Esempio n. 1
  private void insertOrUpdate(long recid, DataIO.DataOutputByteArray out, boolean isInsert) {
    if (CC.ASSERT) assertWriteLocked(lockPos(recid));

    // TODO assert indexTable state, record should already exist/not exist

    final int realSize = out == null ? 0 : out.pos;
    final int shiftedSize = out == null ? 0 : realSize + 1; // one additional state to indicate null
    final int headSize =
            + // instruction
            + // recid
            DataIO.packLongSize(longParitySet(shiftedSize)); // length

    long offset = alloc(headSize, headSize + realSize);
    final long origOffset = offset;
    // ensure available worst case scenario
    vol.ensureAvailable(offset + headSize + realSize);
    // instruction
    vol.putUnsignedByte(offset, isInsert ? I_INSERT : I_UPDATE);
    // recid
    offset += vol.putPackedLong(offset, longParitySet(recid));
    // size
    offset += vol.putPackedLong(offset, longParitySet(shiftedSize));

    if (realSize != 0) vol.putDataOverlap(offset, out.buf, 0, out.pos);

    // -3 is null record
    // -2 is zero size record
    indexTablePut(recid, out == null ? -3 : (realSize == 0) ? -2 : origOffset);
Esempio n. 2
 public void testSixLong() {
   byte[] b = new byte[8];
   for (long i = 0; i >>> 48 == 0; i = i + 1 + i / 10000) {
     DataIO.putSixLong(b, 2, i);
     assertEquals(i, DataIO.getSixLong(b, 2));
Esempio n. 3
 public void testPackLongSize() {
       "packLongSize should have returned 1 since number 1 can be represented using 1 byte when packed",
       "packLongSize should have returned 2 since 1 << 7 can be represented using 2 bytes when packed",
       DataIO.packLongSize(1 << 7));
       "packLongSize should have returned 10 since 1 << 63 can be represented using 10 bytes when packed",
       DataIO.packLongSize(1 << 63));
Esempio n. 4
 public void testPackLong_WithStreams() throws IOException {
   for (long valueToPack = 0;
       valueToPack < Long.MAX_VALUE && valueToPack >= 0;
       valueToPack = random.nextInt(2) + valueToPack * 2) {
     ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
     DataIO.packLong(outputStream, valueToPack);
     DataIO.packLong(outputStream, -valueToPack);
     ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray());
     long unpackedLong = DataIO.unpackLong(inputStream);
     assertEquals("Packed and unpacked values do not match", valueToPack, unpackedLong);
     unpackedLong = DataIO.unpackLong(inputStream);
     assertEquals("Packed and unpacked values do not match", -valueToPack, unpackedLong);
Esempio n. 5
 @Test(expected = EOFException.class)
 public void testReadFully_throws_exception_if_not_enough_data() throws IOException {
   InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]);
   DataIO.readFully(inputStream, new byte[1]);
       "An EOFException should have occurred by now since there are not enough bytes to read from the InputStream");
Esempio n. 6
 @Test(expected = EOFException.class)
 public void testUnpackLong_withInputStream_throws_exception_when_stream_is_empty()
     throws IOException {
   DataIO.unpackLong(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]));
       "An EOFException should have occurred by now since there are no bytes to read from the InputStream");
Esempio n. 7
  public void packInt() throws IOException {
    DataInputByteArray in = new DataInputByteArray(new byte[20]);
    DataOutputByteArray out = new DataOutputByteArray();
    out.buf = in.buf;
    for (int i = 0; i > 0; i = i + 1 + i / 10000) {
      in.pos = 10;
      out.pos = 10;

      DataIO.packInt((DataOutput) out, i);
      long i2 = DataIO.unpackInt(in);

      assertEquals(i, i2);
      assertEquals(in.pos, out.pos);
Esempio n. 8
  protected <A> A get2(long recid, Serializer<A> serializer) {
    if (CC.ASSERT) assertReadLocked(recid);

    long offset = modified[lockPos(recid)].get(recid);
    if (offset == 0) {
      try {
        offset = indexTable.getLong(recid * 8);
      } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        // TODO this code should be aware if indexTable internals?
        throw new DBException.EngineGetVoid();

    if (offset == -3 || offset == -1) // null, preallocated or deleted
    return null;
    if (offset == 0) { // non existent
      throw new DBException.EngineGetVoid();
    if (offset == -2) {
      // zero size record
      return deserialize(serializer, 0, new DataIO.DataInputByteArray(new byte[0]));

    final long packedRecidSize = DataIO.packLongSize(longParitySet(recid));

    if (CC.ASSERT) {
      int instruction = vol.getUnsignedByte(offset);

      if (instruction != I_UPDATE && instruction != I_INSERT)
        throw new DBException.DataCorruption("wrong instruction " + instruction);

      long recid2 = vol.getPackedLong(offset + 1);

      if (packedRecidSize != recid2 >>> 60)
        throw new DBException.DataCorruption("inconsistent recid len");

      recid2 = longParityGet(recid2 & DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK);
      if (recid != recid2) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("recid does not match");

    offset +=
            + // instruction size
            packedRecidSize; // recid size

    // read size
    long size = vol.getPackedLong(offset);
    offset += size >>> 60;
    size = longParityGet(size & DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK);

    size -= 1; // normalize size
    if (CC.ASSERT && size <= 0) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("wrong size");

    DataInput input = vol.getDataInputOverlap(offset, (int) size);
    return deserialize(serializer, (int) size, input);
Esempio n. 9
 protected long indexHeaderChecksum() {
   long ret = 0;
   for (long offset = 0; offset < IO_USER_START; offset += 8) {
     if (offset == IO_INDEX_SUM) continue;
     long indexVal = index.getLong(offset);
     ret += indexVal + DataIO.longHash(indexVal + offset);
   return ret;
Esempio n. 10
 public void testFillLowBits() {
   for (int bitCount = 0; bitCount < 64; bitCount++) {
         "fillLowBits should return a long value with 'bitCount' least significant bits set to one",
         (1L << bitCount) - 1,
Esempio n. 11
  public void commitChecksum() {
    WriteAheadLog wal = new WriteAheadLog(null);;

    wal.walPutLong(111L, 1000);
    long offset1 = wal.fileOffset - 5;
    int checksum1 = DataIO.longHash(wal.curVol.hash(16, offset1 - 16, 111L));

    assertEquals(checksum1, wal.curVol.getInt(offset1 + 1));
    wal.walPutLong(111L, 1000);
    long offset2 = wal.fileOffset - 5;
    int checksum2 =
        checksum1 + DataIO.longHash(wal.curVol.hash(offset1 + 5, offset2 - offset1 - 5, 111L));
    assertEquals(checksum2, wal.curVol.getInt(offset2 + 1));
Esempio n. 12
 public void testPutLong() throws IOException {
   for (long valueToPut = 0;
       valueToPut < Long.MAX_VALUE && valueToPut >= 0;
       valueToPut = random.nextInt(2) + valueToPut * 2) {
     byte[] buffer = new byte[20];
     DataIO.putLong(buffer, 2, valueToPut);
     long returned = DataIO.getLong(buffer, 2);
         "The value that was put and the value returned from getLong do not match",
     DataIO.putLong(buffer, 2, -valueToPut);
     returned = DataIO.getLong(buffer, 2);
         "The value that was put and the value returned from getLong do not match",
Esempio n. 13
 protected void putDataSingleWithLink(
     int segment, long offset, long link, byte[] buf, int bufPos, int size) {
   if (CC.ASSERT && (size & 0xFFFF) != size) throw new DBException.DataCorruption();
   // TODO optimize so array copy is not necessary, that means to clone and modify
   // putDataSingleWithoutLink method
   byte[] buf2 = new byte[size + 8];
   DataIO.putLong(buf2, 0, link);
   System.arraycopy(buf, bufPos, buf2, 8, size);
   putDataSingleWithoutLink(segment, offset, buf2, 0, buf2.length);
Esempio n. 14
 public void testReadFully_with_data_length_same_as_buffer_length() throws IOException {
   byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4};
   InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputBuffer);
   byte[] outputBuffer = new byte[4];
   DataIO.readFully(in, outputBuffer);
       "The passed buffer should be filled with the whole content of the InputStream"
           + " since the buffer length is exactly same as the data length",
Esempio n. 15
 public void testReadFully_with_too_much_data() throws IOException {
   byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4};
   InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputBuffer);
   byte[] outputBuffer = new byte[3];
   DataIO.readFully(in, outputBuffer);
   byte[] expected = new byte[] {1, 2, 3};
       "The passed buffer should be filled with the first three bytes read from the InputStream",
Esempio n. 16
  protected <A> void delete2(long recid, Serializer<A> serializer) {
    if (CC.ASSERT) assertWriteLocked(lockPos(recid));

    final int headSize = 1 + DataIO.packLongSize(longParitySet(recid));
    long offset = alloc(headSize, headSize);
    vol.ensureAvailable(offset + headSize);

    vol.putUnsignedByte(offset, I_DELETE); // delete instruction
    vol.putPackedLong(offset, longParitySet(recid));

    indexTablePut(recid, -1); // -1 is deleted record
Esempio n. 17
  public long preallocate() {
    long recid = highestRecid.incrementAndGet();
    Lock lock = locks[lockPos(recid)].writeLock();
    try {
      final int headSize = 1 + DataIO.packLongSize(longParitySet(recid));
      long offset = alloc(headSize, headSize);
      vol.ensureAvailable(offset + headSize);

      vol.putUnsignedByte(offset, I_PREALLOC);
      vol.putPackedLong(offset, longParitySet(recid));

      indexTablePut(recid, -3);
    } finally {

    return recid;
Esempio n. 18
  public void testNextPowTwoLong() {
    assertEquals(1, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1L));
    assertEquals(2, DataIO.nextPowTwo(2L));
    assertEquals(4, DataIO.nextPowTwo(3L));
    assertEquals(4, DataIO.nextPowTwo(4L));

    assertEquals(64, DataIO.nextPowTwo(33L));
    assertEquals(64, DataIO.nextPowTwo(61L));

    assertEquals(1024, DataIO.nextPowTwo(777L));
    assertEquals(1024, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1024L));

    assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1073741824L - 100));
    assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo((long) (1073741824 * 0.7)));
    assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1073741824L));
Esempio n. 19
 public void testHexaConversion() {
   byte[] b = new byte[] {11, 112, 11, 0, 39, 90};
   assertTrue(Serializer.BYTE_ARRAY.equals(b, DataIO.fromHexa(DataIO.toHexa(b))));
Esempio n. 20
  public void testNextPowTwo() {
    assertEquals(1, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1));
    assertEquals(2, DataIO.nextPowTwo(2));
    assertEquals(4, DataIO.nextPowTwo(3));
    assertEquals(4, DataIO.nextPowTwo(4));

    assertEquals(64, DataIO.nextPowTwo(33));
    assertEquals(64, DataIO.nextPowTwo(61));

    assertEquals(1024, DataIO.nextPowTwo(777));
    assertEquals(1024, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1024));

    assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1073741824 - 100));
    assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo((int) (1073741824 * 0.7)));
    assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1073741824));
  * Tests if the specified object is a key in this table.
  * @param key possible key
  * @return <tt>true</tt> if and only if the specified object is a key in this table, as determined
  *     by the <tt>equals</tt> method; <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null
 public boolean containsKey(long key) {
   final int hash = DataIO.longHash(key ^ hashSalt);
   return segmentFor(hash).containsKey(key, hash);
  * Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or {@code null} if this map contains no
  * mapping for the key.
  * <p>More formally, if this map contains a mapping from a key {@code k} to a value {@code keys}
  * such that {@code key.equals(k)}, then this method returns {@code keys}; otherwise it returns
  * {@code null}. (There can be at most one such mapping.)
  * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null
 public V get(long key) {
   final int hash = DataIO.longHash(key ^ hashSalt);
   return segmentFor(hash).get(key, hash);
  * @return the previous value associated with the specified key, or <tt>null</tt> if there was no
  *     mapping for the key
  * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key or value is null
 public V replace(long key, V value) {
   if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException();
   final int hash = DataIO.longHash(key ^ hashSalt);
   return segmentFor(hash).replace(key, hash, value);
 /** @throws NullPointerException if any of the arguments are null */
 public boolean replace(long key, V oldValue, V newValue) {
   if (oldValue == null || newValue == null) throw new NullPointerException();
   final int hash = DataIO.longHash(key ^ hashSalt);
   return segmentFor(hash).replace(key, hash, oldValue, newValue);
 /** @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null */
 public boolean remove(long key, Object value) {
   final int hash = DataIO.longHash(key ^ hashSalt);
   return value != null && segmentFor(hash).remove(key, hash, value) != null;
  * Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this map. This method does nothing if the
  * key is not in the map.
  * @param key the key that needs to be removed
  * @return the previous value associated with <tt>key</tt>, or <tt>null</tt> if there was no
  *     mapping for <tt>key</tt>
  * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null
 public V remove(long key) {
   final int hash = DataIO.longHash(key ^ hashSalt);
   return segmentFor(hash).remove(key, hash, null);
  * @return the previous value associated with the specified key, or <tt>null</tt> if there was no
  *     mapping for the key
  * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key or value is null
 public V putIfAbsent(long key, V value) {
   if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException();
   final int hash = DataIO.longHash(key ^ hashSalt);
   return segmentFor(hash).put(key, hash, value, true);