   * Receives a message from the given blocking queue, waiting up to the given timeout value.
   * @param queue the queue from which to consume
   * @param timeout greater than 0 to wait the given number of milliseconds, 0 for unlimited
   *     blocking wait, less than zero for no wait
   * @return the message received or null if no message was received
   * @throws JMSException
  protected Message receive(BlockingQueue<byte[]> queue, long timeout) throws JMSException {

    // Figure out the receive strategy.
    ReceiveStrategy receiver = null;
    if (timeout < 0) {
      receiver = new IndefiniteBlockingReceive();
    } else {
      receiver = new TimedBlockingReceive(timeout);

    Message msg = null;
    do {
      synchronized (STOP_GUARD) {
        try {
          byte[] msgData = receiver.receive(queue);

          // Check that we got message data
          if (msgData != null) {

            // Convert the message data back into a JMS message
            msg = messageMarshaller.toMessage(msgData);

            // Switch Bytes messages to read mode
            if (msg instanceof BytesMessage) {
              ((BytesMessage) msg).reset();

            // Check for message expiration
            long expirationTime = msg.getJMSExpiration();

            if (expirationTime != 0 && expirationTime <= System.currentTimeMillis()) {
                  format("Dropping message [%s] because it has expired.", msg.getJMSMessageID()));
              msg = null;
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          throw new JMSException("Error receiving message: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException ex) {
          throw new JMSException("Error receiving message: " + ex.getMessage());
    } while (msg == null && receiver.isRetryable());

    return msg;