  public void run() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    // POS tagging
    List<TaggedToken> taggedTokens = tagger.tokenizeAndTag(tweet);

    // identify negation set
    HashSet<String> negSet = ng.identifyNegation(tweet);

    // a list containing the score of each effective word
    ArrayList<Score> scoreList = new ArrayList<Score>();

    for (TaggedToken token : taggedTokens) {
      if (token.tag.equals("A")) { // adjectives
        // System.out.println("token: " + token.token);
        String stem = swn.stemmerWords(token.token);
        Score wScore = swn.new Score();
        wScore = swn.extract(stem);
        // if negation of word exist, its pos and neg need to be exchanged
        if (negSet.size() > 0 && negSet.contains(token.token)) {
          double temp = wScore.pos;
          wScore.pos = wScore.neg;
          wScore.neg = temp;

      } else if (token.tag.equals("E")) { // emoticons
        int label = en.extractLabel(token.token);
        // System.out.println("token: " + token.token);
        Score eScore = swn.new Score();
        eScore.pos = en.extractPos(label);
        eScore.neg = en.extractNeg(label);
        eScore.obj = en.extractObj(label);

    // average the score of each effective word of the tweet
    tweetScore tScore = new tweetScore();

    if (scoreList.size() > 0) {

    // write the result of each tweet into DB
    try {
      double obj = 1 - tScore.pos - tScore.neg;
      String update =
          "update tweets_sentiment_one_month set positivity = "
              + tScore.pos
              + ", negativity = "
              + tScore.neg
              + ", objectivity = "
              + obj
              + " where tweet_id = "
              + this.tweetId;

    } catch (Exception e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    // if(num % 1000 == 0)
    System.out.println(num + " records have been processed!");