Esempio n. 1
 public String intervene3p(Combat c, Character target, Character assist) {
   if (target.human()) {
     return "You face off with "
         + ", looking for any opening. Her eyes dart momentarily past you, but before you can decide if her distraction is "
         + "real or a feint, a small hand reaches between your legs and grabs your nutsack tightly. You can't get a good look at your attacker, clinging to your back, "
         + "but her small size and mocha skin give away Mara's identity. This information doesn't really help you much, as it's too late to defend yourself."
         + " She yanks on your jewels, forcing you to your knees. Both girls work to restrain your arms, but it's "
         + "not really necessary since Mara literally has you by the balls. She releases your abused jewels once the fight has left you and focuses on holding your arms, "
         + "while "
         + " moves to your front.<br>";
   } else {
     return "So far this hasn't been your proudest fight. "
         + " was able to pin you early on and is currently rubbing your dick between her thighs. "
         + "You've almost given up hope of victory, until you spot Mara creeping up behind her. She seems thoroughly amused by your predicament and makes no "
         + "move to help you, despite being easily in reach. You give her your best puppy-dog eyes, silently pleading while trying not to give away her presence. "
         + "Mara lets you squirm a little longer before winking at you and tickling "
         + " under her arms. "
         + " lets out a startled yelp "
         + "and jumps in surprise. You use the moment of distraction to push her off balance and Mara immediately secures her arms.<br>";
Esempio n. 2
 public String draw(Combat c, Result flag) {
   Character target;
   if (c.p1 == character) {
     target = c.p2;
   } else {
     target = c.p1;
   if (flag == Result.intercourse) {
     return "You thrust your dick into Mara's tight pussy while she writhes under you. You tease and pinch her nipples to increase her pleasure, but it's not really necessary. "
         + "She's obviously already on the brink of climax. Thanks to the pleasurable tightness of her entrance, you're not far behind her, but you should be able to endure "
         + "if you're careful with the pace. You've barely finished forming the thought when Mara catches you by surprise with an aggressive kiss and rolls on top of you. She "
         + "rides you passionately, too aroused to prevent her own o****m, but eager to take you with her. It works. Her already tight pussy squeezes your c**k as she o*****s, "
         + "milking you. Pleasure overwhelms you as you fill her womb with your seed.<p>Mara absentmindedly rubs her abdomen as you both enjoy the afterglow. <i>\"You came so much "
         + "inside me. It'll be a wonder if I'm not knocked up. If we have a boy, should we name him after you? "
         + " jr. has a nice ring to it.\"</i> Pregnant?! You "
         + "feel a cold panic grip you as you try to imagine balancing college and caring for a baby. Mara, on the other hand lets out a relaxed giggle. <i>\"You don't need to look "
         + "so nervous. I was just making a joke. Do you think they'd let us do this without birth control?\"</i> That's right. You do vaguely remember that being mentioned when the "
         + "competition was explained to you.<p>You relax, but Mara has gone quiet as she stares at your face thoughtfully. <i>\"You might actually make a good father.\"</i> "
         + "She leans down to give you a quick kiss before hopping to her feet. <i>\"But not yet. There are a lot of things I want to accomplish before I settle down to start a family.\"</i>";
   return "Mara is already trembling in impending o****m and for a moment it seems like you've beaten her, but in her last second desperation, she redoubles her efforts. She manages to find "
       + "and stimulate all the most sensitive spots on your dick and gently squeezes your balls, pulling you over the edge with her. The two of you stay locked in "
       + "an embrace as you shudder through your simultaneous o*****s, your spurting c**k making a sticky mess on her stomach. You enjoy your afterglow, holding the "
       + "lovely, petite girl, who for just a moment is too tired to put up her normal facade. <p>Soon, however, Mara has recovered. She gives you her usual, mischievous grin "
       + "and opens her mouth for what will surely be a snarky and insincere quip that ruins this genuine moment. You interrupt her by pressing your mouth against hers in a deep kiss. "
       + "To your surprise, she practically melts in your arms. Encouraged by her reaction, you run your hands down her body and gently probe her nethers. Despite having "
       + "just cum, you find a fresh flood of moisture leaking from her pussy. You eventually break the kiss and Mara looks up at you silently, eyes wet with desire. The "
       + "sight revives your spent erection. You kiss her again and slide your dick into her tight depths. She moans softly against your lips and moves her hips in time with yours. "
       + "Soon you're thrusting against each other in earnest, no longer competing, but just trying to bring each other pleasure. You cum inside her, setting off her second "
       + "shivering o****m. <p>This time, when you both recover Mara just smiles contently and gives you a peck on the lips. If only she was always this honest and cute. Somewhat "
       + "regretfully, you collect her clothes and go on your way.";
Esempio n. 3
 public String victory3p(Combat c, Character target, Character assist) {
   if (target.human()) {
     if (target.hasDick()) {
       return "Mara settles between your legs, holding your dick between her bare feet. Her soft, smooth soles begin to stroke the length of your shaft. She frequently "
           + "uses her toes to tease your balls and the head of your penis. As you start to leak pre-cum, she smears it all over your dick, using the lubricant to give "
           + "you a more intense footjob. Mindful of her own needs, she reaches between her own legs and starts rubbing her pussy and c**t, giving you a sexy show. "
           + "For a moment, it crosses your mind that if you can hold out long enough, she may slip up and climax before you. The moment passes, however, when Mara "
           + "accelerates her stroking and you realize you won't be able to last more than a few more seconds. Sure enough, your j**z soon shoots into the air like "
           + "a fountain and paints her legs and feet. Mara continues to stimulate your oversensitized dick and balls while she finishes herself off, apparently too "
           + "caught up in her own enjoyment to notice your discomfort.";
     } else {
       return "Mara runs her fingers down the length of your body, tickling you mercilessly. Her probing fingers avoid your nipples and pussy, "
           + "focusing instead on the ticklish areas under your arms, behind your knees and on your inner thighs. You squirm against "
           + " pleading for mercy. After a few minutes of this, sweet electric shivers wrack your body when Mara's "
           + "dancing fingers tease your dripping pussy and your c**t. You are unable to decide whether you are being tickled into "
           + "submission or fingered to ecstasy. Your oversensitized pussy finally can't take any more and trys clamping onto her "
           + "teasing fingers. But she keeps you on the edge until you collapse in exhaustion. You dimly hear Mara talking but you "
           + "feel too worn out to understand her.";
   if (target.hasDick()) {
     return String.format(
         "Mara approaches %s like a panther claiming its prey. "
             + "She runs her fingers down the length of %s's body, eliciting a shiver "
             + "each time she hits a ticklish spot. Her probing fingers avoid %s's "
             + "nipples and genitals, focusing instead on the ticklish areas under %s "
             + "arms, behind %s knees and on %s inner thighs. You struggle to hold "
             + "onto %s as %s squirms and pleads for mercy. After a few minutes, %s "
             + "pleas shift in tone and you realise Mara's dancing fingers have "
             + "moved to %s dick and balls. %s entire body trembles as if unable to "
             + "decide whether it's being tickled into submission or stroked to "
             + "e*********n. You finally hear a breathless gasp as %s hits %s climax"
             + " and shudders in your arms. You release %s and %s collapses, completely"
             + " exhausted. Mara grins at you mischievously. <i>\"%s obviously enjoyed "
             + "that. Do you want to be next?\"</i>",,,,
   return "Mara approaches "
       + " like a panther claiming its prey. She runs her fingers down the length of "
       + "'s body, eliciting a shiver "
       + "each time she hits a ticklish spot. Her probing fingers avoid "
       + "'s nipples and pussy, focusing instead on the ticklish areas under her arms, "
       + "behind her knees and on her inner thighs. You struggle to hold onto "
       + " as she squirms and pleads for mercy. After a few minutes, her pleas "
       + "shift in tone and you realise Mara's dancing fingers have moved to her pussy and c**t. Her entire body trembles as if unable to decide whether it's being "
       + "tickled into submission or fingered to ecstasy. You finally hear a breathless gasp as "
       + " hits her climax and shudders in your arms. You release "
       + "her and she collapses, completely exhausted. Mara grins at you mischeviously. <i>\"She obviously enjoyed that. Do you want to be next?\"</i>";