Esempio n. 1
 /** returns a node to the pool */
 private final void freeNode(DynamicTreeNode node) {
   assert (node != null);
   assert (0 < m_nodeCount);
   node.parent = m_freeList != NULL_NODE ? m_nodes[m_freeList] : null;
   node.height = -1;
   m_freeList =;
Esempio n. 2
  public final int createProxy(final org.jbox2d.collision.AABB aabb, Object userData) {
    assert (aabb.isValid());
    final DynamicTreeNode node = allocateNode();
    int proxyId =;
    // Fatten the aabb
    final org.jbox2d.collision.AABB nodeAABB = node.aabb;
    nodeAABB.lowerBound.x = aabb.lowerBound.x - Settings.aabbExtension;
    nodeAABB.lowerBound.y = aabb.lowerBound.y - Settings.aabbExtension;
    nodeAABB.upperBound.x = aabb.upperBound.x + Settings.aabbExtension;
    nodeAABB.upperBound.y = aabb.upperBound.y + Settings.aabbExtension;
    node.userData = userData;


    return proxyId;
Esempio n. 3
  private final DynamicTreeNode allocateNode() {
    if (m_freeList == NULL_NODE) {
      assert (m_nodeCount == m_nodeCapacity);

      DynamicTreeNode[] old = m_nodes;
      m_nodeCapacity *= 2;
      m_nodes = new DynamicTreeNode[m_nodeCapacity];
      System.arraycopy(old, 0, m_nodes, 0, old.length);

      // Build a linked list for the free list.
      for (int i = m_nodeCapacity - 1; i >= m_nodeCount; i--) {
        m_nodes[i] = new DynamicTreeNode(i);
        m_nodes[i].parent = (i == m_nodeCapacity - 1) ? null : m_nodes[i + 1];
        m_nodes[i].height = -1;
      m_freeList = m_nodeCount;
    int nodeId = m_freeList;
    final DynamicTreeNode treeNode = m_nodes[nodeId];
    m_freeList = treeNode.parent != null ? : NULL_NODE;

    treeNode.parent = null;
    treeNode.child1 = null;
    treeNode.child2 = null;
    treeNode.height = 0;
    treeNode.userData = null;
    return treeNode;
Esempio n. 4
  private final void removeLeaf(DynamicTreeNode leaf) {
    if (leaf == m_root) {
      m_root = null;

    DynamicTreeNode parent = leaf.parent;
    DynamicTreeNode grandParent = parent.parent;
    DynamicTreeNode sibling;
    if (parent.child1 == leaf) {
      sibling = parent.child2;
    } else {
      sibling = parent.child1;

    if (grandParent != null) {
      // Destroy parent and connect sibling to grandParent.
      if (grandParent.child1 == parent) {
        grandParent.child1 = sibling;
      } else {
        grandParent.child2 = sibling;
      sibling.parent = grandParent;

      // Adjust ancestor bounds.
      DynamicTreeNode index = grandParent;
      while (index != null) {
        index = balance(index);

        DynamicTreeNode child1 = index.child1;
        DynamicTreeNode child2 = index.child2;

        index.aabb.combine(child1.aabb, child2.aabb);
        index.height = 1 + org.jbox2d.common.MathUtils.max(child1.height, child2.height);

        index = index.parent;
    } else {
      m_root = sibling;
      sibling.parent = null;

    // validate();
Esempio n. 5
  // Perform a left or right rotation if node A is imbalanced.
  // Returns the new root index.
  private DynamicTreeNode balance(DynamicTreeNode iA) {
    assert (iA != null);

    DynamicTreeNode A = iA;
    if (A.child1 == null || A.height < 2) {
      return iA;

    DynamicTreeNode iB = A.child1;
    DynamicTreeNode iC = A.child2;
    assert (0 <= && < m_nodeCapacity);
    assert (0 <= && < m_nodeCapacity);

    DynamicTreeNode B = iB;
    DynamicTreeNode C = iC;

    int balance = C.height - B.height;

    // Rotate C up
    if (balance > 1) {
      DynamicTreeNode iF = C.child1;
      DynamicTreeNode iG = C.child2;
      DynamicTreeNode F = iF;
      DynamicTreeNode G = iG;
      assert (F != null);
      assert (G != null);
      assert (0 <= && < m_nodeCapacity);
      assert (0 <= && < m_nodeCapacity);

      // Swap A and C
      C.child1 = iA;
      C.parent = A.parent;
      A.parent = iC;

      // A's old parent should point to C
      if (C.parent != null) {
        if (C.parent.child1 == iA) {
          C.parent.child1 = iC;
        } else {
          assert (C.parent.child2 == iA);
          C.parent.child2 = iC;
      } else {
        m_root = iC;

      // Rotate
      if (F.height > G.height) {
        C.child2 = iF;
        A.child2 = iG;
        G.parent = iA;
        A.aabb.combine(B.aabb, G.aabb);
        C.aabb.combine(A.aabb, F.aabb);

        A.height = 1 + org.jbox2d.common.MathUtils.max(B.height, G.height);
        C.height = 1 + org.jbox2d.common.MathUtils.max(A.height, F.height);
      } else {
        C.child2 = iG;
        A.child2 = iF;
        F.parent = iA;
        A.aabb.combine(B.aabb, F.aabb);
        C.aabb.combine(A.aabb, G.aabb);

        A.height = 1 + org.jbox2d.common.MathUtils.max(B.height, F.height);
        C.height = 1 + org.jbox2d.common.MathUtils.max(A.height, G.height);

      return iC;

    // Rotate B up
    if (balance < -1) {
      DynamicTreeNode iD = B.child1;
      DynamicTreeNode iE = B.child2;
      DynamicTreeNode D = iD;
      DynamicTreeNode E = iE;
      assert (0 <= && < m_nodeCapacity);
      assert (0 <= && < m_nodeCapacity);

      // Swap A and B
      B.child1 = iA;
      B.parent = A.parent;
      A.parent = iB;

      // A's old parent should point to B
      if (B.parent != null) {
        if (B.parent.child1 == iA) {
          B.parent.child1 = iB;
        } else {
          assert (B.parent.child2 == iA);
          B.parent.child2 = iB;
      } else {
        m_root = iB;

      // Rotate
      if (D.height > E.height) {
        B.child2 = iD;
        A.child1 = iE;
        E.parent = iA;
        A.aabb.combine(C.aabb, E.aabb);
        B.aabb.combine(A.aabb, D.aabb);

        A.height = 1 + org.jbox2d.common.MathUtils.max(C.height, E.height);
        B.height = 1 + org.jbox2d.common.MathUtils.max(A.height, D.height);
      } else {
        B.child2 = iE;
        A.child1 = iD;
        D.parent = iA;
        A.aabb.combine(C.aabb, D.aabb);
        B.aabb.combine(A.aabb, E.aabb);

        A.height = 1 + org.jbox2d.common.MathUtils.max(C.height, D.height);
        B.height = 1 + org.jbox2d.common.MathUtils.max(A.height, E.height);

      return iB;

    return iA;
Esempio n. 6
  private final void insertLeaf(int leaf_index) {
    DynamicTreeNode leaf = m_nodes[leaf_index];
    if (m_root == null) {
      m_root = leaf;
      m_root.parent = null;

    // find the best sibling
    org.jbox2d.collision.AABB leafAABB = leaf.aabb;
    DynamicTreeNode index = m_root;
    while (index.child1 != null) {
      final DynamicTreeNode node = index;
      DynamicTreeNode child1 = node.child1;
      DynamicTreeNode child2 = node.child2;

      float area = node.aabb.getPerimeter();

      combinedAABB.combine(node.aabb, leafAABB);
      float combinedArea = combinedAABB.getPerimeter();

      // Cost of creating a new parent for this node and the new leaf
      float cost = 2.0f * combinedArea;

      // Minimum cost of pushing the leaf further down the tree
      float inheritanceCost = 2.0f * (combinedArea - area);

      // Cost of descending into child1
      float cost1;
      if (child1.child1 == null) {
        combinedAABB.combine(leafAABB, child1.aabb);
        cost1 = combinedAABB.getPerimeter() + inheritanceCost;
      } else {
        combinedAABB.combine(leafAABB, child1.aabb);
        float oldArea = child1.aabb.getPerimeter();
        float newArea = combinedAABB.getPerimeter();
        cost1 = (newArea - oldArea) + inheritanceCost;

      // Cost of descending into child2
      float cost2;
      if (child2.child1 == null) {
        combinedAABB.combine(leafAABB, child2.aabb);
        cost2 = combinedAABB.getPerimeter() + inheritanceCost;
      } else {
        combinedAABB.combine(leafAABB, child2.aabb);
        float oldArea = child2.aabb.getPerimeter();
        float newArea = combinedAABB.getPerimeter();
        cost2 = newArea - oldArea + inheritanceCost;

      // Descend according to the minimum cost.
      if (cost < cost1 && cost < cost2) {

      // Descend
      if (cost1 < cost2) {
        index = child1;
      } else {
        index = child2;

    DynamicTreeNode sibling = index;
    DynamicTreeNode oldParent = m_nodes[].parent;
    final DynamicTreeNode newParent = allocateNode();
    newParent.parent = oldParent;
    newParent.userData = null;
    newParent.aabb.combine(leafAABB, sibling.aabb);
    newParent.height = sibling.height + 1;

    if (oldParent != null) {
      // The sibling was not the root.
      if (oldParent.child1 == sibling) {
        oldParent.child1 = newParent;
      } else {
        oldParent.child2 = newParent;

      newParent.child1 = sibling;
      newParent.child2 = leaf;
      sibling.parent = newParent;
      leaf.parent = newParent;
    } else {
      // The sibling was the root.
      newParent.child1 = sibling;
      newParent.child2 = leaf;
      sibling.parent = newParent;
      leaf.parent = newParent;
      m_root = newParent;

    // Walk back up the tree fixing heights and AABBs
    index = leaf.parent;
    while (index != null) {
      index = balance(index);

      DynamicTreeNode child1 = index.child1;
      DynamicTreeNode child2 = index.child2;

      assert (child1 != null);
      assert (child2 != null);

      index.height = 1 + org.jbox2d.common.MathUtils.max(child1.height, child2.height);
      index.aabb.combine(child1.aabb, child2.aabb);

      index = index.parent;
    // validate();
Esempio n. 7
  /** Build an optimal tree. Very expensive. For testing. */
  public void rebuildBottomUp() {
    int[] nodes = new int[m_nodeCount];
    int count = 0;

    // Build array of leaves. Free the rest.
    for (int i = 0; i < m_nodeCapacity; ++i) {
      if (m_nodes[i].height < 0) {
        // free node in pool

      DynamicTreeNode node = m_nodes[i];
      if (node.child1 == null) {
        node.parent = null;
        nodes[count] = i;
      } else {

    org.jbox2d.collision.AABB b = new org.jbox2d.collision.AABB();
    while (count > 1) {
      float minCost = Float.MAX_VALUE;
      int iMin = -1, jMin = -1;
      for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        org.jbox2d.collision.AABB aabbi = m_nodes[nodes[i]].aabb;

        for (int j = i + 1; j < count; ++j) {
          org.jbox2d.collision.AABB aabbj = m_nodes[nodes[j]].aabb;
          b.combine(aabbi, aabbj);
          float cost = b.getPerimeter();
          if (cost < minCost) {
            iMin = i;
            jMin = j;
            minCost = cost;

      int index1 = nodes[iMin];
      int index2 = nodes[jMin];
      DynamicTreeNode child1 = m_nodes[index1];
      DynamicTreeNode child2 = m_nodes[index2];

      DynamicTreeNode parent = allocateNode();
      parent.child1 = child1;
      parent.child2 = child2;
      parent.height = 1 + org.jbox2d.common.MathUtils.max(child1.height, child2.height);
      parent.aabb.combine(child1.aabb, child2.aabb);
      parent.parent = null;

      child1.parent = parent;
      child2.parent = parent;

      nodes[jMin] = nodes[count - 1];
      nodes[iMin] =;

    m_root = m_nodes[nodes[0]];
