Importprices(String args[], CommandSender sender) { HyperConomy hc = HyperConomy.hc; LanguageFile L = hc.getLanguageFile(); DataHandler sf = hc.getDataFunctions(); try { if (args.length == 1) { String economy = args[0]; if (sf.testEconomy(economy)) { new Backup(); FileConfiguration itemsyaml = hc.getYaml().getItems(); Iterator<String> it = itemsyaml.getKeys(false).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name =; double value = itemsyaml.getDouble(name + ".value"); double staticprice = itemsyaml.getDouble(name + ".price.staticprice"); double startprice = itemsyaml.getDouble(name + ".initiation.startprice"); HyperObject ho = sf.getHyperObject(name, economy); ho.setValue(value); ho.setStartprice(startprice); ho.setStaticprice(staticprice); } FileConfiguration enchantsyaml = hc.getYaml().getEnchants(); Iterator<String> it2 = enchantsyaml.getKeys(false).iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { String name =; double value = enchantsyaml.getDouble(name + ".value"); double staticprice = enchantsyaml.getDouble(name + ".price.staticprice"); double startprice = enchantsyaml.getDouble(name + ".initiation.startprice"); HyperObject ho = sf.getHyperObject(name, economy); ho.setValue(value); ho.setStartprice(startprice); ho.setStaticprice(staticprice); } sender.sendMessage(L.get("PRICES_IMPORTED")); } else { sender.sendMessage(L.get("ECONOMY_NOT_EXIST")); return; } } else { sender.sendMessage(L.get("IMPORTPRICES_INVALID")); } } catch (Exception e) { sender.sendMessage(L.get("IMPORTPRICES_INVALID")); } }
Sellall(String args[], Player p) { hc = HyperConomy.hc; s = hc.getShop(); calc = hc.getCalculation(); tran = hc.getTransaction(); ench = hc.getETransaction(); player = p; try { s.setinShop(player); if (s.inShop() != -1) { if (!hc.getYaml().getConfig().getBoolean("config.use-shop-permissions") || player.hasPermission("*") || player.hasPermission("" + s.getShop(player)) || player.hasPermission("" + s.getShop(player) + ".sell")) { if (args.length == 0) { int slotn = 0; Inventory invent = player.getInventory(); int heldslot = player.getInventory().getHeldItemSlot(); int itd = 0; // Sells the held item slot first. if (invent.getItem(heldslot) != null) { itd = invent.getItem(heldslot).getTypeId(); } if (itd != 0) { int da = calc.getpotionDV(invent.getItem(heldslot)); int newdat = calc.newData(itd, da); String ke = itd + ":" + newdat; String nam = hc.getnameData(ke); int amount = tran.countInvitems(itd, newdat, player); if (nam != null) { if (s.has(s.getShop(player), nam)) { tran.sell(nam, itd, newdat, amount, player); } else { sendMessage("§9Sorry, one or more of those items cannot be traded at this shop."); } } } // Sells remaining items after the held slot. while (slotn < 36) { if (invent.getItem(slotn) == null) { itd = 0; } else { itd = invent.getItem(slotn).getTypeId(); } if (itd != 0) { ItemStack itemn = invent.getItem(slotn); if (ench.hasenchants(itemn) == false) { int da = calc.getpotionDV(invent.getItem(slotn)); int newdat = calc.newData(itd, da); String ke = itd + ":" + newdat; String nam = hc.getnameData(ke); if (nam != null) { int amount = tran.countInvitems(itd, newdat, player); if (s.has(s.getShop(player), nam)) { tran.sell(nam, itd, newdat, amount, player); } else { sendMessage( "§9Sorry, one or more of those items cannot be traded at this shop."); } } } else { sendMessage("§9You cannot buy or sell enchanted items!"); } } slotn++; } } else { player.sendMessage("§4Invalid Parameters. Use /sellall"); return; } } else { player.sendMessage("§9Sorry, you don't have permission to trade here."); return; } } else { player.sendMessage("§4You must be in a shop to buy or sell!"); return; } } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("§4Invalid Parameters. Use /sellall"); return; } }