private static double getNumber(FldSimpleModel model, String value)
      throws FieldResultIsNotANumberException {

    WordprocessingMLPackage pkg = model.getWordMLPackage();
    String decimalSymbol = null;
    if (pkg != null && pkg.getMainDocumentPart().getDocumentSettingsPart() != null) {

      DocumentSettingsPart docSettingsPart = pkg.getMainDocumentPart().getDocumentSettingsPart();
      if (docSettingsPart.getJaxbElement().getDecimalSymbol() != null) {
        decimalSymbol = docSettingsPart.getJaxbElement().getDecimalSymbol().getVal();

    // For DOCPROPERTY field, and possibly some others, but not "=",
    // Word will parse "€180,000.00 EUR" as a number
    if (model.fldName.equals("DOCPROPERTY") || model.fldName.equals("MERGEFIELD")) {

      // First, parse the value
      NumberExtractor nex = new NumberExtractor(decimalSymbol);
      try {
        value = nex.extractNumber(value);
      } catch (java.lang.IllegalStateException noMatch) {
        // There is no number in this string.
        // In this case Word just inserts the non-numeric text,
        // without attempting to format the number
        throw new FieldResultIsNotANumberException("No number in " + value);

    try {
      return Double.parseDouble(value);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // TODO: is it a bookmark?

      throw new FieldResultIsNotANumberException();