RequestBuilder( GlideContext context, RequestManager requestManager, Class<TranscodeType> transcodeClass) { this.requestManager = requestManager; this.context = Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); this.transcodeClass = transcodeClass; requestOptions = context.getOptions().clone(); }
/** * Sets the {@link ImageView} the resource will be loaded into, cancels any existing loads into * the view, and frees any resources Glide may have previously loaded into the view so they may be * reused. * * @see RequestManager#clear(Target) * @param view The view to cancel previous loads for and load the new resource into. * @return The {@link} used to wrap the given {@link * ImageView}. */ public Target<TranscodeType> into(ImageView view) { Util.assertMainThread(); if (view == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must pass in a non null View"); } if (!requestOptions.isTransformationSet() && view.getScaleType() != null) { if (requestOptions.isLocked()) { requestOptions = requestOptions.clone(); } switch (view.getScaleType()) { case CENTER_CROP: requestOptions.optionalCenterCrop(context); break; case FIT_CENTER: case FIT_START: case FIT_END: requestOptions.optionalFitCenter(context); break; // $CASES-OMITTED$ default: // Do nothing. } } return into(context.buildImageViewTarget(view, transcodeClass)); }
/** * Returns a future that can be used to do a blocking get on a background thread. * * @param width The desired width in pixels, or {@link Target#SIZE_ORIGINAL}. This will be * overridden by {@link com.bumptech.glide.request.BaseRequestOptions#override(int, int)} if * previously called. * @param height The desired height in pixels, or {@link Target#SIZE_ORIGINAL}. This will be * overridden by {@link com.bumptech.glide.request.BaseRequestOptions#override(int, int)}} if * previously called). * @return An {@link com.bumptech.glide.request.FutureTarget} that can be used to obtain the * resource in a blocking manner. * @see RequestManager#clear(Target) */ public FutureTarget<TranscodeType> into(int width, int height) { final RequestFutureTarget<TranscodeType> target = new RequestFutureTarget<>(context.getMainHandler(), width, height); // TODO: Currently all loads must be started on the main thread... context .getMainHandler() .post( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!target.isCancelled()) { into(target); } } }); return target; }
private Request obtainRequest( Target<TranscodeType> target, BaseRequestOptions<?> requestOptions, RequestCoordinator requestCoordinator, TransitionOptions<?, ? super TranscodeType> transitionOptions, Priority priority, int overrideWidth, int overrideHeight) { requestOptions.lock(); return SingleRequest.obtain( context, model, transcodeClass, requestOptions, overrideWidth, overrideHeight, priority, target, requestListener, requestCoordinator, context.getEngine(), transitionOptions.getTransitionFactory()); }