private String[] adjustSubject(String requestUid, String userInput, User user) {
   String dateTime;
   eventRequestBroker.updateName(user.getUid(), requestUid, userInput);
   EventRequest vote = eventRequestBroker.load(requestUid);
   if (vote.getEventStartDateTime().isBefore(, ChronoUnit.MINUTES))) {
     // user is manipulating an "instant" vote so need to reset the counter, else may expire before
     // send
         user.getUid(), requestUid,;
     dateTime = getMessage(thisSection, "confirm", "time.instant", user);
   } else {
     // need a quick way to do "at" in i18n
     dateTime = "at " + vote.getEventDateTimeAtSAST().format(dateTimeFormat);
   return new String[] {userInput, dateTime};