/** * Gets whether or not this sensor senses a Pedestrian. * * @param tileMap the PedestrianTileBasedMap to use, to get the TileState, and the resulting * list of Pedestrians in that tile * @return true if a Pedestrian is detected, false otherwise. */ public MovingEntity relativePointSensesEntity(GameMap map) { MovingEntity entitySensed = null; // Get the point of the entity that may encounter an obstacle Point2D.Float relativePoint = this.entity.getRelativePointFromCenter(rx, ry); // Get the tile this point is in Tile tileSensed = map.getTile( (int) (relativePoint.x / GameMap.TILE_SIZE), (int) (relativePoint.y / GameMap.TILE_SIZE)); // Search for an entity in this tile if (tileSensed != null) { LinkedList<Entity> entities = tileSensed.getEntities(); for (Entity e : entities) { if (Math.hypot(relativePoint.x - e.getX(), relativePoint.y - e.getX()) <= SENSOR_RADIUS) { entitySensed = (MovingEntity) e; break; } } } return entitySensed; }
@Override public void run() { while (threadRunFlag) { if (queue.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("wait add new Data to upload thread!"); synchronized (this) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { Entity entity = (Entity) queue.remove(); System.out.println("current upload is:" + entity.toString()); System.out.println("list size i s :" + queue.size()); try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
@Test public void recycleComponent() { int maxEntities = 10; int maxComponents = 10; PooledEngine engine = new PooledEngine(maxEntities, maxEntities, maxComponents, maxComponents); for (int i = 0; i < maxComponents; ++i) { Entity e = engine.createEntity(); PooledComponentSpy c = engine.createComponent(PooledComponentSpy.class); assertEquals(false, c.recycled); e.add(c); engine.addEntity(e); } engine.removeAllEntities(); for (int i = 0; i < maxComponents; ++i) { Entity e = engine.createEntity(); PooledComponentSpy c = engine.createComponent(PooledComponentSpy.class); assertEquals(true, c.recycled); e.add(c); } engine.removeAllEntities(); }
@Test public void groupTitleSearch() throws Exception { UUID applicationId = createApplication("testOrganization", "groupTitleSearch"); assertNotNull(applicationId); EntityManager em = emf.getEntityManager(applicationId); assertNotNull(em); String titleName = "groupName" + UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID(); Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put("title", titleName); properties.put("path", "testPath"); properties.put("name", "testName"); Entity group = em.create("group", properties); assertNotNull(group); // EntityRef Query query = new Query(); query.addEqualityFilter("title", titleName); Results r = em.searchCollection(em.getApplicationRef(), "groups", query); assertTrue(r.size() > 0); Entity returned = r.getEntities().get(0); assertEquals(group.getUuid(), returned.getUuid()); }
@EventHandler public void onDammange(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) { Entity dammage = event.getEntity(); if (dammage.getType() == EntityType.ENDER_CRYSTAL) { event.setCancelled(true); } }
public void use(Entity self, Entity other, Entity activator) { if (self.solid == Constants.SOLID_NOT) self.solid = Constants.SOLID_TRIGGER; else self.solid = Constants.SOLID_NOT; World.SV_LinkEdict(self); if (0 == (self.spawnflags & 2)) self.use = null; }
/** * Handles explosion block damage caused by TnT, Creepers, or Fireballs.<br> * If the arena allows explosion block breaking, each block is handled separately<br> * as if a player attempted to destroy it. If the arena doesn't allow explosion block breaking, * <br> * no blocks are broken. */ @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onTntExplode(EntityExplodeEvent event) { Entity entity = event.getEntity(); if (entity instanceof TNTPrimed || entity instanceof Creeper || entity instanceof Fireball) { Arena arena = ultimateGames.getArenaManager().getLocationArena(entity.getLocation()); if (arena != null) { if (arena.getStatus() == ArenaStatus.RUNNING) { if (arena.allowExplosionBlockBreaking()) { Set<Block> canBeBroken = ultimateGames .getWhitelistManager() .getBlockBreakWhitelist() .blocksWhitelisted(arena.getGame(), new HashSet<Block>(event.blockList())); event.blockList().clear(); event.blockList().addAll(canBeBroken); arena.getGame().getGamePlugin().onEntityExplode(arena, event); } else if (arena.allowExplosionDamage()) { event.blockList().clear(); arena.getGame().getGamePlugin().onEntityExplode(arena, event); } else { event.setCancelled(true); } } else { event.setCancelled(true); } } } }
private void handleSecrecy( Entity session, Entity child, List<ITerm> knowers, FunctionSymbol setSymbol, String protName, ExpressionContext ctx, ITerm term) { LocationInfo loc = term.getLocation(); Entity rootEnt = session.findRootEntity(); FunctionTerm secrecyTerm = rootEnt.secrecyTerm( session, session.getIDSymbol().term(loc, child), child, knowers, term /* = payload*/, setSymbol, protName, loc); // System.out.println("secrecy term: " + secrecyTerm.getRepresentation()); ctx.addSessionGoalTerm(secrecyTerm); for (ITerm t : session.childChain(loc, child)) { ctx.addSessionGoalTerm(t); } }
/** * Spawns a mob somewhere on the map. Ensures it doesn't intersect anything and is on a spawn tile * * @param mob * @return */ public boolean spawnMob(Mob mob) { float x = mob.getX(); float y = mob.getY(); TextureSet textureSet = mob.getWalkingTextureSet(); // Check mob isn't out of bounds. if (x < 0 || x > getMapWidth() - textureSet.getWidth() || y > getMapHeight() - textureSet.getHeight()) { return false; } // Check mob doesn't intersect anything. for (Entity entity : entities) { if (entity instanceof Character && (mob.intersects(entity.getX(), entity.getY(), entity.getWidth(), entity.getHeight()) || mob.collidesX(0) || mob.collidesY(0))) { return false; } } if (getSpawnLayer().getCell((int) x / getTileWidth(), (int) y / getTileHeight()) == null) { return false; } entities.add(mob); return true; }
@Override public boolean attackEntityAsMob(Entity victim) { float attackDamage = (float) getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.attackDamage).getAttributeValue(); int knockback = 0; if (victim instanceof EntityLivingBase) { attackDamage += EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentModifierLiving(this, (EntityLivingBase) victim); knockback += EnchantmentHelper.getKnockbackModifier(this, (EntityLivingBase) victim); } boolean attacked = victim.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causeMobDamage(this), attackDamage); if (attacked) { if (knockback > 0) { double vx = -Math.sin(Math.toRadians(rotationYaw)) * knockback * 0.5; double vy = 0.1; double vz = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(rotationYaw)) * knockback * 0.5; victim.addVelocity(vx, vy, vz); motionX *= 0.6; motionZ *= 0.6; } if (victim instanceof EntityLivingBase) { // EnchantmentThorns.func_92096_a(this, (EntityLivingBase) victim, rand); } setLastAttacker(victim); } return attacked; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String testXml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<data>\n" + " <message>\n" + " <status>0</status>\n" + " <value>处理成功</value>\n" + " </message>\n" + " <policeCheckInfos>\n" + " <policeCheckInfo name=\"彭权艺\" id=\"431227199305110028\">\n" + " <message>\n" + " <status>0</status>\n" + " <value>查询成功</value>\n" + " </message>\n" + " <name desc=\"姓名\">彭权艺</name>\n" + " <identitycard desc=\"身份证号\">431227199305110028</identitycard>\n" + " <compStatus desc=\"比对状态\">3</compStatus>\n" + " <compResult desc=\"比对结果\">一致</compResult>\n" + " <policeadd desc=\"原始发证地\">湖南省新晃侗族自治县</policeadd>\n" + " <birthday2 desc=\"出生日期2\">19930511</birthday2>\n" + " <sex2 desc=\"性别2\">女</sex2>\n" + " </policeCheckInfo>\n" + " </policeCheckInfos>\n" + "</data>"; Entity reEntity = transformXmlToEntity(testXml); logger.trace(reEntity.dfsFind("policeCheckInfo").toString()); return; }
static Entity method4886(int i, int i_34_, int i_35_, byte i_36_) { try { Class326 class326 = (client.aClass283_8716.method2675(-1611682495) .aClass326ArrayArrayArray3516[i][i_34_][i_35_]); if (class326 == null) return null; Entity class365_sub1_sub1_sub2 = null; int i_37_ = -1; for (Class322 class322 = class326.aClass322_3456; class322 != null; class322 = class322.aClass322_3360) { Class365_Sub1_Sub1 class365_sub1_sub1 = class322.aClass365_Sub1_Sub1_3359; if (class365_sub1_sub1 instanceof Entity) { Entity class365_sub1_sub1_sub2_38_ = (Entity) class365_sub1_sub1; int i_39_ = ((class365_sub1_sub1_sub2_38_.getSize() - 1) * 256 + 252); Class217 class217 = (class365_sub1_sub1_sub2_38_.method4337().aClass217_2599); int i_40_ = (int) class217.aFloat2451 - i_39_ >> 9; int i_41_ = (int) class217.aFloat2454 - i_39_ >> 9; int i_42_ = i_39_ + (int) class217.aFloat2451 >> 9; int i_43_ = i_39_ + (int) class217.aFloat2454 >> 9; if (i_40_ <= i_34_ && i_41_ <= i_35_ && i_42_ >= i_34_ && i_43_ >= i_35_) { int i_44_ = (1 + i_42_ - i_34_) * (i_43_ + 1 - i_35_); if (i_44_ > i_37_) { class365_sub1_sub1_sub2 = class365_sub1_sub1_sub2_38_; i_37_ = i_44_; } } } } return class365_sub1_sub1_sub2; } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) { throw Class346.method4175( runtimeexception, new StringBuilder().append("qe.id(").append(')').toString()); } }
@Override public Entity getEntityById(int id) { synchronized (entities) { for (Entity entity : entities) if (id == entity.getId()) return entity; return null; } }
/** * @param dt * @param eBoundaries * @param listFeatIndsOfCurInp * @param listFeatCountOfCurInp * @throws IOException */ private void createNgramFeatures( DependencyTree dt, int weight, Entity ent, ArrayList<Integer> listFeatIndsOfCurInp, ArrayList<Integer> listFeatCountOfCurInp) throws IOException { String[] feature = new String[0]; // collecting the unigram within a window of {-x, +x} int x = ent.getStartWordIndex(); for (int i = x - 1; i >= x - 2 && i >= 0; i--) { feature = new String[] {dt.allNodesByWordIndex[i].lemma + "$" + (i - x)}; GenericFeatVect.addNewFeatureInList( feature, 1, listFeatIndsOfCurInp, listFeatCountOfCurInp, weight); } x = ent.getEndWordIndex(); for (int i = x + 1; i <= x + 2 && i < dt.allNodesByWordIndex.length; i++) { feature = new String[] {dt.allNodesByWordIndex[i].lemma + "$" + (x - i)}; GenericFeatVect.addNewFeatureInList( feature, 1, listFeatIndsOfCurInp, listFeatCountOfCurInp, weight); } }
public static void SP_trigger_key(Entity self) { if (GameBase.st.item == null) { ServerGame.PF_dprintf("no key item for trigger_key at " + Lib.vtos(self.s.origin) + "\n"); return; } self.item = GameItems.FindItemByClassname(GameBase.st.item); if (null == self.item) { ServerGame.PF_dprintf( "item " + GameBase.st.item + " not found for trigger_key at " + Lib.vtos(self.s.origin) + "\n"); return; } if (self.target == null) { ServerGame.PF_dprintf(self.classname + " at " + Lib.vtos(self.s.origin) + " has no target\n"); return; } ServerInit.SV_SoundIndex("misc/keytry.wav"); ServerInit.SV_SoundIndex("misc/keyuse.wav"); self.use = trigger_key_use; }
/** * Draws everything onto the main panel. * * @param page Graphics component to draw on */ public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); setForeground(Color.cyan); renderer.draw(page, this, offX, offY); // hero.draw(this, page, offX, offY); for (Entity effect : effects) { effect.draw(this, page, offX, offY); /*if (effect instanceof Burst) { Burst pop = (Burst) effect; pop.draw(this, page, offX, offY); }*/ } // Draw hero position information Rectangle r = hero.getBounds(); page.drawString("Position: x = " + (r.x + (r.width >> 1)), SCORE_PLACE_X, SCORE_PLACE_Y); final int tab = 100; final int lineHeight = 20; page.drawString("y = " + (r.y + (r.height >> 1)), SCORE_PLACE_X + tab, SCORE_PLACE_Y); page.drawString("Frame: " + frame, SCORE_PLACE_X, SCORE_PLACE_Y + lineHeight); if (!running) { page.drawString("Game over :(", WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2); } }
/* * QUAKED trigger_push (.5 .5 .5) ? PUSH_ONCE Pushes the player "speed" * defaults to 1000 */ public static void SP_trigger_push(Entity self) { InitTrigger(self); windsound = ServerInit.SV_SoundIndex("misc/windfly.wav"); self.touch = trigger_push_touch; if (0 == self.speed) self.speed = 1000; World.SV_LinkEdict(self); }
public static String getEntityName(Class entity) { if (mappedName.get(entity) != null) { return mappedName.get(entity); } String name = null; Table table = (Table) entity.getAnnotation(Table.class); if (table != null && table.name() != null && !table.name().isEmpty()) { name = table.name(); } else { Entity entityAnnotation = (Entity) entity.getAnnotation(Entity.class); if (entityAnnotation != null && entityAnnotation.name() != null && !entityAnnotation.name().isEmpty()) { name = entityAnnotation.name(); } else { name = entity.getSimpleName(); } } mappedName.put(entity, name); return name; }
public void touch(Entity self, Entity other, Plane plane, Surface surf) { int dflags; if (other.takedamage == 0) return; if (self.timestamp > GameBase.level.time) return; if ((self.spawnflags & 16) != 0) self.timestamp = GameBase.level.time + 1; else self.timestamp = GameBase.level.time + Constants.FRAMETIME; if (0 == (self.spawnflags & 4)) { if ((GameBase.level.framenum % 10) == 0) ServerGame.PF_StartSound( other, Constants.CHAN_AUTO, self.noise_index, (float) 1, (float) Constants.ATTN_NORM, (float) 0); } if ((self.spawnflags & 8) != 0) dflags = Constants.DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION; else dflags = 0; GameCombat.T_Damage( other, self, self, Globals.vec3_origin, other.s.origin, Globals.vec3_origin, self.dmg, self.dmg, dflags, Constants.MOD_TRIGGER_HURT); }
public PooledEntity GetPooledEntity(Entity entity, float time) { synchronized (m_available) { if (!m_available.isEmpty()) { PooledEntity ent = m_available.get(0); ent.m_data.SetActive(true); try { ent.m_data.SetTransform((Transform2D) entity.GetTransform().clone()); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } ent.SetLife(time); m_inUse.add(ent); m_available.remove(0); return ent; } else { Entity entity_copy = entity.GetCopy(); entity_copy.SetActive(true); PooledEntity ent = new PooledEntity(entity_copy, time); m_inUse.add(ent); return ent; } } }
@Test public void userLastNameSearch() throws Exception { UUID applicationId = createApplication("testOrganization", "testLastName"); assertNotNull(applicationId); EntityManager em = emf.getEntityManager(applicationId); assertNotNull(em); String lastName = "lastName" + UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID(); Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put("username", "edanuff"); properties.put("email", "*****@*****.**"); properties.put("lastname", lastName); Entity user = em.create("user", properties); assertNotNull(user); // EntityRef Query query = new Query(); query.addEqualityFilter("lastname", lastName); Results r = em.searchCollection(em.getApplicationRef(), "users", query); assertTrue(r.size() > 0); Entity returned = r.getEntities().get(0); assertEquals(user.getUuid(), returned.getUuid()); }
/** @see org.newdawn.asteroids.entity.Entity#collides(org.newdawn.asteroids.entity.Entity) */ public boolean collides(Entity other) { // We're going to use simple circle collision here since we're // only worried about 2D collision. // // Normal math tells us that if the distance between the two // centres of the circles is less than the sum of their radius // then they collide. However, working out the distance between // the two would require a square root (Math.sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy)) // which could be quite slow. // // Instead we're going to square the sum of their radius and compare // that against the un-rooted value. This is equivilent but // much faster // Get the size of the other entity and combine it with our // own, giving the range of collision. Square this so we can // compare it against the current distance. float otherSize = other.getSize(); float range = (otherSize + getSize()); range *= range; // Get the distance on X and Y between the two entities, then // find the squared distance between the two. float dx = getX() - other.getX(); float dy = getY() - other.getY(); float distance = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy); // if the squared distance is less than the squared range // then we've had a collision! return (distance <= range); }
@Test public void testKeywordsAndQuery() throws Exception { logger.info("testKeywordsOrQuery"); UUID applicationId = createApplication("testOrganization", "testKeywordsAndQuery"); assertNotNull(applicationId); EntityManager em = emf.getEntityManager(applicationId); assertNotNull(em); Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put("title", "Galactians 2"); properties.put("keywords", "Hot, Space Invaders, Classic"); Entity firstGame = em.create("game", properties); properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put("title", "Bunnies Extreme"); properties.put("keywords", "Hot, New"); Entity secondGame = em.create("game", properties); properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put("title", "Hot Shots Extreme"); properties.put("keywords", "Action, New"); Entity thirdGame = em.create("game", properties); Query query = Query.fromQL("select * where keywords contains 'new' and title contains 'extreme'"); Results r = em.searchCollection(em.getApplicationRef(), "games", query); logger.info(JsonUtils.mapToFormattedJsonString(r.getEntities())); assertEquals(2, r.size()); assertEquals(secondGame.getUuid(), r.getEntities().get(0).getUuid()); assertEquals(thirdGame.getUuid(), r.getEntities().get(1).getUuid()); }
public void a(World var1, Position var2, Entity var3, float var4) { if (var3.aw()) { super.a(var1, var2, var3, var4); } else { var3.e(var4, 0.0F); } }
@Test public void testSecondarySorts() throws Exception { logger.info("testSecondarySorts"); UUID applicationId = createApplication("testOrganization", "testSecondarySorts"); assertNotNull(applicationId); EntityManager em = emf.getEntityManager(applicationId); assertNotNull(em); for (int i = alphabet.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String name = alphabet[i]; Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put("name", name); properties.put("group", i / 3); properties.put("reverse_name", alphabet[alphabet.length - 1 - i]); em.create("item", properties); } Query query = Query.fromQL("group = 1 order by name desc"); Results r = em.searchCollection(em.getApplicationRef(), "items", query); logger.info(JsonUtils.mapToFormattedJsonString(r.getEntities())); int i = 6; for (Entity entity : r.getEntities()) { i--; assertEquals(1L, entity.getProperty("group")); assertEquals(alphabet[i], entity.getProperty("name")); } assertEquals(3, i); }
public void a(World var1, Entity var2) { if (var2.aw()) { super.a(var1, var2); } else if (var2.motionY < 0.0D) { var2.motionY = -var2.motionY; } }
@Test public void recycleEntity() { PooledEngine engine = new PooledEngine(); int numEntities = 200; Array<Entity> entities = new Array<Entity>(); for (int i = 0; i < numEntities; ++i) { Entity entity = engine.createEntity(); assertEquals(0, entity.flags); engine.addEntity(entity); entities.add(entity); entity.flags = 1; } for (Entity entity : entities) { engine.removeEntity(entity); assertEquals(0, entity.flags); } for (int i = 0; i < numEntities; ++i) { Entity entity = engine.createEntity(); assertEquals(0, entity.flags); engine.addEntity(entity); entities.add(entity); } }
private void runTest(TransactionWithQuery<Root, Entity> createEntityTransaction) throws Exception { // Create or load existing prevalence layer from journal and/or snapshot. String dataPath = "target/PrevalenceBase_" + System.currentTimeMillis(); Prevayler<Root> prevayler = PrevaylerFactory.createPrevayler(new Root(), dataPath); try { final Entity entity = prevayler.execute(createEntityTransaction); final long timestampWhenInitiallyCreated = entity.getCreated(); // close and reopen prevalence so the journal is replayed prevayler.close(); prevayler = PrevaylerFactory.createPrevayler(new Root(), dataPath); long timestampAfterRestart = prevayler.execute( new Query<Root, Long>() { public Long query(Root prevalentSystem, Date executionTime) throws Exception { return prevalentSystem.getEntities().get(entity.getIdentity()).getCreated(); } }); assertEquals( "timestamp should not have changed", timestampWhenInitiallyCreated, timestampAfterRestart); } finally { prevayler.close(); } }
public double getNetGravAccel(double x1, double y1, char component, Entity e) { double net = 0; if (ents.size() <= 1) return 0; try { for (Entity other : ents) { double x2 = other.getX(); double y2 = other.getY(); if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) // if distance is 0 (testing itself) then it will divide by 0 continue; double distance = Util.distance(x1, y1, x2, y2); // if(Refs.sim.isCollisionType(Simulation.NONCOLLIDE)) //if current collision type is // noncollide if (Util.areColliding(e, other)) // if colliding, no gravitational effect continue; double accel = 0; accel = other.getMass() / Math.pow(distance, 2); double proportion = 1; if (component == 'x') proportion = ((x2 - x1)) / distance; if (component == 'y') proportion = ((y2 - y1)) / distance; net += accel * proportion; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return Refs.sim.getGravitationConstant() * net; }
public Entity addLiteralEntity(int index) { Entity j = new Entity(); j.setIRI("?l" + index); j.settype(Constants.TYPE_LITERAL); // type of literal LiteralVariable.add(j); return j; }