Esempio n. 1
   * Receives notification of a change to a GraphicsNode.
   * @param gnce The event object describing the GraphicsNode change.
  public void changeStarted(GraphicsNodeChangeEvent gnce) {
    // System.out.println("A node has changed for: " + this);
    GraphicsNode gn = gnce.getGraphicsNode();
    WeakReference gnWRef = gn.getWeakReference();

    boolean doPut = false;
    if (dirtyNodes == null) {
      dirtyNodes = new HashMap();
      doPut = true;
    } else if (!dirtyNodes.containsKey(gnWRef)) doPut = true;

    if (doPut) {
      AffineTransform at = gn.getTransform();
      if (at != null) at = (AffineTransform) at.clone();
      else at = new AffineTransform();
      dirtyNodes.put(gnWRef, at);

    GraphicsNode chngSrc = gnce.getChangeSrc();
    Rectangle2D rgn = null;
    if (chngSrc != null) {
      // A child node is moving in the tree so assign it's dirty
      // regions to this node before it moves.
      Rectangle2D drgn = getNodeDirtyRegion(chngSrc);
      if (drgn != null) rgn = new ChngSrcRect(drgn);
    } else {
      // Otherwise just use gn's current region.
      rgn = gn.getBounds();
    // Add this dirty region to any existing dirty region.
    Rectangle2D r2d = (Rectangle2D) fromBounds.remove(gnWRef);
    if (rgn != null) {
      if ((r2d != null) && (r2d != NULL_RECT)) {
        // System.err.println("GN: " + gn);
        // System.err.println("R2d: " + r2d);
        // System.err.println("Rgn: " + rgn);
        r2d = r2d.createUnion(rgn);
        // System.err.println("Union: " + r2d);
      } else r2d = rgn;

    // if ((gn instanceof CompositeGraphicsNode) &&
    //     (r2d.getWidth() > 200)) {
    //     new Exception("Adding Large: " + gn).printStackTrace();
    // }

    // Store the bounds for the future.
    if (r2d == null) r2d = NULL_RECT;
    fromBounds.put(gnWRef, r2d);
Esempio n. 2
   * This returns the dirty region for gn in the coordinate system given by <code>at</code>.
   * @param gn Node tree to return dirty region for.
   * @param at Affine transform to coordinate space to accumulate dirty regions in.
  public Rectangle2D getNodeDirtyRegion(GraphicsNode gn, AffineTransform at) {
    WeakReference gnWRef = gn.getWeakReference();
    AffineTransform nat = (AffineTransform) dirtyNodes.get(gnWRef);
    if (nat == null) nat = gn.getTransform();
    if (nat != null) {
      at = new AffineTransform(at);

    Filter f = gn.getFilter();
    Rectangle2D ret = null;
    if (gn instanceof CompositeGraphicsNode) {
      CompositeGraphicsNode cgn = (CompositeGraphicsNode) gn;
      Iterator iter = cgn.iterator();

      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        GraphicsNode childGN = (GraphicsNode);
        Rectangle2D r2d = getNodeDirtyRegion(childGN, at);
        if (r2d != null) {
          if (f != null) {
            // If we have a filter and a change region
            // Update our full filter extents.
            Shape s = at.createTransformedShape(f.getBounds2D());
            ret = s.getBounds2D();
          if ((ret == null) || (ret == NULL_RECT)) ret = r2d;
          else ret = ret.createUnion(r2d);
    } else {
      ret = (Rectangle2D) fromBounds.remove(gnWRef);
      if (ret == null) {
        if (f != null) ret = f.getBounds2D();
        else ret = gn.getBounds();
      } else if (ret == NULL_RECT) ret = null;
      if (ret != null) ret = at.createTransformedShape(ret).getBounds2D();
    return ret;
Esempio n. 3
  /** Returns the list of dirty areas on GVT. */
  public List getDirtyAreas() {
    if (dirtyNodes == null) return null;

    List ret = new LinkedList();
    Set keys = dirtyNodes.keySet();
    Iterator i = keys.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
      WeakReference gnWRef = (WeakReference);
      GraphicsNode gn = (GraphicsNode) gnWRef.get();
      // GraphicsNode  srcGN  = gn;

      // if the weak ref has been cleared then this node is no
      // longer part of the GVT tree (and the change should be
      // reflected in some ancestor that should also be in the
      // dirty list).
      if (gn == null) continue;

      AffineTransform oat;
      oat = (AffineTransform) dirtyNodes.get(gnWRef);
      if (oat != null) {
        oat = new AffineTransform(oat);

      Rectangle2D srcORgn = (Rectangle2D) fromBounds.remove(gnWRef);

      Rectangle2D srcNRgn = null;
      AffineTransform nat = null;
      if (!(srcORgn instanceof ChngSrcRect)) {
        // For change srcs don't use the new bounds of parent node.
        srcNRgn = gn.getBounds();
        nat = gn.getTransform();
        if (nat != null) nat = new AffineTransform(nat);

      // System.out.println("Rgns: " + srcORgn + " - " + srcNRgn);
      // System.out.println("ATs: " + oat + " - " + nat);
      do {
        // f.invalidateCache(oRng);
        // f.invalidateCache(nRng);

        // f = gn.getEnableBackgroundGraphicsNodeRable(false);
        // (need to push rgn through filter chain if any...)
        // f.invalidateCache(oRng);
        // f.invalidateCache(nRng);

        gn = gn.getParent();
        if (gn == null) break; // We reached the top of the tree

        Filter f = gn.getFilter();
        if (f != null) {
          srcNRgn = f.getBounds2D();
          nat = null;

        // Get the parent's current Affine
        AffineTransform at = gn.getTransform();
        // Get the parent's Affine last time we rendered.
        gnWRef = gn.getWeakReference();
        AffineTransform poat = (AffineTransform) dirtyNodes.get(gnWRef);
        if (poat == null) poat = at;
        if (poat != null) {
          if (oat != null) oat.preConcatenate(poat);
          else oat = new AffineTransform(poat);

        if (at != null) {
          if (nat != null) nat.preConcatenate(at);
          else nat = new AffineTransform(at);
      } while (true);

      if (gn == null) {
        // We made it to the root graphics node so add them.
        // System.out.println
        //      ("Adding: " + oat + " - " + nat + "\n" +
        //       srcORgn + "\n" + srcNRgn + "\n");
        // <!>
        Shape oRgn = srcORgn;
        if ((oRgn != null) && (oRgn != NULL_RECT)) {
          if (oat != null) oRgn = oat.createTransformedShape(srcORgn);
          // System.err.println("GN: " + srcGN);
          // System.err.println("Src: " + oRgn.getBounds2D());

        if (srcNRgn != null) {
          Shape nRgn = srcNRgn;
          if (nat != null) nRgn = nat.createTransformedShape(srcNRgn);
          if (nRgn != null) ret.add(nRgn);

    return ret;