Esempio n. 1
 public static String uploadFile(
     FileType filetype, File file, String projectcode, String moduletype) {
   if (!file.exists()) {
     logger.error(" file not exists:" + file.getAbsolutePath());
     return null;
   String upypath = getUpYunBucketPath(projectcode, moduletype, file.getName());
   String upyurl = getUpYunBucketUrl(projectcode, filetype, moduletype, file.getName());
   if (filetype.equals(FileType.图片)) {
     boolean result = writeImages(file, upypath);
     if (result) {
       return upyurl;
     return null;
   if (filetype.equals(FileType.文件)) {
     boolean result = writeFile(file, upypath);
     if (result) {
       return upyurl;
     return null;
   if (filetype.equals(FileType.静态资源)) {
     boolean result = writeStatic(file, upypath);
     if (result) {
       return upyurl;
     return null;
   return null;
  private static Language calcBaseLanguage(@NotNull VirtualFile file, @NotNull Project project) {
    if (file instanceof LightVirtualFile) {
      final Language language = ((LightVirtualFile) file).getLanguage();
      if (language != null) {
        return language;

    FileType fileType = file.getFileType();
    // Do not load content
    if (fileType == UnknownFileType.INSTANCE) {
      fileType = FileTypeRegistry.getInstance().detectFileTypeFromContent(file);
    if (fileType.isBinary()) return Language.ANY;
    if (isTooLarge(file)) return PlainTextLanguage.INSTANCE;

    if (fileType instanceof LanguageFileType) {
      return LanguageSubstitutors.INSTANCE.substituteLanguage(
          ((LanguageFileType) fileType).getLanguage(), file, project);

    final ContentBasedFileSubstitutor[] processors =
    for (ContentBasedFileSubstitutor processor : processors) {
      Language language = processor.obtainLanguageForFile(file);
      if (language != null) return language;

    return PlainTextLanguage.INSTANCE;
Esempio n. 3
 private void determineFileType(File file) {
   for (FileType ft : FileType.values()) {
     if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith( {
       this.fileType = ft;
Esempio n. 4
 /** @deprecated since 4.2 use {@link #onMain()} or {@link #onTest()} */
 public static FileQuery on(FileType... types) {
   FileQuery query = new FileQuery();
   for (FileType type : types) {
     query.on(InputFile.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, type.typeValue());
   return query;
Esempio n. 5
 public boolean openFile(FileSystemItem file, boolean canUseDefault) {
   FileType fileType = getTypeForFile(file, canUseDefault);
   if (fileType != null) {
     fileType.openFile(file, eventBus_);
     return true;
   } else {
     return false;
Esempio n. 6
   * Create text panel with the specified title, text, and mode
   * @param container Reference to the container of this panel
   * @param title Title for this panel, to appear in the title field of a frame, or title of a tab
   * @param filename The name of the file to be opened
   * @param type The predefined file type
   * @param project
  public EPlusEditorPanel(
      Container container, String title, String filename, FileType type, JEPlusProject project) {
    this.ContainerComponent = container;
    this.Title = title;
    this.CurrentFileName = filename;
    if (CurrentFileName != null) {
    this.ContentType = type;
    this.ContentChanged = false;
    this.Project = project;
    switch (ContentType) {
      case IDF:
        updateSearchStrings((Project == null) ? null : Project.getSearchStrings());
      case EPW:
      case RVI:
      case RVX:
      case JSON:
      case PYTHON:
      case CSV:
      case XML:
      case PLAIN:
    // this.cboSearchStrings.setEditable(true);

    this.Document = rsTextArea.getDocument();
Esempio n. 7
   * @param bytes
   * @return
  public static FileType guessType(byte[] bytes) {
    Preconditions.isTrue(bytes.length >= 32);
    String hexHeader = fileHexHeader(bytes);
    for (FileType type : FileType.values()) {

      if (hexHeader.startsWith(type.getHexHeader())) {
        return type;
    return null;
Esempio n. 8
  public void editFile(FileSystemItem file, FilePosition position) {
    if (satellite_.isCurrentWindowSatellite()) {
      callSatelliteEditFile(file.cast(), position.cast());
    } else {
      FileType fileType = getTypeForFile(file);
      if (!(fileType instanceof TextFileType)) fileType = TEXT;

      if (fileType != null) fileType.openFile(file, position, eventBus_);
Esempio n. 9
 boolean manualContains(FileType[] fileTypes) {
   for (BSAFolder folder : folders.values()) {
     for (String file : folder.files.keySet()) {
       for (FileType type : fileTypes) {
         if (file.endsWith(type.toString())) {
           return true;
   return false;
Esempio n. 10
 protected boolean validate(File obj) throws ParameterException {
   if (!super.validate(obj)) {
     return false;
   if (fileType.equals(FileType.INPUT_FILE)) {
     try {
       if (!obj.exists()) {
         throw new WrongParameterValueException(
             "Given file "
                 + obj.getPath()
                 + " for parameter \""
                 + getName()
                 + "\" does not exist!\n");
     } catch (SecurityException e) {
       throw new WrongParameterValueException(
           "Given file \""
               + obj.getPath()
               + "\" cannot be read, access denied!\n"
               + e.getMessage());
   return true;
Esempio n. 11
  * @param fileType Filetype to query for.
  * @return True if BSA contains files of that type.
 public boolean contains(FileType fileType) {
   if (!fileFlags.isZeros()) {
     return fileFlags.get(fileType.ordinal());
   } else {
     return manualContains(fileType);
Esempio n. 12
  public static FileType parseType(String extension) {
    for (FileType t : FileType.values()) {
      if (t.extension.equals(extension)) {
        return t;

    return FileType.UNKNOWN;
 public String toString() {
   if (type.isSymlink()) {
     return String.format(
         "(%s: link_value=%s, real_path=%s)",
         type, unresolvedSymlinkTarget.getPathString(), realPath);
   } else {
     return String.format("(%s: real_path=%s)", type, realPath);
Esempio n. 14
  public void editFile(FileSystemItem file, FilePosition position, boolean highlightLine) {
    // edit the file in the main window unless this is a source satellite
    // (in which case we want to edit it locally)
    if (satellite_.isCurrentWindowSatellite()
        && !satellite_.getSatelliteName().startsWith(SourceSatellite.NAME_PREFIX)) {
      callSatelliteEditFile(file.cast(), position.cast(), highlightLine);
    } else {
      FileType fileType = getTypeForFile(file);
      if (fileType != null && !(fileType instanceof TextFileType)) fileType = TEXT;

      if (fileType != null)
            highlightLine ? NavigationMethods.HIGHLIGHT_LINE : NavigationMethods.DEFAULT,
Esempio n. 15
 public static String getMD5(FileType type, String version) {
   YAMLProcessor config = MinecraftYML.getMinecraftYML();
   Map<String, Map<String, String>> builds =
       (Map<String, Map<String, String>>) config.getProperty("versions");
   if (builds.containsKey(version)) {
     Map<String, String> files = builds.get(version);
     return files.get(;
   return null;
Esempio n. 16
  public void openFile(final FileSystemItem file, final boolean canUseBrowser) {
    FileType fileType = getTypeForFile(file);
    if (fileType != null) {
      fileType.openFile(file, eventBus_);
    } else {
      // build default command to use if we have an error or the
      // file is not a text file
      final Command defaultCommand =
          new Command() {
            public void execute() {
              if (canUseBrowser) {
                if (session_.getSessionInfo().getAllowFileDownloads()) {
                  BROWSER.openFile(file, eventBus_);
                } else {
                      "File Download Error",
                      "Unable to show file because file downloads are "
                          + "restricted on this server.\n");

      // check with the server to see if this is likely to be a text file
          new ServerRequestCallback<Boolean>() {
            public void onResponseReceived(Boolean isText) {
              if (isText) TEXT.openFile(file, eventBus_);
              else defaultCommand.execute();

            public void onError(ServerError error) {
 public static String getMD5(FileType type, String version) {
   String md5 = getMD5Internal(type, version);
   if (md5 == null) {
         "No MD5 Information found for filetype "
             + ", for minecraft version: "
             + version);
   return md5;
  protected PsiFile createFile(
      @NotNull Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile file, @NotNull FileType fileType) {
    if (fileType.isBinary() || file.isSpecialFile()) {
      return new PsiBinaryFileImpl((PsiManagerImpl) getManager(), this);
    if (!isTooLarge(file)) {
      final PsiFile psiFile = createFile(getBaseLanguage());
      if (psiFile != null) return psiFile;

    return new PsiPlainTextFileImpl(this);
  private PsiFile createFile() {
    try {
      final VirtualFile vFile = getVirtualFile();
      if (vFile.isDirectory()) return null;
      if (isIgnored()) return null;

      final Project project = myManager.getProject();
      if (isPhysical()) { // check directories consistency
        final VirtualFile parent = vFile.getParent();
        if (parent == null) return null;
        final PsiDirectory psiDir = getManager().findDirectory(parent);
        if (psiDir == null) return null;

      FileType fileType = vFile.getFileType();
      PsiFile file = null;
      if (fileType.isBinary() || vFile.isSpecialFile()) {
        // TODO check why ClsFileImpl doesn't created automatically with create method
        file = new ClsFileImpl((PsiManagerImpl) getManager(), this);
        // file = new PsiBinaryFileImpl((PsiManagerImpl) getManager(), this);
      } else {
        if (!isTooLarge(vFile)) {
          final PsiFile psiFile = createFile(getBaseLanguage());
          if (psiFile != null) file = psiFile;
        } else {
          file = new PsiPlainTextFileImpl(this);
      return file;
    } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) {
      throw e;

    } catch (Throwable e) {
      return null;
 private static String getMD5Internal(FileType type, String version) {
   YAMLProcessor config = Resources.Minecraft.getYAML();
   try {
     Map<String, Object> versions = (Map<String, Object>) config.getProperty("versions");
     Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) versions.get(version);
     return (String) map.get(type.toString());
   } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
     logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "MD5 Configuration was not populated!", npe);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to read md5", e);
   return null;
Esempio n. 21
 public UserFile setType(FileType fileType) {
   this.type = fileType.getName();
   return this;
Esempio n. 22
 public UserFile setTypeByExtention(String extention) {
   this.type = FileType.findByExtention(extention).getName();
   return this;
  public boolean run(DatabaseRegistryEntry dbre) {
    boolean result = true;
    Connection con = dbre.getConnection();

    FileType fileType = getFileType();
    TableName tableName = getTableName();
    HashMap<Integer, String> tableIDs = getTableIDs(dbre);

    try {
      for (Object o : tableIDs.entrySet()) {
        Map.Entry<Integer, String> pair = (Map.Entry<Integer, String>) o;
        int tableID = pair.getKey();
        String name = pair.getValue();

        // fetch file path for every table_id
        Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
        ResultSet filePath =
                "SELECT path FROM "
                    + "dbfile_registry WHERE table_name='"
                    + tableName.toString()
                    + "' AND file_type='"
                    + fileType.toString()
                    + "' AND table_id="
                    + tableID);

        if (! {
              "No "
                  + fileType.toString()
                  + " file entry found in "
                  + "dbfile_registry table for "
                  + tableName.toString()
                  + " "
                  + name
                  + " with id "
                  + tableID);
          result = false;

        } else {
          // check that the file actually exists on the disk
          String parentFuncgenDir = getSpeciesAssemblyDataFileBasePath(dbre);
          File file = new File(parentFuncgenDir + filePath.getString(1));

          if (!file.exists()) {
                this, con, " File " + file.getPath() + " does not exist on the disk.");
            result = false;

    } catch (SQLException e) {

    return result;
Esempio n. 24
 public synchronized boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj) {
   if (!(obj instanceof FileType)) return false;
   FileType other = (FileType) obj;
   if (obj == null) return false;
   if (this == obj) return true;
   if (__equalsCalc != null) {
     return (__equalsCalc == obj);
   __equalsCalc = obj;
   boolean _equals;
   _equals =
           && ((this.fileId == null && other.getFileId() == null)
               || (this.fileId != null && this.fileId.equals(other.getFileId())))
           && ((this.fileType == null && other.getFileType() == null)
               || (this.fileType != null && this.fileType.equals(other.getFileType())))
           && this.fileSize == other.getFileSize()
           && ((this.sourceURI == null && other.getSourceURI() == null)
               || (this.sourceURI != null && this.sourceURI.equals(other.getSourceURI())))
           && ((this.createTime == null && other.getCreateTime() == null)
               || (this.createTime != null && this.createTime.equals(other.getCreateTime())))
           && ((this.editTime == null && other.getEditTime() == null)
               || (this.editTime != null && this.editTime.equals(other.getEditTime())))
           && ((this.fileDistributeList == null && other.getFileDistributeList() == null)
               || (this.fileDistributeList != null
                   && java.util.Arrays.equals(
                       this.fileDistributeList, other.getFileDistributeList())));
   __equalsCalc = null;
   return _equals;
Esempio n. 25
   * 接收文件数据。
   * @param name
   * @param request
  public void receive(String name, HttpServletRequest request) {
    ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(this.factory);

    // 设置文件上传进度监听器
    FileProgressListener pl = new FileProgressListener(name, request.getSession());

    try {
      List<FileItem> items = upload.parseRequest(request);

      for (FileItem item : items) {
        if (!item.isFormField()) {
          // 原始文件名
          String originFileName = item.getName();

          // 文件后缀名
          String extension = FileUtils.extractFileExtension(originFileName);

          // 文件别名
          String aliasFileName = Utils.randomString(32) + "." + extension;

          FileType fileType = FileType.parseType(extension);

          if (FileType.UNKNOWN != fileType) {
            // 存储路径
            String strFilePath = this.storePath + name + "/";

            // 创建工作目录
            File filePath = new File(this.workPath + name + "/");
            if (!filePath.exists()) {
            // 创建存储目录
            filePath = new File(strFilePath);
            if (!filePath.exists()) {
            filePath = null;

            // 删除相同文件
            SharedFile sf = this.existSharedFile(originFileName);
            if (null != sf) {

            // 原文件
            File originFile = new File(strFilePath, originFileName);
            // 别名文件
            File aliasFile = new File(this.workPath + name + "/", aliasFileName);

            sf = new SharedFile(name, originFile, aliasFile, fileType, request.getSession());

            // 添加分享文件

            synchronized (pl.files) {

            // 写文件

            request.getSession().setAttribute("name", name);
            request.getSession().setAttribute("filename", originFileName);
          } else {
            // 不支持的类型
            Logger.w(this.getClass(), "不支持的文件类型: " + originFileName);

            request.getSession().setAttribute("name", name);
            request.getSession().setAttribute("filename", originFileName);
            request.getSession().setAttribute("state", 300);

      // 结束
    } catch (FileUploadException e) {
      Logger.log(this.getClass(), e, LogLevel.ERROR);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.log(this.getClass(), e, LogLevel.ERROR);
Esempio n. 26
 private void cmdRefreshActionPerformed(
     java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_cmdRefreshActionPerformed
   if (ContentType.equals(FileType.IDF)) {
     updateSearchStrings((Project == null) ? null : Project.getSearchStrings());
 } // GEN-LAST:event_cmdRefreshActionPerformed
Esempio n. 27
  * 根据Java文件类型获取Package声明
  * @param type
  * @return
 public static String getPackage(FileType type) {
   if (type.getPakage() == null || "".equals(type.getPakage()))
     return BASE_PACKAGE + "." + type.getType();
   else return type.getPakage();
Esempio n. 28
  public FileTypeRegistry(EventBus eventBus, Satellite satellite) {
    eventBus_ = eventBus;
    satellite_ = satellite;

    if (!satellite_.isCurrentWindowSatellite()) exportEditFileCallback();

    FileIconResources icons = ICONS;

    register("", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("*.txt", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("*.log", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("README", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register(".gitignore", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("*.r", R, icons.iconRdoc());
    register(".rprofile", R, icons.iconRprofile());
    register("", R, icons.iconRprofile());
    register("DESCRIPTION", DCF, icons.iconText());
    register("NAMESPACE", NAMESPACE, icons.iconText());
    register("*.rhistory", RHISTORY, icons.iconRhistory());
    register("*.rproj", RPROJECT, icons.iconRproject());
    register("*.rnw", SWEAVE, icons.iconRsweave());
    register("*.snw", SWEAVE, icons.iconRsweave());
    register("*.nw", SWEAVE, icons.iconRsweave());
    register("*.tex", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.latex", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.sty", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.cls", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.bbl", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.rhtml", RHTML, icons.iconRhtml());
    register("*.htm", HTML, icons.iconHTML());
    register("*.html", HTML, icons.iconHTML());
    register("*.css", CSS, icons.iconCss());
    register("*.js", JS, icons.iconJavascript());
    register("*.rmd", RMARKDOWN, icons.iconRmarkdown());
    register("*.rmarkdown", RMARKDOWN, icons.iconRmarkdown());
    register("*.md", MARKDOWN, icons.iconMarkdown());
    register("*.mdtxt", MARKDOWN, icons.iconMarkdown());
    register("*.markdown", MARKDOWN, icons.iconMarkdown());
    register("*.bib", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("*.c", C, icons.iconC());
    register("*.cpp", CPP, icons.iconCpp());
    register("*.h", H, icons.iconH());
    register("*.hpp", HPP, icons.iconHpp());
    register("*", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("*.rd", RD, icons.iconRd());
    register("*.rdata", RDATA, icons.iconRdata());
    register("*.rda", RDATA, icons.iconRdata());
    register("*.Rproj", RPROJECT, icons.iconRproject());
    register("*.dcf", DCF, icons.iconText());
    defaultType_ = BROWSER;

    registerIcon(".jpg", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".jpeg", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".gif", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".bmp", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".tiff", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".tif", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".png", icons.iconPng());

    registerIcon(".pdf", icons.iconPdf());
    registerIcon(".csv", icons.iconCsv());

    for (FileType fileType : FileType.ALL_FILE_TYPES) {
      assert !fileTypesByTypeName_.containsKey(fileType.getTypeId());
      fileTypesByTypeName_.put(fileType.getTypeId(), fileType);
Esempio n. 29
  public FileTypeRegistry(
      EventBus eventBus,
      Satellite satellite,
      Session session,
      GlobalDisplay globalDisplay,
      FilesServerOperations server) {
    eventBus_ = eventBus;
    satellite_ = satellite;
    server_ = server;
    session_ = session;
    globalDisplay_ = globalDisplay;

    if (!satellite_.isCurrentWindowSatellite()) exportEditFileCallback();

    FileIconResources icons = ICONS;

    register("", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("*.txt", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("*.log", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("README", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register(".gitignore", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register(".Rbuildignore", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("packrat.lock", DCF, icons.iconText());
    register("*.r", R, icons.iconRdoc());
    register("*.q", R, icons.iconRdoc());
    register("*.s", R, icons.iconRdoc());
    register(".rprofile", R, icons.iconRprofile());
    register("", R, icons.iconRprofile());
    register("DESCRIPTION", DCF, icons.iconText());
    register("INDEX", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("LICENCE", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("MD5", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("NEWS", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("PORTING", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("COPYING", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("COPYING.LIB", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("BUGS", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("CHANGES", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("CHANGELOG", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("INSTALL", SH, icons.iconSh());
    register("TODO", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("THANKS", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("configure", SH, icons.iconSh());
    register("", SH, icons.iconSh());
    register("cleanup", SH, icons.iconSh());
    register("", SH, icons.iconSh());
    register("Makevars", SH, icons.iconSh());
    register("", SH, icons.iconSh());
    register("TUTORIAL", DCF, icons.iconText());
    register("NAMESPACE", NAMESPACE, icons.iconText());
    register("*.rhistory", RHISTORY, icons.iconRhistory());
    register("*.rproj", RPROJECT, icons.iconRproject());
    register("*.rnw", SWEAVE, icons.iconRsweave());
    register("*.snw", SWEAVE, icons.iconRsweave());
    register("*.nw", SWEAVE, icons.iconRsweave());
    register("*.tex", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.latex", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.sty", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.cls", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.bbl", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.dtx", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.ins", TEX, icons.iconTex());
    register("*.rhtml", RHTML, icons.iconRhtml());
    register("*.htm", HTML, icons.iconHTML());
    register("*.html", HTML, icons.iconHTML());
    register("*.css", CSS, icons.iconCss());
    register("*.js", JS, icons.iconJavascript());
    register("*.json", JSON, icons.iconJavascript());
    register("*.rmd", RMARKDOWN, icons.iconRmarkdown());
    register("*.rmarkdown", RMARKDOWN, icons.iconRmarkdown());
    register("*.rpres", RPRESENTATION, icons.iconRpresentation());
    register("*.md", MARKDOWN, icons.iconMarkdown());
    register("*.mdtxt", MARKDOWN, icons.iconMarkdown());
    register("*.markdown*", MARKDOWN, icons.iconMarkdown());
    register("*.bib", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("*.c", C, icons.iconC());
    register("*.cpp", CPP, icons.iconCpp());
    register("*.cc", CPP, icons.iconCpp());
    register("*.h", H, icons.iconH());
    register("*.hpp", HPP, icons.iconHpp());
    register("*.f", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("*", TEXT, icons.iconText());
    register("*.rd", RD, icons.iconRd());
    register("*.rdata", RDATA, icons.iconRdata());
    register("*.rda", RDATA, icons.iconRdata());
    register("*.Rproj", RPROJECT, icons.iconRproject());
    register("*.dcf", DCF, icons.iconText());
    register("*.mmd", MERMAID, icons.iconMermaid());
    register("*.gv", GRAPHVIZ, icons.iconGraphviz());
    register("*.dot", GRAPHVIZ, icons.iconGraphviz());
    register("*.py", PYTHON, icons.iconPython());
    register("*.sql", SQL, icons.iconSql());
    register("*.sh", SH, icons.iconSh());
    register("*.yml", YAML, icons.iconYaml());
    register("*.yaml", YAML, icons.iconYaml());
    register("*.xml", XML, icons.iconXml());
    register("*.stan", STAN, icons.iconStan());

    register("*.clj", CLOJURE, icons.iconClojure());
    register("*.cloj", CLOJURE, icons.iconClojure());
    register("*.clojure", CLOJURE, icons.iconClojure());
    register("*.coffee", COFFEE, icons.iconCoffee());
    register("*.cs", CSHARP, icons.iconCsharp());
    register(".gitignore", GITIGNORE, icons.iconGitignore());
    register("*.go", GO, icons.iconGo());
    register("*.groovy", GROOVY, icons.iconGroovy());
    register("*.haskell", HASKELL, icons.iconHaskell());
    register("*.haxe", HAXE, icons.iconHaxe());
    register("*.java", JAVA, icons.iconJava());
    register("*.julia", JULIA, icons.iconJulia());
    register("*.lisp", LISP, icons.iconLisp());
    register(".emacs", LISP, icons.iconLisp());
    register("*.el", LISP, icons.iconLisp());
    register("*.lua", LUA, icons.iconLua());
    register("*.m", MATLAB, icons.iconMatlab());
    register("*.pl", PERL, icons.iconPerl());
    register("*.rb", RUBY, icons.iconRuby());
    register("*.rs", RUST, icons.iconRust());
    register("*.scala", SCALA, icons.iconScala());
    register("*.snippets", SNIPPETS, icons.iconSnippets());

    registerIcon(".jpg", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".jpeg", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".gif", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".bmp", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".tiff", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".tif", icons.iconPng());
    registerIcon(".png", icons.iconPng());

    registerIcon(".pdf", icons.iconPdf());
    registerIcon(".csv", icons.iconCsv());
    registerIcon(".docx", icons.iconWord());

    for (FileType fileType : FileType.ALL_FILE_TYPES) {
      assert !fileTypesByTypeName_.containsKey(fileType.getTypeId());
      fileTypesByTypeName_.put(fileType.getTypeId(), fileType);