Esempio n. 1
  protected SpreadsheetRow insertRow(HashMap<SpreadsheetColumn, String> values) {
    try {
      // Ensure the worksheet exists in the spreadsheet
      if (!this.existsInSpreadsheet) {
        throw new RuntimeException(this.nonexistentWorksheetMessage());

      // Ensure the worksheet knows its column IDs
      if (!this.hasGoogleIdsSet) {

      // Create a Google representation of the new row
      ListEntry row = new ListEntry();
      for (SpreadsheetColumn sc : values.keySet()) {
        GSColumn c = (GSColumn) sc;
        row.getCustomElements().setValueLocal(c.getGoogleColumnId(), values.get(sc));

      // Insert the row
      row =
          ((GSModel) this.model)
              .spreadsheetService.insert(this.worksheetEntry.getListFeedUrl(), row);

      // Update the worksheet entry and list feed entry

      return new GSRow(this, row);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return null;
Esempio n. 2
  public List<SpreadsheetRow> findRows(SpreadsheetColumn column, String value)
      throws EolRuntimeException {
    List<SpreadsheetRow> rows = new ArrayList<SpreadsheetRow>();

    // Ensure the worksheet exists in the spreadsheet
    if (!this.existsInSpreadsheet) {
      // throw new EolRuntimeException(this.nonexistentWorksheetMessage());
      return rows;

    // Ensure the worksheet knows its column ids
    if (!this.hasGoogleIdsSet) {

    if (!(column instanceof GSColumn)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("The given column must be of type GSColumn.");

    GSColumn c = (GSColumn) column;
    if (c.isMany()) {
      // Get all rows contained by the worksheet to check every cell manually
      for (SpreadsheetRow r : this.getRows()) {
        // Get all visible values
        List<String> cellValues = r.getAllVisibleCellValues(c);
        // Mark row to be returned if the search value is in the cell
        if (cellValues.contains(value)) {
    } else {
      try {
        // Use Google's structured query feature to search for the value
        URL listFeedUrl =
            new URI(
                        + "?sq="
                        + c.getGoogleColumnId()
                        + "=="
                        + URLEncoder.encode("\"" + value + "\"", "UTF-8"))
        ListFeed lf =
            ((GSModel) this.model).spreadsheetService.getFeed(listFeedUrl, ListFeed.class);
        for (ListEntry r : lf.getEntries()) {
          rows.add(new GSRow(this, r));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EolRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
    return rows;
Esempio n. 3
   * Loads the column ids from Google.
  protected void getGoogleColumnIds() throws EolModelLoadingException {
    try {
      System.out.print("Loading Google ids for '" + this.getName() + "'... ");

      // Ensure the worksheet exists in the spreadsheet
      if (!this.existsInSpreadsheet) {
        throw new RuntimeException(this.nonexistentWorksheetMessage());

      // Reset the flag early to avoid cycles
      this.hasGoogleIdsSet = true;

      // Position of the last header column
      int maxColIndex = this.getHeader().last().getIndex();

      // Determine the first blank row
      int rowIndex = this.getRows().size() + 2;

      // If the worksheet dimensions are smaller than the first blank row, then expand the worksheet
      if (this.worksheetEntry.getRowCount() < rowIndex) {
        this.worksheetEntry = this.worksheetEntry.update();

      // Fill the first spare row with temporary values
      URL cellFeedUrl =
          new URI(
                      + "?min-row="
                      + Integer.toString(rowIndex)
                      + "&max-row="
                      + Integer.toString(rowIndex)
                      + "&min-col=1"
                      + "&max-col="
                      + Integer.toString(maxColIndex)
                      + "&return-empty=true")
      CellFeed cellFeed =
          ((GSModel) this.model).spreadsheetService.getFeed(cellFeedUrl, CellFeed.class);
      for (CellEntry cell : cellFeed.getEntries()) {

      GSRow row = null;

      // Get the row from the worksheet to populate the Google Unique Id set
      URL listFeedUrl =
          new URL(
                  + "?start-index="
                  + Integer.toString(rowIndex - 1)
                  + "&max-results=1");
      ListFeed lf = ((GSModel) model).spreadsheetService.getFeed(listFeedUrl, ListFeed.class);
      List<ListEntry> list = lf.getEntries();
      if (list.size() == 1) {
        ListEntry le = list.get(0);
        int colIndex = 1;
        // Iterate over all returned tags - Google preserves column ordering in the set
        Iterator<String> it = le.getCustomElements().getTags().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          GSColumn c = (GSColumn) this.getColumn(colIndex);

          // If the column is known, then associate the id with it
          if (c != null) {
          } else {

          // Stop once the final known column is reached
          if (colIndex == maxColIndex) break;

        row = new GSRow(this, le);
      } else {
        throw new Exception(
            "List feed failed to return the row of temporary values for learning the Unique Column Ids.");

      // Delete the temporary row
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EolModelLoadingException(e, this.model);
    System.out.println("<< done");