/** Tests to see if the the randomMint method returns an empty set */
  public void testRandomMintZeroAmount() {
    IdGenerator minter = new AutoIdGenerator("", Token.DIGIT, 5);

    Set<Pid> randomSet = minter.randomMint(0);
    Assert.assertEquals(randomSet.isEmpty(), true);
  public static void fromCRAWDAD(
      LinkTrace links,
      InputStream in,
      double timeMul,
      long ticsPerSecond,
      long offset,
      IdGenerator idGen)
      throws IOException {

    StatefulWriter<LinkEvent, Link> linkWriter = links.getWriter();
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
    String line;

    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
      String[] elems = line.split("[ \t]+");
      Integer id1 = idGen.getInternalId(elems[0]);
      Integer id2 = idGen.getInternalId(elems[1]);
      long begin = (long) (Long.parseLong(elems[2]) * timeMul) + offset;
      long end = (long) (Long.parseLong(elems[3]) * timeMul) + offset;
      linkWriter.queue(begin, new LinkEvent(id1, id2, LinkEvent.UP));
      linkWriter.queue(end, new LinkEvent(id1, id2, LinkEvent.DOWN));
    linkWriter.setProperty(Trace.timeUnitKey, Units.toTimeUnit(ticsPerSecond));
  /** Tests to see if the the sequentialMint method returns an empty set */
  public void testSequentialMintZeroAmount() {
    IdGenerator minter = new AutoIdGenerator("", Token.DIGIT, 5);

    Set<Pid> sequentialSet = minter.sequentialMint(0);
    Assert.assertEquals(sequentialSet.isEmpty(), true);
   * Tests to see if the sequentialMint method will print the desired prefix at an arbitrary
   * starting value.
   * @param prefix A sequence of characters that appear in the beginning of PIDs
   * @param sansVowel Dictates whether or not vowels are allowed
   * @param tokenType An enum used to configure PIDS
   * @param rootLength Designates the length of the id's root
   * @param amount The number of PIDs to be created
  @Test(dataProvider = "prefix")
  public void testSequentialMintPrefixWithStartingValue(
      String prefix, boolean sansVowel, Token tokenType, int rootLength, int amount) {
    // store parameters in a setting object
    Setting setting = new Setting(prefix, tokenType, null, rootLength, sansVowel);
    IdGenerator generator = new AutoIdGenerator(prefix, tokenType, rootLength);
    int startingValue = amount / 2;
    Set<Pid> sequentialSet = generator.sequentialMint(amount, startingValue);

    int counter = 0;
    Pid prev = null;
    Iterator<Pid> iter = sequentialSet.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      // fail if the length does not match
      Pid current = iter.next();
      PID_TEST.testPrefix(current.getName(), setting);

      if (prev != null && counter != startingValue) {
        PID_TEST.testOrder(prev, current);

      prev = current;

    // test to see if the amount matches the size of the generated set
    Assert.assertEquals(sequentialSet.size(), amount);
   * Tests to see if randomMint will through NotEnoughPermutation exception when the amount exceeds
   * the total permutations
  @Test(expectedExceptions = NotEnoughPermutationsException.class)
  public void testRandomNotEnoughPermutationException() {
    IdGenerator minter = new AutoIdGenerator("", Token.DIGIT, 5);
    long total = minter.getMaxPermutation();

    Set<Pid> randomSet = minter.randomMint(total + 1);
Esempio n. 6
  protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException {
    try (PrintWriter out = response.getWriter()) {
      session = request.getSession();
      dbConn conn = new dbConn();
      IdGenerator IG = new IdGenerator();
      id = IG.current_id();

      plotname = request.getParameter("plotname");

      status = "";
      String checker = "SELECT id FROM plots WHERE name=? OR id=?";
      conn.pst = conn.conn.prepareStatement(checker);
      conn.pst.setString(1, plotname);
      conn.pst.setString(2, id);

      conn.rs = conn.pst.executeQuery();
      if (conn.rs.next() == true) {
        status = "<font color=\"red\"><b>Failed </b> : Plot already exist.</font>";

      } else {
        String inserter = "INSERT INTO plots (id,name) VALUES(?,?)";
        conn.pst = conn.conn.prepareStatement(inserter);
        conn.pst.setString(1, id);
        conn.pst.setString(2, plotname);
        status = "<font color=\"green\"><b>Success : </b> Plot added successfully.</font>";
Esempio n. 7
 public static Message create(int code, MessageFlag flag) {
   Message message = new DefaultMessage();
   message.version((byte) 1);
   return message;
Esempio n. 8
  * Closes this store. This will cause all buffers and channels to be closed. Requesting an
  * operation from after this method has been invoked is illegal and an exception will be thrown.
  * <p>This method will start by invoking the {@link #closeStorage} method giving the implementing
  * store way to do anything that it needs to do before the fileChannel is closed.
 public void close() {
   if (fileChannel == null) {
   if (windowPool != null) {
     windowPool = null;
   if ((isReadOnly() && !isBackupSlave()) || idGenerator == null || !storeOk) {
   long highId = idGenerator.getHighId();
   int recordSize = -1;
   if (this instanceof AbstractDynamicStore) {
     recordSize = ((AbstractDynamicStore) this).getBlockSize();
   } else if (this instanceof AbstractStore) {
     recordSize = ((AbstractStore) this).getRecordSize();
   boolean success = false;
   IOException storedIoe = null;
   // hack for WINBLOWS
   if (!readOnly || backupSlave) {
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
       try {
         fileChannel.position(highId * recordSize);
         ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(UTF8.encode(getTypeAndVersionDescriptor()));
             "Closing "
                 + storageFileName
                 + ", truncating at "
                 + fileChannel.position()
                 + " vs file size "
                 + fileChannel.size());
         success = true;
       } catch (IOException e) {
         storedIoe = e;
   } else {
     success = true;
   if (!success) {
     throw new UnderlyingStorageException(
         "Unable to close store " + getStorageFileName(), storedIoe);
   * Tests AutoIdGenerator for the presence of vowels through the randomMint method
   * @param prefix A sequence of characters that appear in the beginning of PIDs
   * @param sansVowel Dictates whether or not vowels are allowed
   * @param tokenType An enum used to configure PIDS
   * @param rootLength Designates the length of the id's root
   * @param amount The number of PIDs to be created
  @Test(dataProvider = "sansVowel")
  public void testRandomMintSansVowels(
      String prefix, boolean sansVowel, Token tokenType, int rootLength, int amount) {
    // store parameters in a setting object
    Setting setting = new Setting(prefix, tokenType, null, rootLength, sansVowel);
    IdGenerator generator = new AutoIdGenerator(prefix, tokenType, rootLength);
    Set<Pid> randomSet = generator.randomMint(amount);

    for (Pid id : randomSet) {
      PID_TEST.testTokenType(id.getName(), setting);
    // test to see if the amount matches the size of the generated set
    Assert.assertEquals(randomSet.size(), amount);
Esempio n. 10
  Connector addConnector(VNode node, Connector c) {
    String localId = c.getLocalId();

    if (connectorIdGenerator.getIds().contains(localId)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Cannot add connector: id \"" + localId + "\" already in use");

    Connector result = new ConnectorImpl(node, c);


    return result;
Esempio n. 11
 public void testBasic() {
   assertEquals("", IdGenerator.generate("", ""));
   assertEquals("", IdGenerator.generate(null, ""));
   assertEquals("", IdGenerator.generate("", null));
   assertEquals("", IdGenerator.generate(null, null));
   assertEquals("a", IdGenerator.generate("a", null));
   assertEquals("a", IdGenerator.generate("a", ""));
   assertEquals("b", IdGenerator.generate("", "b"));
   assertEquals("b", IdGenerator.generate(null, "b"));
   assertEquals("a" + IdGenerator.SEPARATOR + "b", IdGenerator.generate("a", "b"));
Esempio n. 12
  // read all defense missile from given defense destructor
  protected void readDefenseDestructorFromGivenDestructor(Element destructor) {
    NamedNodeMap attributes = destructor.getAttributes();
    String id = "";
    String type;

    Attr attr = (Attr) attributes.item(0);

    String name = attr.getNodeName();

    // if it's iron dome
    if (name.equals("id")) {
      id = attr.getNodeValue();

      // update id's in the war
      // add to war

      NodeList destructdMissiles = destructor.getElementsByTagName("destructdMissile");
      readDefensDestructoreMissiles(destructdMissiles, id);

      // if it's launcher destructor
    } else {
      if (name.equals("type")) {
        type = attr.getNodeValue();

        // add to war
        id = war.addDefenseLauncherDestructor(type);

        NodeList destructedLanuchers = destructor.getElementsByTagName("destructedLanucher");
        readDefensDestructoreMissiles(destructedLanuchers, id);
Esempio n. 13
 public Document generateIdIfAbsentFromDocument(final Document document) {
   if (!documentHasId(document)) {
     document.put(ID_FIELD_NAME, idGenerator.generate());
   return document;
 public void testHazelcastInstances() {
   assertEquals("map1", map1.getName());
   assertEquals("map2", map2.getName());
   assertEquals("testMultimap", multiMap.getName());
   assertEquals("testQ", queue.getName());
   assertEquals("testTopic", topic.getName());
   assertEquals("set", set.getName());
   assertEquals("list", list.getName());
   assertEquals("idGenerator", idGenerator.getName());
   assertEquals("atomicLong", atomicLong.getName());
   assertEquals("atomicReference", atomicReference.getName());
   assertEquals("countDownLatch", countDownLatch.getName());
   assertEquals("semaphore", semaphore.getName());
Esempio n. 15
 public Server() {
   id = IdGenerator.getInstance().getId();
   spreadGroup = new SpreadGroup();
   knownServers = new HashMap<>();
   waitingOperations = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>();
Esempio n. 16
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.collectionspace.JSONStore#retrieveJson(java.lang.String)
  public JSONObject retrieveJSON(String filePath, JSONObject restrictions)
      throws ExistException, UnderlyingStorageException, UnimplementedException {
    // XXX hack: support views properly
    String XXXCHOP = "/view";
    String XXXCHOP2 = "/refs";

    if (filePath.endsWith(XXXCHOP))
      filePath = filePath.substring(0, filePath.length() - XXXCHOP.length());
    if (filePath.endsWith(XXXCHOP2)) return new JSONObject();
    if (idRequest(filePath)) return id.retrieveJSON(filePath, restrictions);
    File jsonFile = fileFromPath(filePath);
    if (!jsonFile.exists()) {
      throw new ExistException("No such file: " + filePath);
    try {
      FileReader r = new FileReader(jsonFile);
      String data = IOUtils.toString(r);
      JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(data);
      return jsonObject;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      return new JSONObject(); // XXX
    } catch (JSONException je) {
      return new JSONObject(); // XXX
  public static XMLFragmentMapping getInstance(
      FragmentMapping fm, XMLElementResolverFactory resolverFac) {
    logger.debug("Resolving fragment-mapping: " + fm);

    XMLResolver<FragmentMapping, XMLFragmentMapping> fmResolver =
        resolverFac.getResolver(FragmentMapping.class, XMLFragmentMapping.class);

    if (fmResolver == null)
      throw new ReuseRuntimeException(
          "No XMLResolver found for " + FragmentMapping.class + ", " + XMLFragmentMapping.class);

    IdGenerator<XMLFragmentMapping> fmIdGenerator =

    if (fmIdGenerator == null)
      throw new ReuseRuntimeException("No IdGenerator found for " + XMLFragmentMapping.class);

    if (fmResolver.isBound(fm)) {
      XMLFragmentMapping resolved = fmResolver.resolve(fm);
      logger.debug("Cache hit for fragment-mapping: " + fm + ", in cache: " + resolved);
      return resolved;

    // TFragmentizer2.printFragmentMapping(fm);
    Set<Operator> ops = fm.getOperators();
    Set<XMLOperator> xmlOps = new HashSet<XMLOperator>();
    for (Operator op : ops) {
      XMLOperator xmlOp = XMLOperator.getInstance(op, resolverFac);

    XMLFragmentMapping xmlFm = new XMLFragmentMapping();

    String id = fm.getId();
    // if no id is set -> generate one
    if (id == null) {
      id = fmIdGenerator.generateId(xmlFm);


    fmResolver.bind(fm, xmlFm);

    logger.debug("Resolved fragment-mapping: " + fm + " to: " + xmlFm);
    return xmlFm;
Esempio n. 18
 /** @return The highest possible id in use, -1 if no id in use. */
 public long getHighestPossibleIdInUse() {
   if (idGenerator != null) {
     return idGenerator.getHighId() - 1;
   } else { // If we ask for this before we've recovered we can only make a best-effort guess
     // about the highest possible id in use.
     return figureOutHighestIdInUse();
Esempio n. 19
  * Return the highest id in use.
  * @return The highest id in use.
 public long getHighId() {
   long genHighId = idGenerator != null ? idGenerator.getHighId() : -1;
   long updateHighId = highestUpdateRecordId;
   if (updateHighId > genHighId) {
     return updateHighId;
   return genHighId;
 public BibtexEntry makeBibtexEntry() {
   BibtexEntry e = new BibtexEntry(IdGenerator.next(), BibtexEntryTypes.INCOLLECTION);
   e.setField("title", "Marine finfish larviculture in Europe");
   e.setField("bibtexkey", "shields01");
   e.setField("year", "2001");
   e.setField("author", "Kevin Shields");
   return e;
   * Constructs the consumer which will read from the given destination and is a child of the given
   * context.
   * @param destination the destination that this consumer will read from
   * @param hazelcastMQContext the parent context of this consumer
  DefaultHazelcastMQConsumer(String destination, DefaultHazelcastMQContext hazelcastMQContext) {

    this.destination = destination;
    this.receiveLock = new ReentrantLock();
    this.receiveCondition = receiveLock.newCondition();
    this.closed = false;
    this.active = false;

    this.hazelcastMQContext = hazelcastMQContext;
    this.config = hazelcastMQContext.getHazelcastMQInstance().getConfig();

    HazelcastInstance hazelcast =

    IdGenerator idGenerator = hazelcast.getIdGenerator("hazelcastmqconsumer");
    this.id = "hazelcastmqconsumer-" + String.valueOf(idGenerator.newId());
Esempio n. 22
 public void deleteJSON(String filePath)
     throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException {
   if (idRequest(filePath)) id.deleteJSON(filePath);
   File jsonFile = fileFromPath(filePath);
   if (!jsonFile.exists()) {
     throw new ExistException("No such file: " + filePath);
Esempio n. 23
  public User createUser(String username, String password) {

    if (userRepository.usernameExists(username)) {
      throw new ServiceException("Username is already taken");

    String id = idGenerator.generate();
    User user = new User(id, username, password);


    return user;
Esempio n. 24
  // read all defense destructors and their missiles from XML
  protected void readDefenseDestructors() {
    NodeList destructors = root.getElementsByTagName("destructor");

    int destructorsSize = destructors.getLength();
    for (int i = 0; i < destructorsSize; i++) {
      Element destructor = (Element) destructors.item(i);


    // update the id's in the war
 * Accumulates available regulation capacity for a given TariffSubscription. This is basically a
 * data structure that holds two numbers: an amount of up-regulation capacity (non-negative), and an
 * amount of down-regulation capacity (non-positive). The subscription is also included to simplify
 * log analysis; in cases where no subscription is involved, this value should be null.
 * @author John Collins
public class RegulationCapacity {
  protected static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(RegulationCapacity.class.getName());

  long id = IdGenerator.createId();

  // ignore small numbers
  private static double epsilon = 1e-10;

  private double upRegulationCapacity = 0.0;

  private double downRegulationCapacity = 0.0;

   * Creates a new RegulationAccumulator instance specifying the amounts of regulating capacity
   * available for up-regulation and down-regulation. Values are expressed with respect to the
   * balancing market; a negative value means power is delivered to the customer (down-regulation),
   * and a positive value means power is delivered to the balancing market (up-regulation).
  public RegulationCapacity(
      TariffSubscription subscription, double upRegulationCapacity, double downRegulationCapacity) {
    if (upRegulationCapacity < 0.0) {
      if (upRegulationCapacity < -epsilon)
        log.warn("upRegulationCapacity " + upRegulationCapacity + " < 0.0");
      upRegulationCapacity = 0.0;
    if (downRegulationCapacity > 0.0) {
      if (downRegulationCapacity > epsilon)
        log.warn("downRegulationCapacity " + downRegulationCapacity + " > 0.0");
      downRegulationCapacity = 0.0;
    this.upRegulationCapacity = upRegulationCapacity;
    this.downRegulationCapacity = downRegulationCapacity;

  public long getId() {
    return id;

  /** Returns the available up-regulation capacity in kWh. Value is non-negative. */
  public double getUpRegulationCapacity() {
    return upRegulationCapacity;

  /** Returns the available down-regulation capacity in kWh. Value is non-positive. */
  public double getDownRegulationCapacity() {
    return downRegulationCapacity;
Esempio n. 26
 public String autocreateJSON(String filePath, JSONObject jsonObject)
     throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException {
   if ("id".equals(filePath)) id.autocreateJSON("", jsonObject);
   while (true) {
     int tail = rnd.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
     String filename = filePath + "/" + tail;
     try {
       set(filename, jsonObject, true);
       return Integer.toString(tail);
     } catch (ExistException e) {
       // Try again
Esempio n. 27
  // read enemy launchers and their missiles form XML
  protected void readEnemyLaunchers() {
    NodeList launchers = root.getElementsByTagName("launcher");

    for (int i = 0; i < launchers.getLength(); i++) {
      Element tempLauncher = (Element) launchers.item(i);

      String idLauncher = tempLauncher.getAttribute("id");
      boolean isHidden = Boolean.parseBoolean(tempLauncher.getAttribute("isHidden"));

      // add to the war
      war.addEnemyLauncher(idLauncher, isHidden);

      NodeList missiles = tempLauncher.getElementsByTagName("missile");

      // read all missiles
      readMissilesForGivenLauncher(missiles, idLauncher);

    // update the id's in the war
   * Tests the AutoIdGenerator for the presence of vowels through the sequentialMint method.
   * @param prefix A sequence of characters that appear in the beginning of PIDs
   * @param sansVowel Dictates whether or not vowels are allowed
   * @param tokenType An enum used to configure PIDS
   * @param rootLength Designates the length of the id's root
   * @param amount The number of PIDs to be created
  @Test(dataProvider = "sansVowel")
  public void testSequentialMintSansVowels(
      String prefix, boolean sansVowel, Token tokenType, int rootLength, int amount) {
    // store parameters in a setting object
    Setting setting = new Setting(prefix, tokenType, null, rootLength, sansVowel);
    IdGenerator generator = new AutoIdGenerator(prefix, tokenType, rootLength);
    Set<Pid> sequentialSet = generator.sequentialMint(amount);

    Pid prev = null;
    Iterator<Pid> iter = sequentialSet.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      // fail if the length does not match
      Pid current = iter.next();
      PID_TEST.testTokenType(current.getName(), setting);

      if (prev != null) {
        PID_TEST.testOrder(prev, current);

      prev = current;

    Assert.assertEquals(sequentialSet.size(), amount);
  public void testCiteKeyAndID() {
    BibEntry be = new BibEntry();
    be.setField("author", "Albert Einstein");
    be.setField(BibEntry.KEY_FIELD, "Einstein1931");
    Assert.assertEquals("Einstein1931", be.getCiteKey());
    Assert.assertEquals("Albert Einstein", be.getField("author"));

    String id = IdGenerator.next();
    Assert.assertEquals(id, be.getId());
Esempio n. 30
 private static BibtexEntry getTestEntry() {
   if (PreviewPrefsTab.entry != null) {
     return PreviewPrefsTab.entry;
   PreviewPrefsTab.entry = new BibtexEntry(IdGenerator.next(), BibtexEntryType.getType("article"));
   PreviewPrefsTab.entry.setField(BibtexFields.KEY_FIELD, "conceicao1997");
       "Luis E. C. Conceic{\\~a}o and Terje van der Meeren and Johan A. J. Verreth and M S. Evjen and D. F. Houlihan and H. J. Fyhn");
       "Amino acid metabolism and protein turnover in larval turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) fed natural zooplankton or Artemia");
   PreviewPrefsTab.entry.setField("year", "1997");
   PreviewPrefsTab.entry.setField("journal", "Marine Biology");
   PreviewPrefsTab.entry.setField("month", "January");
   PreviewPrefsTab.entry.setField("number", "2");
   PreviewPrefsTab.entry.setField("volume", "123");
   PreviewPrefsTab.entry.setField("pdf", "conceicao1997.pdf");
   PreviewPrefsTab.entry.setField("pages", "255--265");
       "keywords", "energetics, artemia, metabolism, amino acid, turbot");
       "url", "http://ejournals.ebsco.com/direct.asp?ArticleID=TYY4NT82XA9H7R8PFPPV");
       "Abstract The present paper studied the influence of different food regimes "
           + "on the free amino acid (FAA) pool, the rate of protein turnover, the flux of amino acids, and "
           + "their relation to growth of larval turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) from first feeding until "
           + "metamorphosis. The amino acid profile of protein was stable during the larval period although "
           + "some small, but significant, differences were found. Turbot larvae had proteins which were rich "
           + "in leucine and aspartate, and poor in glutamate, suggesting a high leucine requirement. The "
           + "profile of the FAA pool was highly variable and quite different from the amino acid profile in "
           + "protein. The proportion of essential FAA decreased with development. High contents of free tyrosine "
           + "and phenylalanine were found on Day 3, while free taurine was present at high levels throughout "
           + "the experimental period. Larval growth rates were positively correlated with taurine levels, "
           + "suggesting a dietary dependency for taurine and/or sulphur amino acids.\n\nReduced growth rates in "
           + "Artemia-fed larvae were associated with lower levels of free methionine, indicating that this diet "
           + "is deficient in methionine for turbot larvae. Leucine might also be limiting turbot growth as the "
           + "different diet organisms had lower levels of this amino acid in the free pool than was found in the "
           + "larval protein. A previously presented model was used to describe the flux of amino acids in growing "
           + "turbot larvae. The FAA pool was found to be small and variable. It was estimated that the daily dietary "
           + "amino acid intake might be up to ten times the larval FAA pool. In addition, protein synthesis and "
           + "protein degradation might daily remove and return, respectively, the equivalent of up to 20 and 10 "
           + "times the size of the FAA pool. In an early phase (Day 11) high growth rates were associated with a "
           + "relatively low protein turnover, while at a later stage (Day 17), a much higher turnover was observed.");
   return PreviewPrefsTab.entry;