static String createXMLRoundInit(int round, int numRounds, double timeUsed, double timeAllowed) { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); try { DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document dom = db.newDocument(); Element rootEle = dom.createElement(ROUND_INIT); dom.appendChild(rootEle); addOneText(dom, rootEle, ROUND_NUM, round + ""); addOneText(dom, rootEle, ROUND_LEFT, (numRounds - round) + ""); addOneText(dom, rootEle, TIME_LEFT, (timeAllowed - timeUsed) + ""); return Client.serialize(dom); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); return null; } }
static String createXMLSessionInit(int numRounds, double timeAllowed, Server server) { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); try { DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document dom = db.newDocument(); Element rootEle = dom.createElement(SESSION_INIT); dom.appendChild(rootEle); addOneText(dom, rootEle, SESSION_ID, + ""); addOneText(dom, rootEle, NUM_ROUNDS, numRounds + ""); addOneText(dom, rootEle, TIME_ALLOWED, timeAllowed + ""); return Client.serialize(dom); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); return null; } }
static String createXMLRoundEnd(int round, double reward, int turnsUsed, double timeUsed) { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); try { DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document dom = db.newDocument(); Element rootEle = dom.createElement(ROUND_END); dom.appendChild(rootEle); addOneText(dom, rootEle, ROUND_NUM, round + ""); addOneText(dom, rootEle, ROUND_REWARD, reward + ""); addOneText(dom, rootEle, TURNS_USED, turnsUsed + ""); addOneText(dom, rootEle, TIME_USED, timeUsed + ""); return Client.serialize(dom); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); return null; } }
static String createXMLSessionEnd( double reward, int roundsUsed, double timeUsed, String clientName, int sessionId) { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); try { DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document dom = db.newDocument(); Element rootEle = dom.createElement(SESSION_END); dom.appendChild(rootEle); addOneText(dom, rootEle, TOTAL_REWARD, reward + ""); addOneText(dom, rootEle, ROUNDS_USED, roundsUsed + ""); addOneText(dom, rootEle, TIME_USED, timeUsed + ""); addOneText(dom, rootEle, CLIENT_NAME, clientName + ""); addOneText(dom, rootEle, SESSION_ID, sessionId + ""); return Client.serialize(dom); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); return null; } }
static String createXMLTurn( State state, int turn, DOMAIN domain, HashMap<PVAR_NAME, HashMap<ArrayList<LCONST>, Object>> observStore) throws Exception { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); try { DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document dom = db.newDocument(); Element rootEle = dom.createElement(TURN); dom.appendChild(rootEle); Element turnNum = dom.createElement(TURN_NUM); Text textTurnNum = dom.createTextNode(turn + ""); turnNum.appendChild(textTurnNum); rootEle.appendChild(turnNum); // System.out.println("PO: " + domain._bPartiallyObserved); if (!domain._bPartiallyObserved || observStore != null) { for (PVAR_NAME pn : (domain._bPartiallyObserved ? observStore.keySet() : state._state.keySet())) { // System.out.println(turn + " check2 Partial Observ " + pn +" : "+ // domain._bPartiallyObserved); // No problem to overwrite observations, only ever read from if (domain._bPartiallyObserved && observStore != null) state._observ.put(pn, observStore.get(pn)); ArrayList<ArrayList<LCONST>> gfluents = state.generateAtoms(pn); for (ArrayList<LCONST> gfluent : gfluents) { // for ( Map.Entry<ArrayList<LCONST>,Object> gfluent : // (domain._bPartiallyObserved // ? observStore.get(pn).entrySet() // : state._state.get(pn).entrySet())) { Element ofEle = dom.createElement(OBSERVED_FLUENT); rootEle.appendChild(ofEle); Element pName = dom.createElement(FLUENT_NAME); Text pTextName = dom.createTextNode(pn.toString()); pName.appendChild(pTextName); ofEle.appendChild(pName); for (LCONST lc : gfluent) { Element pArg = dom.createElement(FLUENT_ARG); Text pTextArg = dom.createTextNode(lc.toString()); pArg.appendChild(pTextArg); ofEle.appendChild(pArg); } Element pValue = dom.createElement(FLUENT_VALUE); Object value = state.getPVariableAssign(pn, gfluent); if (value == null) { System.out.println("STATE:\n" + state); throw new Exception("ERROR: Could not retrieve value for " + pn + gfluent.toString()); } Text pTextValue = dom.createTextNode(value.toString()); pValue.appendChild(pTextValue); ofEle.appendChild(pValue); } } } else { // No observations (first turn of POMDP) Element ofEle = dom.createElement(NULL_OBSERVATIONS); rootEle.appendChild(ofEle); } if (SHOW_XML) { printXMLNode(dom); System.out.println(); System.out.flush(); } return (Client.serialize(dom)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("FATAL SERVER EXCEPTION: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; // System.exit(1); // return null; } }