private static ASTNode replaceAlias(final ASTNode expr, final CubeQueryContext cubeql) throws SemanticException { ASTNode finalAST = HQLParser.copyAST(expr); HQLParser.bft( finalAST, new ASTNodeVisitor() { @Override public void visit(TreeNode visited) { ASTNode node = visited.getNode(); ASTNode parent = null; if (visited.getParent() != null) { parent = visited.getParent().getNode(); } if (node.getToken().getType() == TOK_TABLE_OR_COL && (parent != null && parent.getToken().getType() == DOT)) { ASTNode current = (ASTNode) node.getChild(0); if (current.getToken().getType() == Identifier) { String tableName = current.getToken().getText().toLowerCase(); String alias = cubeql.getAliasForTableName(tableName); if (!alias.equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { node.setChild(0, new ASTNode(new CommonToken(HiveParser.Identifier, alias))); } } } } }); return finalAST; }
public CubeQueryContext(ASTNode ast, QB qb, Configuration queryConf, HiveConf metastoreConf) throws LensException { this.ast = ast; this.qb = qb; this.conf = queryConf; this.clauseName = getClause(); this.timeRanges = new ArrayList<TimeRange>(); try { metastoreClient = CubeMetastoreClient.getInstance(metastoreConf); } catch (HiveException e) { throw new LensException(e); } if (qb.getParseInfo().getWhrForClause(clauseName) != null) { this.whereAST = qb.getParseInfo().getWhrForClause(clauseName); } if (qb.getParseInfo().getHavingForClause(clauseName) != null) { this.havingAST = qb.getParseInfo().getHavingForClause(clauseName); } if (qb.getParseInfo().getOrderByForClause(clauseName) != null) { this.orderByAST = qb.getParseInfo().getOrderByForClause(clauseName); } if (qb.getParseInfo().getGroupByForClause(clauseName) != null) { this.groupByAST = qb.getParseInfo().getGroupByForClause(clauseName); } if (qb.getParseInfo().getSelForClause(clauseName) != null) { this.selectAST = qb.getParseInfo().getSelForClause(clauseName); } for (ASTNode aggrTree : qb.getParseInfo().getAggregationExprsForClause(clauseName).values()) { String aggr = HQLParser.getString(aggrTree); aggregateExprs.add(aggr); } extractMetaTables(); }
boolean hasAggregates() { for (ExprSpecContext esc : allExprs) { if (HQLParser.hasAggregate(esc.finalAST)) { return true; } } return false; }
public String getInsertClause() { String insertString = ""; ASTNode destTree = qb.getParseInfo().getDestForClause(clauseName); if (destTree != null && ((ASTNode) (destTree.getChild(0))).getToken().getType() != TOK_TMP_FILE) { insertString = "INSERT OVERWRITE" + HQLParser.getString(qb.getParseInfo().getDestForClause(clauseName)); } return insertString; }
private void resolveClause(CubeQueryContext query, ASTNode node) throws LensException { if (node == null) { return; } int nodeType = node.getToken().getType(); if (nodeType == HiveParser.DOT) { String colName = HQLParser.getColName(node).toLowerCase(); if (!pickedReferences.containsKey(colName)) { return; } // No need to create a new node, // replace the table name identifier and column name identifier ASTNode tableNode = (ASTNode) node.getChild(0); ASTNode tabident = HQLParser.findNodeByPath(node, TOK_TABLE_OR_COL, Identifier); PickedReference refered = getPickedReference(colName, tabident.getText().toLowerCase()); if (refered == null) { return; } ASTNode newTableNode = new ASTNode( new CommonToken(HiveParser.Identifier, refered.getChainRef().getChainName())); tableNode.setChild(0, newTableNode); ASTNode newColumnNode = new ASTNode( new CommonToken(HiveParser.Identifier, refered.getChainRef().getRefColumn())); node.setChild(1, newColumnNode); } else { // recurse down for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) { ASTNode child = (ASTNode) node.getChild(i); resolveClause(query, child); } } }
static ASTNode replaceAliases(ASTNode node, int nodePos, Map<String, String> colToTableAlias) { if (node == null) { return node; } int nodeType = node.getToken().getType(); if (nodeType == HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL || nodeType == HiveParser.DOT) { String colName = HQLParser.getColName(node); String newAlias = colToTableAlias.get(colName.toLowerCase()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(newAlias)) { return node; } if (nodeType == HiveParser.DOT) { // No need to create a new node, just replace the table name ident ASTNode aliasNode = (ASTNode) node.getChild(0); ASTNode newAliasIdent = new ASTNode(new CommonToken(HiveParser.Identifier, newAlias)); aliasNode.setChild(0, newAliasIdent); } else { // Just a column ref, we need to make it alias.col // '.' will become the parent node ASTNode dot = new ASTNode(new CommonToken(HiveParser.DOT, ".")); ASTNode aliasIdentNode = new ASTNode(new CommonToken(HiveParser.Identifier, newAlias)); ASTNode tabRefNode = new ASTNode(new CommonToken(HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL, "TOK_TABLE_OR_COL")); tabRefNode.addChild(aliasIdentNode); dot.addChild(tabRefNode); ASTNode colIdentNode = new ASTNode(new CommonToken(HiveParser.Identifier, colName)); dot.addChild(colIdentNode); ASTNode parent = (ASTNode) node.getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent.setChild(nodePos, dot); } else { return dot; } } } else { // recurse down for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) { ASTNode child = (ASTNode) node.getChild(i); replaceAliases(child, i, colToTableAlias); } } return node; }
static void updateAliasMap(ASTNode root, CubeQueryContext cubeql) { if (root == null) { return; } if (root.getToken().getType() == TOK_SELEXPR) { ASTNode alias = HQLParser.findNodeByPath(root, Identifier); if (alias != null) { cubeql.addExprToAlias(root, alias); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) { updateAliasMap((ASTNode) root.getChild(i), cubeql); } } }
private void addRangeClauses(CandidateFact fact) throws LensException { if (fact != null) { // resolve timerange positions and replace it by corresponding where clause for (TimeRange range : getTimeRanges()) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : fact.getRangeToStorageWhereMap().get(range).entrySet()) { String table = entry.getKey(); String rangeWhere = entry.getValue(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(rangeWhere)) { ASTNode rangeAST = HQLParser.parseExpr(rangeWhere); range.getParent().setChild(range.getChildIndex(), rangeAST); } fact.getStorgeWhereClauseMap().put(table, getWhereTree()); } } } }
private static void replaceColumnInAST( ASTNode expr, final String toReplace, final ASTNode columnAST) throws SemanticException { if (expr == null) { return; } // Traverse the tree and resolve expression columns HQLParser.bft( expr, new ASTNodeVisitor() { @Override public void visit(TreeNode visited) throws SemanticException { ASTNode node = visited.getNode(); int childcount = node.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childcount; i++) { ASTNode current = (ASTNode) node.getChild(i); if (current.getToken().getType() == TOK_TABLE_OR_COL && (node != null && node.getToken().getType() != DOT)) { // Take child ident.totext ASTNode ident = (ASTNode) current.getChild(0); String column = ident.getText().toLowerCase(); if (toReplace.equals(column)) { node.setChild(i, HQLParser.copyAST(columnAST)); } } else if (current.getToken().getType() == DOT) { // This is for the case where column name is prefixed by table name // or table alias // For example 'select, ...' // Right child is the column name, left child.ident is table name ASTNode tabident = HQLParser.findNodeByPath(current, TOK_TABLE_OR_COL, Identifier); ASTNode colIdent = (ASTNode) current.getChild(1); String column = colIdent.getText().toLowerCase(); if (toReplace.equals(column)) { node.setChild(i, HQLParser.copyAST(columnAST)); } } } } }); }
boolean isCubeMeasure(ASTNode node) { String tabname = null; String colname; int nodeType = node.getToken().getType(); if (!(nodeType == HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL || nodeType == HiveParser.DOT)) { return false; } if (nodeType == HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL) { colname = ((ASTNode) node.getChild(0)).getText(); } else { // node in 'alias.column' format ASTNode tabident = HQLParser.findNodeByPath(node, TOK_TABLE_OR_COL, Identifier); ASTNode colIdent = (ASTNode) node.getChild(1); colname = colIdent.getText(); tabname = tabident.getText(); } String msrname = StringUtils.isBlank(tabname) ? colname : tabname + "." + colname; return isCubeMeasure(msrname); }
private void addAllNestedExpressions( CubeQueryContext cubeql, ExprSpecContext baseEsc, AbstractBaseTable baseTable, Set<ExprSpecContext> nestedExpressions, Set<String> exprCols) throws SemanticException { for (String col : exprCols) { Set<ExprSpecContext> replacedExpressions = new LinkedHashSet<ExprSpecContext>(); for (ExprSpec es : baseTable.getExpressionByName(col).getExpressionSpecs()) { ASTNode finalAST = HQLParser.copyAST(baseEsc.getFinalAST()); replaceColumnInAST(finalAST, col, es.getASTNode()); ExprSpecContext replacedESC = new ExprSpecContext(baseEsc, es, finalAST, cubeql); nestedExpressions.add(replacedESC); replacedExpressions.add(replacedESC); } Set<String> remaining = new LinkedHashSet<String>(exprCols); remaining.remove(col); for (ExprSpecContext replacedESC : replacedExpressions) { addAllNestedExpressions(cubeql, replacedESC, baseTable, nestedExpressions, remaining); } } }
private void replaceAST(final CubeQueryContext cubeql, ASTNode node) throws SemanticException { if (node == null) { return; } // Traverse the tree and resolve expression columns HQLParser.bft( node, new ASTNodeVisitor() { @Override public void visit(TreeNode visited) throws SemanticException { ASTNode node = visited.getNode(); int childcount = node.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childcount; i++) { ASTNode current = (ASTNode) node.getChild(i); if (current.getToken().getType() == DOT) { // This is for the case where column name is prefixed by table name // or table alias // For example 'select, ...' // Right child is the column name, left child.ident is table name ASTNode tabident = HQLParser.findNodeByPath(current, TOK_TABLE_OR_COL, Identifier); ASTNode colIdent = (ASTNode) current.getChild(1); String column = colIdent.getText().toLowerCase(); if (pickedExpressions.containsKey(column)) { PickedExpression expr = getPickedExpression(column, tabident.getText().toLowerCase()); if (expr != null) { node.setChild(i, replaceAlias(expr.pickedCtx.finalAST, cubeql)); } } } } } }); }
public void addExprToAlias(ASTNode expr, ASTNode alias) { exprToAlias.put(HQLParser.getString(expr).trim(), alias.getText().toLowerCase()); }
public String toString() { return HQLParser.getString(finalAST); }
public String getSelectTree() { return HQLParser.getString(selectAST); }
public String getWhereTree() { if (whereAST != null) { return HQLParser.getString(whereAST); } return null; }
public String getGroupByTree() { if (groupByAST != null) { return HQLParser.getString(groupByAST); } return null; }
public String getHavingTree() { if (havingAST != null) { return HQLParser.getString(havingAST); } return null; }
public String getOrderByTree() { if (orderByAST != null) { return HQLParser.getString(orderByAST); } return null; }