  public double computeLikelihood(int classIndex, AttributeValue v) {
    if (v instanceof Null) return 1.0;
    if (!(v instanceof Histogram))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Error: value " + v + " is not a Histogram for OntologyBernoulliEstimator.");

    Histogram val = null;
    if (v instanceof MappedHistogram) {
      List<URI> domain = mCut.get();
      MappedHistogram allV = (MappedHistogram) v;
      val = allV.induce(domain);
    } else {
      val = (Histogram) v;

    if (val.size() != mCut.size())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Error: size of "
              + v
              + " ("
              + val.size()
              + ") does not match the size of current cut ("
              + mCut.size()
              + ").");


    return MathUtil.logBernoulliDist(mParameters[classIndex], val.getIntArray(0));