtrusion.shape == null) vertCnt = vertOffset * 2 + numPoints * 6;
        else {
          vertCnt = vertOffset * 2 + numPoints * 6 * (fontExtrusion.pnts.length - 1);

      // XXXX: Should use IndexedTriangleArray to avoid
      // duplication of vertices. To create triangles for
      // side faces, every vertex is duplicated currently.
      TriangleArray triAry =
          new TriangleArray(vertCnt, GeometryArray.COORDINATES | GeometryArray.NORMALS);

      boolean flip_orient[] = new boolean[islandCounts.length];
      boolean findOrient;
      // last known non-degenerate normal
      Vector3f goodNormal = new Vector3f();

      int currCoordIndex = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < islandCounts.length; j++) {
        GeometryArray ga = triangData.get(j);
        vertOffset = ga.getVertexCount();

        findOrient = false;

        // Create the triangle array
        for (i = 0; i < vertOffset; i += 3, currCoordIndex += 3) {
          // Get 3 points. Since triangle is known to be flat, normal
          // must be same for all 3 points.
          ga.getCoordinate(i, p1);
          ga.getNormal(i, n1);
          ga.getCoordinate(i + 1, p2);
          ga.getCoordinate(i + 2, p3);

          if (!findOrient) {
            // Check here if triangles are wound incorrectly and need
            // to be flipped.
            if (!getNormal(p1, p2, p3, n2)) {

            if (n2.z >= EPS) {
              flip_orient[j] = false;
            } else if (n2.z <= -EPS) {
              flip_orient[j] = true;
            } else {
            findOrient = true;
          if (flip_orient[j]) {
            // New Triangulator preserves contour orientation. If contour
            // input is wound incorrectly, swap 2nd and 3rd points to
            // sure all triangles are wound correctly for j3d.
            q1.x = p2.x;
            q1.y = p2.y;
            q1.z = p2.z;
            p2.x = p3.x;
            p2.y = p3.y;
            p2.z = p3.z;
            p3.x = q1.x;
            p3.y = q1.y;
            p3.z = q1.z;
            n1.x = -n1.x;
            n1.y = -n1.y;
            n1.z = -n1.z;

          if (fontExtrusion != null) {
            n2.x = -n1.x;
            n2.y = -n1.y;
            n2.z = -n1.z;

            triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
            triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n2);
            triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 1, p3);
            triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 1, n2);
            triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 2, p2);
            triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 2, n2);

            q1.x = p1.x;
            q1.y = p1.y;
            q1.z = p1.z + fontExtrusion.length;
            q2.x = p2.x;
            q2.y = p2.y;
            q2.z = p2.z + fontExtrusion.length;
            q3.x = p3.x;
            q3.y = p3.y;
            q3.z = p3.z + fontExtrusion.length;

            triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + vertOffset, q1);
            triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + vertOffset, n1);
            triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 1 + vertOffset, q2);
            triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 1 + vertOffset, n1);
            triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 2 + vertOffset, q3);
            triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 2 + vertOffset, n1);
          } else {
            triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
            triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);
            triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 1, p2);
            triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 1, n1);
            triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 2, p3);
            triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 2, n1);
        if (fontExtrusion != null) {
          currCoordIndex += vertOffset;

      // Now add side triangles in both cases.

      // Since we duplicated triangles with different Z, make sure
      // currCoordIndex points to correct location.
      if (fontExtrusion != null) {
        if (fontExtrusion.shape == null) {
          boolean smooth;
          // we'll put a crease if the angle between the normals is
          // greater than 44 degrees
          float threshold = (float) Math.cos(44.0 * Math.PI / 180.0);
          float cosine;
          // need the previous normals to check for smoothing
          Vector3f pn1 = null, pn2 = null;
          // need the next normals to check for smoothing
          Vector3f n3 = new Vector3f(), n4 = new Vector3f();
          //  store the normals for each point because they are
          // the same for both triangles
          Vector3f p1Normal = new Vector3f();
          Vector3f p2Normal = new Vector3f();
          Vector3f p3Normal = new Vector3f();
          Vector3f q1Normal = new Vector3f();
          Vector3f q2Normal = new Vector3f();
          Vector3f q3Normal = new Vector3f();

          for (i = 0; i < islandCounts.length; i++) {
            for (j = 0, k = 0, num = 0; j < islandCounts[i].length; j++) {
              num += islandCounts[i][j];
              p1.x = outVerts[i][num - 1].x;
              p1.y = outVerts[i][num - 1].y;
              p1.z = 0.0f;
              q1.x = p1.x;
              q1.y = p1.y;
              q1.z = p1.z + fontExtrusion.length;
              p2.z = 0.0f;
              q2.z = p2.z + fontExtrusion.length;
              for (int m = 0; m < num; m++) {
                p2.x = outVerts[i][m].x;
                p2.y = outVerts[i][m].y;
                q2.x = p2.x;
                q2.y = p2.y;
                if (getNormal(p1, q1, p2, n1)) {

                  if (!flip_side_orient) {

              for (; k < num; k++) {
                p2.x = outVerts[i][k].x;
                p2.y = outVerts[i][k].y;
                p2.z = 0.0f;
                q2.x = p2.x;
                q2.y = p2.y;
                q2.z = p2.z + fontExtrusion.length;

                if (!getNormal(p1, q1, p2, n1)) {
                } else {
                  if (!flip_side_orient) {

                if (!getNormal(p2, q1, q2, n2)) {
                } else {
                  if (!flip_side_orient) {
                // if there is a previous normal, see if we need to smooth
                // this normal or make a crease

                if (pn1 != null) {
                  cosine =;
                  smooth = cosine > threshold;
                  if (smooth) {
                    p1Normal.x = (pn1.x + pn2.x + n1.x);
                    p1Normal.y = (pn1.y + pn2.y + n1.y);
                    p1Normal.z = (pn1.z + pn2.z + n1.z);

                    q1Normal.x = (pn2.x + n1.x + n2.x);
                    q1Normal.y = (pn2.y + n1.y + n2.y);
                    q1Normal.z = (pn2.z + n1.z + n2.z);
                  } // if smooth
                  else {
                    p1Normal.x = n1.x;
                    p1Normal.y = n1.y;
                    p1Normal.z = n1.z;
                    q1Normal.x = n1.x + n2.x;
                    q1Normal.y = n1.y + n2.y;
                    q1Normal.z = n1.z + n2.z;
                  } // else
                } // if pn1 != null
                else {
                  pn1 = new Vector3f();
                  pn2 = new Vector3f();
                  p1Normal.x = n1.x;
                  p1Normal.y = n1.y;
                  p1Normal.z = n1.z;

                  q1Normal.x = (n1.x + n2.x);
                  q1Normal.y = (n1.y + n2.y);
                  q1Normal.z = (n1.z + n2.z);
                } // else

                // if there is a next, check if we should smooth normal

                if (k + 1 < num) {
                  p3.x = outVerts[i][k + 1].x;
                  p3.y = outVerts[i][k + 1].y;
                  p3.z = 0.0f;
                  q3.x = p3.x;
                  q3.y = p3.y;
                  q3.z = p3.z + fontExtrusion.length;

                  if (!getNormal(p2, q2, p3, n3)) {
                  } else {
                    if (!flip_side_orient) {

                  if (!getNormal(p3, q2, q3, n4)) {
                  } else {
                    if (!flip_side_orient) {

                  cosine =;
                  smooth = cosine > threshold;

                  if (smooth) {
                    p2Normal.x = (n1.x + n2.x + n3.x);
                    p2Normal.y = (n1.y + n2.y + n3.y);
                    p2Normal.z = (n1.z + n2.z + n3.z);

                    q2Normal.x = (n2.x + n3.x + n4.x);
                    q2Normal.y = (n2.y + n3.y + n4.y);
                    q2Normal.z = (n2.z + n3.z + n4.z);
                  } else { // if smooth
                    p2Normal.x = n1.x + n2.x;
                    p2Normal.y = n1.y + n2.y;
                    p2Normal.z = n1.z + n2.z;
                    q2Normal.x = n2.x;
                    q2Normal.y = n2.y;
                    q2Normal.z = n2.z;
                  } // else
                } else { // if k+1 < num
                  p2Normal.x = (n1.x + n2.x);
                  p2Normal.y = (n1.y + n2.y);
                  p2Normal.z = (n1.z + n2.z);

                  q2Normal.x = n2.x;
                  q2Normal.y = n2.y;
                  q2Normal.z = n2.z;
                } // else

                // add pts for the 2 tris
                // p1, q1, p2 and p2, q1, q2

                if (flip_side_orient) {
                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p1Normal);

                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, q1Normal);

                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p2Normal);

                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p2Normal);

                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, q1Normal);
                } else {
                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, q1Normal);

                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p1Normal);

                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p2Normal);

                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, q1Normal);

                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p2Normal);
                triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q2);
                triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, q2Normal);
                pn1.x = n1.x;
                pn1.y = n1.y;
                pn1.z = n1.z;
                pn2.x = n2.x;
                pn2.y = n2.y;
                pn2.z = n2.z;
                p1.x = p2.x;
                p1.y = p2.y;
                p1.z = p2.z;
                q1.x = q2.x;
                q1.y = q2.y;
                q1.z = q2.z;
              } // for k

              // set the previous normals to null when we are done
              pn1 = null;
              pn2 = null;
            } // for j
          } // for i
        } else { // if shape
          int m, offset = 0;
          Point3f P2 = new Point3f(), Q2 = new Point3f(), P1 = new Point3f();
          Vector3f nn = new Vector3f(),
              nn1 = new Vector3f(),
              nn2 = new Vector3f(),
              nn3 = new Vector3f();
          Vector3f nna = new Vector3f(), nnb = new Vector3f();
          float length;
          boolean validNormal = false;

          // fontExtrusion.shape is specified, and is NOT straight line
          for (i = 0; i < islandCounts.length; i++) {
            for (j = 0, k = 0, offset = num = 0; j < islandCounts[i].length; j++) {
              num += islandCounts[i][j];

              p1.x = outVerts[i][num - 1].x;
              p1.y = outVerts[i][num - 1].y;
              p1.z = 0.0f;
              q1.x = p1.x;
              q1.y = p1.y;
              q1.z = p1.z + fontExtrusion.length;
              p3.z = 0.0f;
              for (m = num - 2; m >= 0; m--) {
                p3.x = outVerts[i][m].x;
                p3.y = outVerts[i][m].y;

                if (getNormal(p3, q1, p1, nn1)) {
                  if (!flip_side_orient) {
              for (; k < num; k++) {
                p2.x = outVerts[i][k].x;
                p2.y = outVerts[i][k].y;
                p2.z = 0.0f;
                q2.x = p2.x;
                q2.y = p2.y;
                q2.z = p2.z + fontExtrusion.length;
                getNormal(p1, q1, p2, nn2);

                p3.x = outVerts[i][(k + 1) == num ? offset : (k + 1)].x;
                p3.y = outVerts[i][(k + 1) == num ? offset : (k + 1)].y;
                p3.z = 0.0f;
                if (!getNormal(p3, p2, q2, nn3)) {
                } else {
                  if (!flip_side_orient) {

                // Calculate normals at the point by averaging normals
                // of two faces on each side of the point.
                nna.x = (nn1.x + nn2.x);
                nna.y = (nn1.y + nn2.y);
                nna.z = (nn1.z + nn2.z);

                nnb.x = (nn3.x + nn2.x);
                nnb.y = (nn3.y + nn2.y);
                nnb.z = (nn3.z + nn2.z);

                P1.x = p1.x;
                P1.y = p1.y;
                P1.z = p1.z;
                P2.x = p2.x;
                P2.y = p2.y;
                P2.z = p2.z;
                Q2.x = q2.x;
                Q2.y = q2.y;
                Q2.z = q2.z;
                for (m = 1; m < fontExtrusion.pnts.length; m++) {
                  q1.z = q2.z = fontExtrusion.pnts[m].x;
                  q1.x = P1.x + nna.x * fontExtrusion.pnts[m].y;
                  q1.y = P1.y + nna.y * fontExtrusion.pnts[m].y;
                  q2.x = P2.x + nnb.x * fontExtrusion.pnts[m].y;
                  q2.y = P2.y + nnb.y * fontExtrusion.pnts[m].y;

                  if (!getNormal(p1, q1, p2, n1)) {
                  } else {
                    if (!flip_side_orient) {

                  if (flip_side_orient) {
                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);
                  } else {
                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);
                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                  if (!getNormal(p2, q1, q2, n1)) {
                  } else {
                    if (!flip_side_orient) {

                  if (flip_side_orient) {
                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);
                  } else {
                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);
                  triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q2);
                  triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                  p1.x = q1.x;
                  p1.y = q1.y;
                  p1.z = q1.z;
                  p2.x = q2.x;
                  p2.y = q2.y;
                  p2.z = q2.z;
                } // for m
                p1.x = P2.x;
                p1.y = P2.y;
                p1.z = P2.z;
                q1.x = Q2.x;
                q1.y = Q2.y;
                q1.z = Q2.z;
                nn1.x = nn2.x;
                nn1.y = nn2.y;
                nn1.z = nn2.z;
              } // for k
              offset = num;
            } // for j
          } // for i
        } // if shape
      } // if fontExtrusion
      geo = (GeometryArrayRetained) triAry.retained;
      geomHash.put(ch, geo);

    return geo;