  * Gets all the edges of the graph.
 private static List<DiGraphEdge<Node, Branch>> getAllEdges(
     ControlFlowGraph<Node> cfg) {
   List<DiGraphEdge<Node, Branch>> edges = new ArrayList<>();
   for (DiGraphNode<Node, Branch> n : cfg.getDirectedGraphNodes()) {
   return edges;
  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    this.root = root;
    astPositionCounter = 0;
    astPosition = Maps.newHashMap();
    nodePriorities = Maps.newHashMap();
    cfg = new AstControlFlowGraph(computeFallThrough(root), nodePriorities);
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, this);
    astPosition.put(null, ++astPositionCounter); // the implicit return is last.

    // Now, generate the priority of nodes by doing a depth-first
    // search on the CFG.
    priorityCounter = 0;
    DiGraphNode<Node, Branch> entry = cfg.getEntry();

    if (shouldTraverseFunctions) {
      // If we're traversing inner functions, we need to rank the
      // priority of them too.
      for (DiGraphNode<Node, Branch> candidate : cfg.getDirectedGraphNodes()) {
        Node value = candidate.getValue();
        if (value != null && value.getType() == Token.FUNCTION) {
          Preconditions.checkState(!nodePriorities.containsKey(candidate) || candidate == entry);

    // At this point, all reachable nodes have been given a priority, but
    // unreachable nodes have not been given a priority. Put them last.
    // Presumably, it doesn't really matter what priority they get, since
    // this shouldn't happen in real code.
    for (DiGraphNode<Node, Branch> candidate : cfg.getDirectedGraphNodes()) {
      if (!nodePriorities.containsKey(candidate)) {
        nodePriorities.put(candidate, ++priorityCounter);

    // Again, the implicit return node is always last.
    nodePriorities.put(cfg.getImplicitReturn(), ++priorityCounter);