Esempio n. 1
 public int getTitleHeight(Component c) {
   int th = 21;
   int fh = getBorderInsets(c).top + getBorderInsets(c).bottom;
   if (c instanceof JDialog) {
     JDialog dialog = (JDialog) c;
     th = dialog.getSize().height - dialog.getContentPane().getSize().height - fh - 1;
     if (dialog.getJMenuBar() != null) {
       th -= dialog.getJMenuBar().getSize().height;
   } else if (c instanceof JInternalFrame) {
     JInternalFrame frame = (JInternalFrame) c;
     th = frame.getSize().height - frame.getRootPane().getSize().height - fh - 1;
     if (frame.getJMenuBar() != null) {
       th -= frame.getJMenuBar().getSize().height;
   } else if (c instanceof JRootPane) {
     JRootPane jp = (JRootPane) c;
     if (jp.getParent() instanceof JFrame) {
       JFrame frame = (JFrame) c.getParent();
       th = frame.getSize().height - frame.getContentPane().getSize().height - fh - 1;
       if (frame.getJMenuBar() != null) {
         th -= frame.getJMenuBar().getSize().height;
     } else if (jp.getParent() instanceof JDialog) {
       JDialog dialog = (JDialog) c.getParent();
       th = dialog.getSize().height - dialog.getContentPane().getSize().height - fh - 1;
       if (dialog.getJMenuBar() != null) {
         th -= dialog.getJMenuBar().getSize().height;
   return th;
Esempio n. 2
   * Obtains the properties for the passed in object. This is a JBoss managed operation.
   * @param objectName
   * @param objectType
   * @return an collection of managed properties (may be <code>null</code>)
      description = "Obtains the properties for an object",
      impact = Impact.ReadOnly)
  public List<ManagedProperty> getProperties(String objectName, Component objectType) {
    if (!isRunning()) return Collections.emptyList();

    // Get engine to use for the rest of the method (this is synchronized)
    // ...
    final JcrEngine engine = getEngine();
    assert engine != null;

    List<ManagedProperty> managedProps = new ArrayList<ManagedProperty>();
    if (objectType.equals(Component.CONNECTOR)) {
      RepositorySource repositorySource = engine.getRepositorySource(objectName);
      assert repositorySource != null : "Connection '" + objectName + "' does not exist";
      managedProps = ManagedUtils.getProperties(objectType, repositorySource);
    } else if (objectType.equals(Component.CONNECTIONPOOL)) {
      RepositoryConnectionPool connectionPool =
      assert connectionPool != null
          : "Repository Connection Pool for repository '" + objectName + "' does not exist";
      managedProps = ManagedUtils.getProperties(objectType, connectionPool);

    return managedProps;
Esempio n. 3
   * Paint to an offscreen graphic, e.g. a graphic for an image or svg file.
   * @param g
   * @param rect
  public void paintOffscreen(Graphics2D g, Rectangle rect) {

    // Get the components of the sort by X position.
    Component[] components = getComponents();
        new Comparator<Component>() {
          public int compare(Component component, Component component1) {
            return component.getX() - component1.getX();

    for (Component c : this.getComponents()) {

      if (c instanceof DataPanel) {
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create();
        Rectangle clipRect = new Rectangle(c.getBounds());
        clipRect.height = rect.height;
        g2d.translate(c.getX(), 0);
        ((DataPanel) c).paintOffscreen(g2d, rect);
    // super.paintBorder(g);
   * Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the
   * specified parent container.
   * @param target The component to be laid out.
   * @return A size deemed suitable for laying out the container.
   * @see #minimumLayoutSize
  public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container target) {
    int count;
    Component component;
    Dimension dimension;
    Insets insets;
    Dimension ret;

    synchronized (target.getTreeLock()) {
      // get the the total height and maximum width component
      ret = new Dimension(0, 0);
      count = target.getComponentCount();
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        component = target.getComponent(i);
        if (component.isVisible()) {
          dimension = component.getPreferredSize();
          ret.width = Math.max(ret.width, dimension.width);
          ret.height += dimension.height;
      insets = target.getInsets();
      ret.width += insets.left + insets.right;
      ret.height += + insets.bottom;

    return (ret);
Esempio n. 5
  private Insets getButtonInsets(SynthContext context, Insets insets) {
    // The following calculations are derived from gtkbutton.c
    // (GTK+ version 2.8.20), gtk_button_size_allocate() method.
    int CHILD_SPACING = 1;
    int focusSize = getClassSpecificIntValue(context, "focus-line-width", 1);
    int focusPad = getClassSpecificIntValue(context, "focus-padding", 1);
    int xThickness = getXThickness();
    int yThickness = getYThickness();
    int w = focusSize + focusPad + xThickness + CHILD_SPACING;
    int h = focusSize + focusPad + yThickness + CHILD_SPACING;
    insets.left = insets.right = w; = insets.bottom = h;

    Component component = context.getComponent();
    if ((component instanceof JButton)
        && !(component.getParent() instanceof JToolBar)
        && ((JButton) component).isDefaultCapable()) {
      // Include the default border insets, but only for JButtons
      // that are default capable.  Note that
      // JButton.getDefaultCapable() returns true by default, but
      // GtkToolButtons are never default capable, so we skip this
      // step if the button is contained in a toolbar.
      Insets defaultInsets =
          getClassSpecificInsetsValue(context, "default-border", BUTTON_DEFAULT_BORDER_INSETS);
      insets.left += defaultInsets.left;
      insets.right += defaultInsets.right; +=;
      insets.bottom += defaultInsets.bottom;

    return insets;
Esempio n. 6
  * Changes the frame's location to a more central screen location
  * @param frame the frame to be moved
  * @param X how far right to move the frame
  * @param Y how far down to move the frame
 public static void changeFrameLocation(Component frame, int X, int Y) {
   Point location = frame.getLocation(); // the window's current location
   // move the window over and down a certain amount of pixels
   location.translate(X, Y);
   // set the location
Esempio n. 7
 public void acceptMinimumSize(Component c) {
   Dimension minimumSize = getMinimumSize(c);
       new Dimension(
           Math.max(minimumSize.width, c.getMinimumSize().width),
           Math.max(minimumSize.height, c.getMinimumSize().height)));
 private static void drawSelection(JTable table, int column, Graphics g, final int width) {
   int y = 0;
   final int[] rows = table.getSelectedRows();
   final int height = table.getRowHeight();
   for (int row : rows) {
     final TableCellRenderer renderer = table.getCellRenderer(row, column);
     final Component component =
             table, table.getValueAt(row, column), false, false, row, column);
     g.translate(0, y);
     component.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
     boolean wasOpaque = false;
     if (component instanceof JComponent) {
       final JComponent j = (JComponent) component;
       if (j.isOpaque()) wasOpaque = true;
     if (wasOpaque) {
       ((JComponent) component).setOpaque(true);
     y += height;
     g.translate(0, -y);
 private static void drawSelection(JTree tree, Graphics g, final int width) {
   int y = 0;
   final int[] rows = tree.getSelectionRows();
   final int height = tree.getRowHeight();
   for (int row : rows) {
     final TreeCellRenderer renderer = tree.getCellRenderer();
     final Object value = tree.getPathForRow(row).getLastPathComponent();
     if (value == null) continue;
     final Component component =
         renderer.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, false, false, false, row, false);
     if (component.getFont() == null) {
     g.translate(0, y);
     component.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
     boolean wasOpaque = false;
     if (component instanceof JComponent) {
       final JComponent j = (JComponent) component;
       if (j.isOpaque()) wasOpaque = true;
     if (wasOpaque) {
       ((JComponent) component).setOpaque(true);
     y += height;
     g.translate(0, -y);
  * Rewires components. Used to rewire components in the CR if a cache has been stopped (moved to
  * state TERMINATED), which would (almost) empty the registry of components. Rewiring will
  * re-inject all dependencies so that the cache can be started again.
  * <p>
 public void rewire() {
   // need to re-inject everything again.
   for (Component c : new HashSet<Component>(componentLookup.values())) {
     // inject dependencies for this component
  * Internal MDI frames have offsets where a popup menu should be shown (in JDK 1.2). This method
  * sums up iteratively all x and y offsets of all parent compontents until the top parent
  * component is reached.
 private void adjustOffsets(Component comp, Point offsetPoint) {
   if (comp != null) {
     Point compLocation = comp.getLocation();
     offsetPoint.translate(compLocation.x, compLocation.y);
     adjustOffsets(comp.getParent(), offsetPoint);
 private Element writePanel(final JPanel panel) {
   final Component comp = panel.getComponent(0);
   if (comp instanceof Splitter) {
     final Splitter splitter = (Splitter) comp;
     final Element res = new Element("splitter");
     res.setAttribute("split-orientation", splitter.getOrientation() ? "vertical" : "horizontal");
     res.setAttribute("split-proportion", Float.toString(splitter.getProportion()));
     final Element first = new Element("split-first");
     first.addContent(writePanel((JPanel) splitter.getFirstComponent()));
     final Element second = new Element("split-second");
     second.addContent(writePanel((JPanel) splitter.getSecondComponent()));
     return res;
   } else if (comp instanceof JBTabs) {
     final Element res = new Element("leaf");
     final EditorWindow window = findWindowWith(comp);
     writeWindow(res, window);
     return res;
   } else if (comp instanceof EditorWindow.TCompForTablessMode) {
     final EditorWithProviderComposite composite =
         ((EditorWindow.TCompForTablessMode) comp).myEditor;
     final Element res = new Element("leaf");
     writeComposite(res, composite.getFile(), composite, false, composite);
     return res;
   } else {
     LOG.error(comp != null ? comp.getClass().getName() : null);
     return null;
 private void recurseSetFromComponent(Component com, boolean onlyUnmapped) {
   if (com == null) {
   List<StereotypeMetaData> metas = com.getMetaData();
   for (StereotypeMetaData meta : metas) {
     if (!onlyUnmapped || !isMapped(meta, com)) {
       setValue(meta, com, meta.getComponentValue(com));
   if (com.getSlots() != null) {
     for (Slot slot : com.getSlots()) {
       List<StereotypeMetaData> slotMetas = slot.getMetaData();
       for (StereotypeMetaData meta : slotMetas) {
         if (!onlyUnmapped || !isMapped(meta, slot)) {
           setValue(meta, slot, meta.getComponentValue(slot));
       if (slot.getContent() != null) {
         for (Component slotCom : slot.getContent()) {
           recurseSetFromComponent(slotCom, onlyUnmapped);
Esempio n. 14
 /** @return the list of component typed type */
 public List<Component> getComponentsByType(String type) {
   List<Component> matches = new ArrayList<Component>();
   for (Component c : pComps.values()) {
     if (c.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(type)) matches.add(c);
   return matches;
Esempio n. 15
 public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height, int op) {
   super.setBounds(x, y, width, height, op);
   if (xtext != null) {
      * Fixed 6277332, 6198290:
      * the coordinates is coming (to peer): relatively to closest HW parent
      * the coordinates is setting (to textField): relatively to closest ANY parent
      * the parent of peer is target.getParent()
      * the parent of textField is the same
      * see 6277332, 6198290 for more information
     int childX = x;
     int childY = y;
     Component parent = target.getParent();
     // we up to heavyweight parent in order to be sure
     // that the coordinates of the text pane is relatively to closest parent
     while (parent.isLightweight()) {
       childX -= parent.getX();
       childY -= parent.getY();
       parent = parent.getParent();
     xtext.setBounds(childX, childY, width, height);
  public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
    Component source = e.getComponent();
    Point location = e.getPoint();
    direction = 0;

    if (location.x < dragInsets.left) direction += WEST;

    if (location.x > source.getWidth() - dragInsets.right - 1) direction += EAST;

    if (location.y < direction += NORTH;

    if (location.y > source.getHeight() - dragInsets.bottom - 1) direction += SOUTH;

    //  Mouse is no longer over a resizable border

    if (direction == 0) {
    } else // use the appropriate resizable cursor
      int cursorType = cursors.get(direction);
      Cursor cursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(cursorType);
Esempio n. 17
  public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    // choose which colors we want to use
    Color bg = c.getBackground();

    if (c.getParent() != null) {
      bg = c.getParent().getBackground();

    if (bg != null) {
      Color mid = bg.darker();
      Color edge = average(mid, bg);

      g.drawLine(0, h - 2, w, h - 2);
      g.drawLine(0, h - 1, w, h - 1);
      g.drawLine(w - 2, 0, w - 2, h);
      g.drawLine(w - 1, 0, w - 1, h);

      // draw the drop-shadow
      g.drawLine(1, h - 2, w - 2, h - 2);
      g.drawLine(w - 2, 1, w - 2, h - 2);

      g.drawLine(2, h - 1, w - 2, h - 1);
      g.drawLine(w - 1, 2, w - 1, h - 2);
 public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
   if (!resizing) {
     Component source = e.getComponent();
Esempio n. 19
  public void onDisable() {
    if (componentManager != null) {
      int componentCount = componentManager.components.size();
      for (Component component : componentManager.components) {
      componentManager.clear();"Unloaded " + componentCount + " components.");

    if (mapManager != null) {
      mapManager = null;

    if (webServer != null) {
      webServer = null;
    /* Clean up all registered handlers */
    for (Event.Type t : event_handlers.keySet()) {
      List<Listener> ll = event_handlers.get(t);
          .clear(); /* Empty list - we use presence of list to remember that we've registered with Bukkit */
    playerfacemgr = null;

    /* Don't clean up markerAPI - other plugins may still be accessing it */

  public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    //	The mouseMoved event continually updates this variable

    if (direction == 0) return;

    //  Setup for resizing. All future dragging calculations are done based
    //  on the original bounds of the component and mouse pressed location.

    resizing = true;

    Component source = e.getComponent();
    pressed = e.getPoint();
    SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(pressed, source);
    bounds = source.getBounds();

    //  Making sure autoscrolls is false will allow for smoother resizing
    //  of components

    if (source instanceof JComponent) {
      JComponent jc = (JComponent) source;
      autoscrolls = jc.getAutoscrolls();
Esempio n. 21
  public void enableControlPanel() {
    boolean bVisible = false;

    int nmembers = buttonPane.getComponentCount();
    for (int k = 0; k < nmembers; k++) {
      Component comp = buttonPane.getComponent(k);
      if (comp != null) {
        if (comp.isVisible() || comp.isEnabled()) {
          bVisible = true;

    if (bVisible && !buttonPane.isVisible()) {
      Dimension dim = getSize();
      Dimension dim1 = buttonPane.getPreferredSize();
      int w = dim.width;
      int h = dim.height + dim1.height;
      if (dim1.width > w) w = dim1.width;
      if (w < 300) w = 300;
      if (h < 200) h = 200;
      setSize(w, h);
Esempio n. 22
    public void layoutContainer(Container parent) {
      Dimension size = parent.getSize();
      Insets insets = parent.getInsets();
      int itop =;
      int ileft = insets.left;
      int ibottom = insets.bottom;
      int iright = insets.right;

      int rightWidth = right.getPreferredSize().width;
      int bottomHeight = bottom.getPreferredSize().height;
      int centerWidth = size.width - rightWidth - ileft - iright;
      int centerHeight = size.height - bottomHeight - itop - ibottom;

      center.setBounds(ileft, itop, centerWidth, centerHeight);

      right.setBounds(ileft + centerWidth, itop, rightWidth, centerHeight);

      // Lay out all status components, in order
      Enumeration status = leftOfScrollBar.elements();
      while (status.hasMoreElements()) {
        Component comp = (Component) status.nextElement();
        Dimension dim = comp.getPreferredSize();
        comp.setBounds(ileft, itop + centerHeight, dim.width, bottomHeight);
        ileft += dim.width;

          ileft, itop + centerHeight, size.width - rightWidth - ileft - iright, bottomHeight);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
      int selIndexBefore = getSelectedIndex();
      int selIndexCurrent = getSelectedIndex();
      if (selIndexBefore != selIndexCurrent) {
      if (myFocusNext && selIndexCurrent == 0) {

      KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager();
      Container container = kfm.getCurrentFocusCycleRoot();
      FocusTraversalPolicy policy = container.getFocusTraversalPolicy();
      if (policy == null) {
        policy = kfm.getDefaultFocusTraversalPolicy();
      Component next =
              ? policy.getComponentAfter(container, PaletteItemsComponent.this)
              : policy.getComponentBefore(container, PaletteItemsComponent.this);
      if (next instanceof PaletteGroupComponent) {
        ((PaletteGroupComponent) next).scrollRectToVisible(next.getBounds());
Esempio n. 24
  public DataResponse<Iterable<TestResult>> historySearch(String componentId, String jobName) {
    ObjectId cId = null;
    if (componentId != null && !componentId.isEmpty()) {
      cId = new ObjectId(componentId);
    Component component = componentRepository.findOne(cId);
    if (!component.getCollectorItems().containsKey(CollectorType.Test)) {

      return new DataResponse<>(null, 0L);
    List<TestResult> result = new ArrayList<>();

    for (CollectorItem item : component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.Test)) {

      QTestResult testResult = new QTestResult("testResult");
      BooleanBuilder builder = new BooleanBuilder();


      if (jobName != null && !jobName.isEmpty()) {

              testResultRepository.findAll(builder.getValue(), testResult.timestamp.desc())));

    return new DataResponse<>(result, 0L);
 public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(
     JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
   final Color color = UIUtil.getTableFocusCellBackground();
   Component component;
   final Module module = value instanceof Module ? (Module) value : null;
   try {
     UIManager.put(UIUtil.TABLE_FOCUS_CELL_BACKGROUND_PROPERTY, table.getSelectionBackground());
     component =
         super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
     if (module != null) {
               + " ("
               + FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(module.getModuleFilePath())
               + ")");
     if (component instanceof JLabel) {
       ((JLabel) component).setBorder(noFocusBorder);
   } finally {
   if (component instanceof JLabel) {
     final Icon icon = module != null ? ModuleType.get(module).getIcon() : null;
     JLabel label = (JLabel) component;
   component.setForeground(isSelected ? table.getSelectionForeground() : table.getForeground());
   return component;
Esempio n. 26
 public static void bumpUpFontSize(Component widget, int bumps) {
   if (!UserPreferences.readLocalePref()
       .equals("ko")) { // HACK!!!  refector with variable localeSupportsBold
     Font f = widget.getFont();
     widget.setFont(new Font(f.getFamily(), f.getStyle(), f.getSize() + bumps));
   * Create component descriptors for the passed component implementation class and component role
   * class. There can be more than one descriptor if the component class has specified several
   * hints.
   * @param componentClass the component implementation class
   * @param componentRoleClass the component role class
   * @return the component descriptors with resolved component dependencies
  public List<ComponentDescriptor> createComponentDescriptors(
      Class<?> componentClass, Class<?> componentRoleClass) {
    List<ComponentDescriptor> descriptors = new ArrayList<ComponentDescriptor>();

    // If there's a @Named annotation, use it and ignore hints specified in the @Component
    // annotation.
    String[] hints;
    Named named = componentClass.getAnnotation(Named.class);
    if (named != null) {
      hints = new String[] {named.value()};
    } else {
      // If the Component annotation has several hints specified ignore the default hint value and
      // for each
      // specified hint create a Component Descriptor
      Component component = componentClass.getAnnotation(Component.class);
      if (component != null && component.hints().length > 0) {
        hints = component.hints();
      } else {
        if (component != null && component.value().trim().length() > 0) {
          hints = new String[] {component.value().trim()};
        } else {
          hints = new String[] {"default"};

    // Create the descriptors
    for (String hint : hints) {
      descriptors.add(createComponentDescriptor(componentClass, hint, componentRoleClass));

    return descriptors;
Esempio n. 28
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager();
   Container container = kfm.getCurrentFocusCycleRoot();
   FocusTraversalPolicy policy = container.getFocusTraversalPolicy();
   if (null == policy) policy = kfm.getDefaultFocusTraversalPolicy();
   Component next =
           ? policy.getComponentAfter(container, PaletteGroupHeader.this)
           : policy.getComponentBefore(container, PaletteGroupHeader.this);
   if (null != next && next instanceof PaletteComponentList) {
     final PaletteComponentList list = (PaletteComponentList) next;
     if (list.getModel().getSize() != 0) {
       list.takeFocusFrom(PaletteGroupHeader.this, list == myComponentList ? 0 : -1);
     } else {
       next =
               ? policy.getComponentAfter(container, next)
               : policy.getComponentBefore(container, next);
   if (null != next && next instanceof PaletteGroupHeader) {
Esempio n. 29
  private void drawWinBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (!c.isEnabled()) {
    } else {
    g.drawLine(x + 1, y + 1, x + w - 3, y + 1);
    g.drawLine(x + 1, y + 2, x + 1, y + h - 3);

    if (!c.isEnabled()) {
    } else {
    g.drawLine(x, y, x + w - 2, y);
    g.drawLine(x, y + 1, x, y + h - 2);

    g.drawLine(x + 1, y + h - 2, x + w - 2, y + h - 2);
    g.drawLine(x + w - 2, y + 1, x + w - 2, y + h - 2);

    if (!c.isEnabled()) {
    } else {
    g.drawLine(x, y + h - 1, x + w - 1, y + h - 1);
    g.drawLine(x + w - 1, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1);
Esempio n. 30
 public static void hidePopups(Component comp) {
   if (comp != null) {
     for (Component c = comp; c != null; c = c.getParent()) {
       if (!(c instanceof ZPopupGallery)) continue;
       do {
         if (currShownList.size() <= 0) continue label0;
         if (currShownList.getLast() == c) return;
         ZPopupGallery jpg = (ZPopupGallery) currShownList.removeLast();
         Popup popup = (Popup) popupGalleryHM.get(jpg);
       } while (true);
   Iterator iterator = popupGalleryHM.keySet().iterator();
   do {
     if (!iterator.hasNext()) break;
     ZPopupGallery gallery = (ZPopupGallery);
     ((Popup) popupGalleryHM.get(gallery)).hide();
     if (gallery.getActionListener() != null)
       gallery.getActionListener().actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(gallery, 1, "Hidden"));
   } while (true);