Esempio n. 1
 static boolean check(CharsetDecoder dec, byte[] bytes, boolean direct, int[] flow) {
   int inPos = flow[0];
   int inLen = flow[1];
   int outPos = flow[2];
   int outLen = flow[3];
   int expedInPos = flow[4];
   int expedOutPos = flow[5];
   CoderResult expedCR = (flow[6] == 0) ? CoderResult.UNDERFLOW : CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
   ByteBuffer bbf;
   CharBuffer cbf;
   if (direct) {
     bbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(inPos + bytes.length);
     cbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect((outPos + outLen) * 2).asCharBuffer();
   } else {
     bbf = ByteBuffer.allocate(inPos + bytes.length);
     cbf = CharBuffer.allocate(outPos + outLen);
   bbf.put(bytes).flip().position(inPos).limit(inPos + inLen);
   CoderResult cr = dec.decode(bbf, cbf, false);
   if (cr != expedCR || bbf.position() != expedInPos || cbf.position() != expedOutPos) {
     System.out.printf("Expected(direct=%5b): [", direct);
     for (int i : flow) System.out.print(" " + i);
         "]  CR=" + cr + ", inPos=" + bbf.position() + ", outPos=" + cbf.position());
     return false;
   return true;
Esempio n. 2
  protected CoderResult encodeLoop(CharBuffer src, ByteBuffer dst) {
    int mark = src.position();

    if (needsMark) {
      if (dst.remaining() < 2) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
      put(BYTE_ORDER_MARK, dst);
      needsMark = false;

    try {
      while (src.hasRemaining()) {
        char c = src.get();
        if (! {
          if (dst.remaining() < 2) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
          put(c, dst);
        int d = sgp.parse(c, src);
        if (d < 0) return sgp.error();
        if (dst.remaining() < 4) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
        mark += 2;
        put(Surrogate.high(d), dst);
        put(Surrogate.low(d), dst);
      return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
    } finally {
  public CharBuffer put(CharBuffer src) {

    if (src instanceof DirectCharBufferS) {
      if (src == this) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
      DirectCharBufferS sb = (DirectCharBufferS) src;

      int spos = sb.position();
      int slim = sb.limit();
      assert (spos <= slim);
      int srem = (spos <= slim ? slim - spos : 0);

      int pos = position();
      int lim = limit();
      assert (pos <= lim);
      int rem = (pos <= lim ? lim - pos : 0);

      if (srem > rem) throw new BufferOverflowException();
      unsafe.copyMemory(sb.ix(spos), ix(pos), srem << 1);
      sb.position(spos + srem);
      position(pos + srem);
    } else if (!src.isDirect()) {

      int spos = src.position();
      int slim = src.limit();
      assert (spos <= slim);
      int srem = (spos <= slim ? slim - spos : 0);

      put(src.hb, src.offset + spos, srem);
      src.position(spos + srem);

    } else {
    return this;
Esempio n. 4
 static byte[] encode(char[] cc, Charset cs, boolean testDirect, Time t) throws Exception {
   ByteBuffer bbf;
   CharBuffer cbf;
   CharsetEncoder enc = cs.newEncoder();
   String csn =;
   if (testDirect) {
     bbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(cc.length * 4);
     cbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(cc.length * 2).asCharBuffer();
   } else {
     bbf = ByteBuffer.allocate(cc.length * 4);
     cbf = CharBuffer.wrap(cc);
   CoderResult cr = null;
   long t1 = System.nanoTime() / 1000;
   for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) {
     cr = enc.encode(cbf, bbf, true);
   long t2 = System.nanoTime() / 1000;
   t.t = (t2 - t1) / iteration;
   if (cr != CoderResult.UNDERFLOW) {
     int pos = cbf.position();
     System.out.printf("  cr=%s, cbf.pos=%d, cc[pos]=%x%n", cr.toString(), pos, cc[pos] & 0xffff);
     throw new RuntimeException("Encoding err: " + csn);
   byte[] bb = new byte[bbf.position()];
   return bb;
Esempio n. 5
 public static void main(String[] arguments) {
   try {
     // read byte data into a byte buffer
     String data = "friends.dat";
     FileInputStream inData = new FileInputStream(data);
     FileChannel inChannel = inData.getChannel();
     long inSize = inChannel.size();
     ByteBuffer source = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) inSize);, 0);
     System.out.println("Original byte data:");
     for (int i = 0; source.remaining() > 0; i++) {
       System.out.print(source.get() + " ");
     // convert byte data into character data
     Charset ascii = Charset.forName("US-ASCII");
     CharsetDecoder toAscii = ascii.newDecoder();
     CharBuffer destination = toAscii.decode(source);
     System.out.println("\n\nNew character data:");
     for (int i = 0; destination.remaining() > 0; i++) {
   } catch (FileNotFoundException fne) {
   } catch (IOException ioe) {
Esempio n. 6
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a'});
   printnb("Byte Buffer ");
   while (bb.hasRemaining()) printnb(bb.position() + " -> " + bb.get() + ", ");
   CharBuffer cb = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asCharBuffer();
   printnb("Char Buffer ");
   while (cb.hasRemaining()) printnb(cb.position() + " -> " + cb.get() + ", ");
   FloatBuffer fb = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asFloatBuffer();
   printnb("Float Buffer ");
   while (fb.hasRemaining()) printnb(fb.position() + " -> " + fb.get() + ", ");
   IntBuffer ib = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asIntBuffer();
   printnb("Int Buffer ");
   while (ib.hasRemaining()) printnb(ib.position() + " -> " + ib.get() + ", ");
   LongBuffer lb = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asLongBuffer();
   printnb("Long Buffer ");
   while (lb.hasRemaining()) printnb(lb.position() + " -> " + lb.get() + ", ");
   ShortBuffer sb = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asShortBuffer();
   printnb("Short Buffer ");
   while (sb.hasRemaining()) printnb(sb.position() + " -> " + sb.get() + ", ");
   DoubleBuffer db = ((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()).asDoubleBuffer();
   printnb("Double Buffer ");
   while (db.hasRemaining()) printnb(db.position() + " -> " + db.get() + ", ");
Esempio n. 7
 int read(final TextInput ti) throws IOException {
   int c = -1;
   while (++c < 4) {
     final int ch = ti.readByte();
     if (ch < 0) break;
     cache[c] = (byte) ch;
     inc.limit(c + 1);
     final CoderResult cr = csd.decode(inc, outc, true);
     if (cr.isMalformed()) continue;
     // return character
     int i = 0;
     final int os = outc.position();
     for (int o = 0; o < os; ++o) i |= outc.get(o) << (o << 3);
     return i;
   return c == 0 ? -1 : invalid();
   * Writes any remaining output to the output buffer and resets the converter to its initial state.
   * @param output char array to receive flushed output.
   * @param outStart start writing to output array at this offset.
   * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
   * @exception MalformedInputException if the output to be flushed contained a partial or invalid
   *     multibyte character sequence. flush will write what it can to the output buffer and reset
   *     the converter before throwing this exception. An additional call to flush is not required.
   * @exception ConversionBufferFullException if output array is filled before all the output can be
   *     flushed. flush will write what it can to the output buffer and remember its state. An
   *     additional call to flush with a new output buffer will conclude the operation.
  public int flush(char[] output, int outStart, int outEnd)
      throws MalformedInputException, ConversionBufferFullException {

    byteOff = charOff = 0;
    if (outStart >= outEnd || outStart >= output.length) throw new ConversionBufferFullException();
    if (dst != null && dst.array() == output) dst.position(outStart).limit(outEnd);
    else dst = CharBuffer.wrap(output, outStart, outEnd - outStart);

    CoderResult cr = null;
    try {
      if (src != null) cr = decoder.decode((ByteBuffer) src.clear(), dst, true);
      assert !cr.isUnmappable();
      if (cr.isMalformed()) {
        badInputLength = cr.length();
        throw new MalformedInputException();
    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
      if (src != null) cr = decoder.reset().decode(src, dst, true);
    try {
      cr = decoder.flush(dst);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      assert false;
    } finally {
      byteOff = 0;
      charOff = dst.position();
      src = null;
    if (cr.isOverflow()) throw new ConversionBufferFullException();

    // Return the length written to the output buffer
    if (cr.isUnderflow()) {
      int written = charOff - outStart;
      return written;
    assert false;
    return -1; // should be never reached
   * Converts an array of bytes containing characters in an external encoding into an array of
   * Unicode characters. This method allows a buffer by buffer conversion of a data stream. The
   * state of the conversion is saved between calls to convert. Among other things, this means
   * multibyte input sequences can be split between calls. If a call to convert results in an
   * exception, the conversion may be continued by calling convert again with suitably modified
   * parameters. All conversions should be finished with a call to the flush method.
   * @return the number of bytes written to output.
   * @param input byte array containing text to be converted.
   * @param inStart begin conversion at this offset in input array.
   * @param inEnd stop conversion at this offset in input array (exclusive).
   * @param output character array to receive conversion result.
   * @param outStart start writing to output array at this offset.
   * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
   * @exception MalformedInputException if the input buffer contains any sequence of bytes that is
   *     illegal for the input character set.
   * @exception UnknownCharacterException for any character that that cannot be converted to
   *     Unicode. Thrown only when converter is not in substitution mode.
   * @exception ConversionBufferFullException if output array is filled prior to converting all the
   *     input.
  public int convert(byte[] input, int inStart, int inEnd, char[] output, int outStart, int outEnd)
      throws UnknownCharacterException, MalformedInputException, ConversionBufferFullException {

    byteOff = inStart;
    charOff = outStart;
    // throw exceptions compatible to legacy ByteToCharXxx converters
    if (inStart >= inEnd) return 0;
    if (inStart >= input.length) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(inStart);
    if (outStart >= outEnd || outStart >= output.length) throw new ConversionBufferFullException();

    if (src != null && src.array() == input) src.position(inStart).limit(inEnd);
    else src = ByteBuffer.wrap(input, inStart, inEnd - inStart);
    if (dst != null && dst.array() == output) dst.position(outStart).limit(outEnd);
    else dst = CharBuffer.wrap(output, outStart, outEnd - outStart);

    CoderResult cr;
    try {
      cr = decoder.decode(src, dst, false);
    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
      cr = decoder.reset().decode(src, dst, false);
    } finally {
      byteOff = src.position();
      charOff = dst.position();
    if (cr.isUnmappable()) {
      badInputLength = cr.length();
      throw new UnknownCharacterException();
    if (cr.isMalformed()) {
      badInputLength = cr.length();
      throw new MalformedInputException();
    if (cr.isOverflow()) throw new ConversionBufferFullException();

    // Return the length written to the output buffer
    if (cr.isUnderflow()) return charOff - outStart;
    return -1; // should be never reached
 public String toString(int start, int end) {
   if ((end > limit()) || (start > end)) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
   try {
     int len = end - start;
     char[] ca = new char[len];
     CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca);
     CharBuffer db = this.duplicate();
     return new String(ca);
   } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException x) {
     throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
  public static void test(CharBuffer buff, CharBuffer slice) throws RuntimeException {
    boolean marked = false;

    try {

      marked = true;
    } catch (InvalidMarkException ime) {
      // expected

    if (marked
        || slice.position() != 0
        || buff.remaining() != slice.limit()
        || buff.remaining() != slice.capacity()) {

      throw new RuntimeException("Calling the CharBuffer.slice method failed.");
Esempio n. 12
 static char[] decode(byte[] bb, Charset cs, boolean testDirect, Time t) throws Exception {
   String csn =;
   CharsetDecoder dec = cs.newDecoder();
   ByteBuffer bbf;
   CharBuffer cbf;
   if (testDirect) {
     bbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bb.length);
     cbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bb.length * 2).asCharBuffer();
   } else {
     bbf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bb);
     cbf = CharBuffer.allocate(bb.length);
   CoderResult cr = null;
   long t1 = System.nanoTime() / 1000;
   for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) {
     cr = dec.decode(bbf, cbf, true);
   long t2 = System.nanoTime() / 1000;
   t.t = (t2 - t1) / iteration;
   if (cr != CoderResult.UNDERFLOW) {
     int pos = bbf.position();
         "  cr=%s, bbf.pos=%d, bb[pos]=%x,%x,%x,%x%n",
         bb[pos++] & 0xff,
         bb[pos++] & 0xff,
         bb[pos++] & 0xff,
         bb[pos++] & 0xff);
     throw new RuntimeException("Decoding err: " + csn);
   char[] cc = new char[cbf.position()];
   return cc;
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing the slice method...");

    final String in = "for testing";

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing with the position 0.");

    CharBuffer buff = CharBuffer.wrap(in);
    test(buff, buff.slice());

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing with new position.");

    test(buff, buff.slice());

        ">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing with non zero initial position.");

    buff = CharBuffer.wrap(in, 3, in.length());
    test(buff, buff.slice());

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: done!");
 CharBufferSpliterator(CharBuffer buffer) {
   this(buffer, buffer.position(), buffer.limit());
Esempio n. 15
 private void flushOutput() throws IOException {
   writer.write(out.array(), 0, out.position());
Esempio n. 16
 // we assume out is large enough for this conversion
 // returns number of filled chars in out buffer
 public int convert(byte[] in, int inOffset, int inLength, char[] out) {
   final ByteBuffer inBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(in, inOffset, inLength);
   final CharBuffer outBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(out, 0, out.length);
   myDecoder.decode(inBuffer, outBuffer, false);
   return outBuffer.position();
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing the slice method...");

    final String in = "for testing";

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing with the position 0.");

    CharBuffer buff = CharBuffer.wrap(in);
    test(buff, buff.slice());

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing with new position.");

    test(buff, buff.slice());

        ">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing with non zero initial position.");

    buff = CharBuffer.wrap(in, 3, in.length());
    test(buff, buff.slice());

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing slice result with get()");
    CharBuffer slice = buff.slice();
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      if (slice.get() != buff.get()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Wrong characters in slice result.");

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing slice result with get(int)");
    slice = buff.slice();
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      if (slice.get(i) != buff.get(4 + i)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Wrong characters in slice result.");

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing slice with result of slice");
    slice = buff.slice();
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      CharBuffer nextSlice = slice.slice();
      if (nextSlice.position() != 0)
        throw new RuntimeException("New buffer's position should be zero");
      if (!nextSlice.equals(slice)) throw new RuntimeException("New buffer should be equal");
      slice = nextSlice;

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing toString.");
    slice = buff.slice();
    if (!slice.toString().equals("tes")) {
      throw new RuntimeException("bad toString() after slice(): " + slice.toString());

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing subSequence.");
    slice = buff.slice();
    CharSequence subSeq = slice.subSequence(1, 3);
    if (subSeq.charAt(0) != 'e' || subSeq.charAt(1) != 's') {
      throw new RuntimeException("bad subSequence() after slice(): '" + subSeq + "'");

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: testing duplicate.");
    slice = buff.slice();
    CharBuffer dupe = slice.duplicate();
    if (dupe.charAt(0) != 't'
        || dupe.charAt(1) != 'e'
        || dupe.charAt(2) != 's'
        || dupe.charAt(3) != 't') {
      throw new RuntimeException("bad duplicate() after slice(): '" + dupe + "'");

    System.out.println(">>> StringCharBufferSliceTest-main: done!");