Esempio n. 1
  public static ThreddsMetadata.Variables extractVariables(
      InvDatasetImpl threddsDataset, GridDataset gridDataset) {

    thredds.catalog.DataFormatType fileFormat = threddsDataset.getDataFormatType();
    if ((fileFormat != null)
        && (fileFormat.equals(DataFormatType.GRIB1) || fileFormat.equals(DataFormatType.GRIB2))) {
      boolean isGrib1 = fileFormat.equals(DataFormatType.GRIB1);
      ThreddsMetadata.Variables vars = new ThreddsMetadata.Variables(fileFormat.toString());
      for (GridDatatype grid : gridDataset.getGrids()) {
        ThreddsMetadata.Variable v = new ThreddsMetadata.Variable();

        // ucar.nc2.Attribute att = grid.findAttributeIgnoreCase("GRIB_param_number");
        // String paramNumber = (att != null) ? att.getNumericValue().toString() : null;
        if (isGrib1) {
          v.setVocabularyName(grid.findAttValueIgnoreCase("GRIB_param_name", "ERROR"));
        } else {
          String paramDisc = grid.findAttValueIgnoreCase("GRIB_param_discipline", "");
          String paramCategory = grid.findAttValueIgnoreCase("GRIB_param_category", "");
          String paramName = grid.findAttValueIgnoreCase("GRIB_param_name", "");
          v.setVocabularyName(paramDisc + " / " + paramCategory + " / " + paramName);
      return vars;

    } else { // GRID but not GRIB
      ThreddsMetadata.Variables vars = new ThreddsMetadata.Variables("CF-1.0");
      for (GridDatatype grid : gridDataset.getGrids()) {
        ThreddsMetadata.Variable v = new ThreddsMetadata.Variable();


        ucar.nc2.Attribute att = grid.findAttributeIgnoreCase("standard_name");
        v.setVocabularyName((att != null) ? att.getStringValue() : "N/A");
      return vars;
Esempio n. 2
  public static DateRange extractDateRange(GridDataset gridDataset) {
    DateRange maxDateRange = null;

    for (GridDataset.Gridset gridset : gridDataset.getGridsets()) {
      GridCoordSystem gsys = gridset.getGeoCoordSystem();
      DateRange dateRange;

      CoordinateAxis1DTime time1D = gsys.getTimeAxis1D();
      if (time1D != null) {
        dateRange = time1D.getDateRange();
      } else {
        CoordinateAxis time = gsys.getTimeAxis();
        if (time == null) continue;

        try {
          DateUnit du = new DateUnit(time.getUnitsString());
          Date minDate = du.makeDate(time.getMinValue());
          Date maxDate = du.makeDate(time.getMaxValue());
          dateRange = new DateRange(minDate, maxDate);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          logger.warn("Illegal Date Unit " + time.getUnitsString());

      if (maxDateRange == null) maxDateRange = dateRange;
      else maxDateRange.extend(dateRange);

    return maxDateRange;
Esempio n. 3
  static void doOne(
      String dir, String filename, int ngrids, int ncoordSys, int ncoordAxes, int nVertCooordAxes)
      throws Exception {
    System.out.println("test read GridDataset = " + dir + filename);
    ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridDataset gridDs = + filename);

    int countGrids = gridDs.getGrids().size();
    int countCoordAxes = gridDs.getNetcdfDataset().getCoordinateAxes().size();
    int countCoordSys = gridDs.getNetcdfDataset().getCoordinateSystems().size();

    // count vertical axes
    int countVertCooordAxes = 0;
    List axes = gridDs.getNetcdfDataset().getCoordinateAxes();
    for (int i = 0; i < axes.size(); i++) {
      CoordinateAxis axis = (CoordinateAxis) axes.get(i);
      AxisType t = axis.getAxisType();
      if ((t == AxisType.GeoZ) || (t == AxisType.Height) || (t == AxisType.Pressure))

    Iterator iter = gridDs.getGridsets().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      GridDataset.Gridset gridset = (GridDataset.Gridset);
      GridCoordSys gcs = gridset.getGeoCoordSys();
      // if (gcs.hasTimeAxis())
      //  System.out.println(" "+gcs.isDate()+" "+gcs.getName());

    if (showCount) {
      System.out.println(" grids=" + countGrids + ((ngrids < 0) ? " *" : ""));
      System.out.println(" coordSys=" + countCoordSys + ((ncoordSys < 0) ? " *" : ""));
      System.out.println(" coordAxes=" + countCoordAxes + ((ncoordAxes < 0) ? " *" : ""));
      System.out.println(" vertAxes=" + countVertCooordAxes + ((nVertCooordAxes < 0) ? " *" : ""));

    if (ngrids >= 0) assert ngrids == countGrids : "Grids " + ngrids + " != " + countGrids;
    // if (ncoordSys >= 0)
    //  assert ncoordSys == countCoordSys : "CoordSys " + ncoordSys + " != " + countCoordSys;
    // if (ncoordAxes >= 0)
    //  assert ncoordAxes == countCoordAxes : "CoordAxes " + ncoordAxes + " != " + countCoordAxes;
    if (nVertCooordAxes >= 0)
      assert nVertCooordAxes == countVertCooordAxes
          : "VertAxes " + nVertCooordAxes + " != " + countVertCooordAxes;

Esempio n. 4
  public static ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage extractGeospatial(GridDataset gridDataset) {
    ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage gc = new ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage();
    LatLonRect llbb = null;
    CoordinateAxis1D vaxis = null;

    for (GridDataset.Gridset gridset : gridDataset.getGridsets()) {
      GridCoordSystem gsys = gridset.getGeoCoordSystem();
      if (llbb == null) llbb = gsys.getLatLonBoundingBox();

      CoordinateAxis1D vaxis2 = gsys.getVerticalAxis();
      if (vaxis == null) vaxis = vaxis2;
      else if ((vaxis2 != null) && (vaxis2.getSize() > vaxis.getSize())) vaxis = vaxis2;

    if (llbb != null) gc.setBoundingBox(llbb);
    if (vaxis != null) gc.setVertical(vaxis);
    return gc;
Esempio n. 5
  public void utestReadNcMLInputStream() throws Exception {
    String ncmlLoc = "file:C:\\data\\work\\margolis\\test.ncml";
    GridDataset fullDataset =;
    System.out.printf("full size= %d%n", fullDataset.getGrids().size());

    // real ncml through a InputStream.
    String ncml =
        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n"
            + "<netcdf xmlns=''>\n"
            + "  <variable name='time'>\n"
            + "    <attribute name='ncmlAdded' value='timeAtt'/>\n"
            + "  </variable>\n"
            + "  <aggregation dimName='time' type='joinExisting'>\n"
            + "    <netcdf location='file:C:\\data\\work\\margolis\\'/>\n"
            + "    <netcdf location='file:C:\\data\\work\\margolis\\'/>\n"
            + "  </aggregation>\n"
            + "</netcdf>";
    NetcdfDataset aggregatedDataset =
        NcMLReader.readNcML(new ByteArrayInputStream(ncml.getBytes()), null);
    GridDataset emptyDataset = new GridDataset(aggregatedDataset);
    System.out.printf("empty= %s%n", emptyDataset.getGrids().size());

    assert emptyDataset.getGrids().size() == fullDataset.getGrids().size();
Esempio n. 6
   * This reads an arbitrary data slice, returning the data in canonical order (rt-e-t-z-y-x). If
   * any dimension does not exist, ignore it.
   * @param rt if < 0, get all of runtime dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @param e if < 0, get all of ensemble dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @param t if < 0, get all of time dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @param z if < 0, get all of z dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @param y if < 0, get all of y dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @param x if < 0, get all of x dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @return data[rt,e,t,z,y,x], eliminating missing or fixed dimension.
  public Array readDataSlice(int rt, int e, int t, int z, int y, int x) throws {

    int rank = vs.getRank();
    int[] start = new int[rank];
    int[] shape = new int[rank];
    for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
      start[i] = 0;
      shape[i] = 1;
    Dimension xdim = getXDimension();
    Dimension ydim = getYDimension();
    Dimension zdim = getZDimension();
    Dimension tdim = getTimeDimension();
    Dimension edim = getEnsembleDimension();
    Dimension rtdim = getRunTimeDimension();

    // construct the shape of the data volume to be read
    if (rtdim != null) {
      if ((rt >= 0) && (rt < rtdim.getLength())) start[rtDimOrgIndex] = rt; // fix rt
      else {
        shape[rtDimOrgIndex] = rtdim.getLength(); // all of rt

    if (edim != null) {
      if ((e >= 0) && (e < edim.getLength())) start[eDimOrgIndex] = e; // fix e
      else {
        shape[eDimOrgIndex] = edim.getLength(); // all of e

    if (tdim != null) {
      if ((t >= 0) && (t < tdim.getLength())) start[tDimOrgIndex] = t; // fix t
      else {
        shape[tDimOrgIndex] = tdim.getLength(); // all of t

    if (zdim != null) {
      if ((z >= 0) && (z < zdim.getLength())) start[zDimOrgIndex] = z; // fix z
      else {
        shape[zDimOrgIndex] = zdim.getLength(); // all of z

    if (ydim != null) {
      if ((y >= 0) && (y < ydim.getLength())) start[yDimOrgIndex] = y; // fix y
      else {
        shape[yDimOrgIndex] = ydim.getLength(); // all of y

    if (xdim != null) {
      if ((x >= 0) && (x < xdim.getLength())) // all of x
      start[xDimOrgIndex] = x; // fix x
      else {
        shape[xDimOrgIndex] = xdim.getLength(); // all of x

    if (debugArrayShape) {
      System.out.println("read shape from org variable = ");
      for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++)
            "   start = "
                + start[i]
                + " shape = "
                + shape[i]
                + " name = "
                + vs.getDimension(i).getName());

    // read it
    Array dataVolume;
    try {
      dataVolume =, shape);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
          "GeoGrid.getdataSlice() on dataset " + getFullName() + " " + dataset.getLocation(), ex);
      throw new;

    // LOOK: the real problem is the lack of named dimensions in the Array object
    // figure out correct permutation for canonical ordering for permute
    List<Dimension> oldDims = new ArrayList<Dimension>(vs.getDimensions());
    int[] permuteIndex = new int[dataVolume.getRank()];
    int count = 0;
    if (oldDims.contains(rtdim)) permuteIndex[count++] = oldDims.indexOf(rtdim);
    if (oldDims.contains(edim)) permuteIndex[count++] = oldDims.indexOf(edim);
    if (oldDims.contains(tdim)) permuteIndex[count++] = oldDims.indexOf(tdim);
    if (oldDims.contains(zdim)) permuteIndex[count++] = oldDims.indexOf(zdim);
    if (oldDims.contains(ydim)) permuteIndex[count++] = oldDims.indexOf(ydim);
    if (oldDims.contains(xdim)) permuteIndex[count] = oldDims.indexOf(xdim);

    if (debugArrayShape) {
      System.out.println("oldDims = ");
      for (Dimension oldDim : oldDims) System.out.println("   oldDim = " + oldDim.getName());
      System.out.println("permute dims = ");
      for (int aPermuteIndex : permuteIndex)
        System.out.println("   oldDim index = " + aPermuteIndex);

    // check to see if we need to permute
    boolean needPermute = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < permuteIndex.length; i++) {
      if (i != permuteIndex[i]) needPermute = true;

    // permute to the order rt,e,t,z,y,x
    if (needPermute) dataVolume = dataVolume.permute(permuteIndex);

    // eliminate fixed dimensions, but not all dimensions of length 1.
    count = 0;
    if (rtdim != null) {
      if (rt >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);
      else count++;
    if (edim != null) {
      if (e >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);
      else count++;
    if (tdim != null) {
      if (t >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);
      else count++;
    if (zdim != null) {
      if (z >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);
      else count++;
    if (ydim != null) {
      if (y >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);
      else count++;
    if (xdim != null) {
      if (x >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);

    return dataVolume;
Esempio n. 7
  * Convenience function; lookup Attribute value by name. Must be String valued
  * @param attName name of the attribute
  * @param defaultValue if not found, use this as the default
  * @return Attribute string value, or default if not found.
 public String findAttValueIgnoreCase(String attName, String defaultValue) {
   return dataset.getNetcdfDataset().findAttValueIgnoreCase((Variable) vs, attName, defaultValue);