 public void testPutSameItemTwice() throws CacheException {
   cacheService.store(TEST1, "sameItem", "value");
   assertEquals("first element not added", 1, cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1));
   cacheService.store(TEST1, "sameItem", "value");
   assertEquals("element added twice", 1, cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1));
 public void testClearAllCache() throws CacheException {
   cacheService.store(TEST1, "test1", "test1");
   assertTrue("cache was not empty", cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1) > 0);
   assertTrue("cache was not cleared", cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1) == 0);
 public void testPutSimpleObjectInCache() throws CacheException {
   final int cacheSize = cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1);
   final String myObject = "testObject";
   cacheService.store(TEST1, "test", myObject);
   assertEquals("cache size did not increased", cacheSize + 1, cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1));
 public void testUpdateElementInCache() throws CacheException {
   cacheService.store(TEST1, "sameItem2", "value1");
   assertEquals("first element not added", 1, cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1));
   cacheService.store(TEST1, "sameItem2", "value2");
   assertEquals("element added 2 times", 1, cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1));
   assertEquals("element was not updated", "value2", cacheService.get(TEST1, "sameItem2"));
 public void testPutComplexObjectInCache() throws CacheException {
   final int cacheSize = cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1);
   final ArrayList<Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
   final HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
   map.put("bpm", "bonita");
   cacheService.store(TEST1, "complex", list);
   assertEquals("cache size did not increased", cacheSize + 1, cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1));
 public void testPutLotOfItemsWithOverflow() throws CacheException {
   final int cacheSize = cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1);
   final int j = 20000;
   for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
     cacheService.store(TEST1, "testLotOfItems" + i, "value" + i);
       "Not all elements were added with the overflow",
       cacheSize + j,
 public void testPutLotOfItems() throws CacheException {
   cacheService.store(TEST2, "testLotOfItems0", "value0");
   final int j = 20000;
   for (int i = 1; i <= j; i++) {
     cacheService.store(TEST2, "testLotOfItems" + i, "value" + i);
   assertEquals("Not all elements were added", j + 1, cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST2));
 public void testPutInDifferentCache() throws CacheException {
   final int cacheSize = cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1);
   cacheService.store(TEST2, "testdifferentCache", "value");
   assertEquals("element added in the wrong cache", cacheSize, cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1));
 public void testPutNullInCacheShouldWork() throws CacheException {
   cacheService.store(TEST1, "test2", null);
   assertEquals("Null should be added to the cache", 1, cacheService.getCacheSize(TEST1));
   assertTrue("Null value can't be put", cacheService.get(TEST1, "test2") == null);