Esempio n. 1
  // Fatory Methods
  public static Matrix3 rotation(Vector3 axis, final float angle) {
    if (angle == 0) return Identity;
    axis = axis.unit();
    if (!axis.isFinite()) throw new RuntimeException();

    final float c = GMath.cos(angle), s = GMath.sin(angle);
    return axis.mul(1 - c).mul(axis).add(Identity, c).add(axis.mul(s).tilda());
Esempio n. 2
 public static Quaternion makeRotation(Quaternion result, float theta, Vector axis) {
   float halfTheta = theta / 2;
   float sinHalfTheta = GMath.sin(halfTheta);
   result.w = GMath.cos(halfTheta);
   result.x = axis.getX() * sinHalfTheta;
   result.y = axis.getY() * sinHalfTheta;
   result.z = axis.getZ() * sinHalfTheta;
   return result;
Esempio n. 3
  * Creates a new GStar centered at the origin with the indicated horizontal width.
  * @param width The width of the star
 public GStar(double width) {
   double dx = width / 2;
   double dy = dx * GMath.tanDegrees(18);
   double edge = width / 2 - dy * GMath.tanDegrees(36);
   addVertex(-dx, -dy);
   int angle = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
     addPolarEdge(edge, angle);
     addPolarEdge(edge, angle + 72);
     angle -= 72;
Esempio n. 4
  public float snap_cam_z_hud(float eye[], float center[], float up[]) {

    float lookAt[] = new float[16];
    float eye2[] = new float[3];
    for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
      eye2[a] = eye[a];

    for (float ez = 1; ez < 100; ez += 0.05) {
      float cordx = mCanvasW;
      float cordy = 0;

      eye2[2] = ez;
      float win[] = new float[3];
      GMath.lookAtf(lookAt, eye2, center, up);
      if (GLU.gluProject(cordx, cordy, 0.0f, lookAt, 0, mProjectionHud, 0, mViewport, 0, win, 0)
              == GL10.GL_TRUE
          && win[0] > 0
          && win[0] < mViewport[2]) {
        mCameraEyeHud[0] = 0;
        mCameraEyeHud[1] = 0;
        mCameraEyeHud[2] = ez;
        saveLookAtHud(mCameraEyeHud, mCameraLookAtHud, mUpZHud);

        return ez;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
 public void screen2spaceVecHud(float x, float y, float[] vec) {
   float c[] = new float[3];
   y = mViewport[3] - y;
   GMath.unProject(x, y, 1.0f, mLookAtHud, 0, mProjectionHud, 0, mViewport, 0, c, 0);
   vec[0] = c[0] - this.mCameraEyeHud[0];
   vec[1] = c[1] - this.mCameraEyeHud[1];
   vec[2] = c[2] - this.mCameraEyeHud[2];
Esempio n. 6
  /** converts to quaternion */
  public Quaternion quaternion() {
    if (a.x + b.y + c.z >= 0) {
      final float s = GMath.sqrt(1 + a.x + b.y + c.z) * 2;
      return new Quaternion(s / 4, (c.y - b.z) / s, (a.z - c.x) / s, (b.x - a.y) / s);
    if (a.x >= b.y && a.x >= c.z) {
      final float s = GMath.sqrt(1 + a.x - b.y - c.z) * 2;
      return new Quaternion((c.y - b.z) / s, s / 4, (a.y + b.x) / s, (c.x + a.z) / s);
    if (b.y >= c.z) {
      final float s = GMath.sqrt(1 - a.x + b.y - c.z) * 2;
      return new Quaternion((a.z - c.x) / s, (a.y + b.x) / s, s / 4, (b.z + c.y) / s);

    final float s = GMath.sqrt(1 - a.x - b.y + c.z) * 2;
    return new Quaternion((b.x - a.y) / s, (c.x + a.z) / s, (b.z + c.y) / s, s / 4);
Esempio n. 7
  public void screen2space(float x, float y, float[] spacecoords) {
    float c[] = new float[3];
    float f[] = new float[3];
    y = mViewport[3] - y;

    GMath.unProject(x, y, 1.0f, mLookAt, 0, mProjection, 0, mViewport, 0, f, 0);
    GMath.unProject(x, y, 0.0f, mLookAt, 0, mProjection, 0, mViewport, 0, c, 0);

    f[0] -= c[0];
    f[1] -= c[1];
    f[2] -= c[2];
    float rayLength = (float) Math.sqrt(c[0] * c[0] + c[1] * c[1] + c[2] * c[2]);
    // normalize
    f[0] /= rayLength;
    f[1] /= rayLength;
    f[2] /= rayLength;

    float dot1, dot2;

    float pointInPlaneX = 0;
    float pointInPlaneY = 0;
    float pointInPlaneZ = 0;
    float planeNormalX = 0;
    float planeNormalY = 0;
    float planeNormalZ = -1;

    pointInPlaneX -= c[0];
    pointInPlaneY -= c[1];
    pointInPlaneZ -= c[2];

    dot1 =
        (planeNormalX * pointInPlaneX)
            + (planeNormalY * pointInPlaneY)
            + (planeNormalZ * pointInPlaneZ);
    dot2 = (planeNormalX * f[0]) + (planeNormalY * f[1]) + (planeNormalZ * f[2]);

    float t = dot1 / dot2;

    f[0] *= t;
    f[1] *= t;

    spacecoords[0] = f[0] + c[0];
    spacecoords[1] = f[1] + c[1];
Esempio n. 8
 public float normalizeIfNot() {
   float magSq = magnitudeSquared();
   if (magSq != 1) {
     float mag = GMath.sqrt(magSq);
     this.w = w / mag;
     this.x = x / mag;
     this.y = y / mag;
     this.z = z / mag;
     return mag;
   } else {
     return 1;
Esempio n. 9
 public void saveLookAtHud(float[] eye, float[] center, float[] up) {
   for (int a = 0; a < 16; a++) {
     mLookAtHud[a] = 0;
   GMath.lookAtf(mLookAtHud, eye, center, up);
Esempio n. 10
 public float magnitude() {
   return GMath.sqrt(magnitudeSquared());