Esempio n. 1
  public void testIsFull() {
    Board board = new Board();

    // Board is empty

    // Fill the board with moves
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      board.addMove(i, true);

    // Board is full
Esempio n. 2
 public void testIfBoardIsFull() {
   Board testBoard = new Board();
   testBoard.mark(0, 0, 'x');
   testBoard.mark(0, 1, 'x');
   testBoard.mark(0, 2, 'x');
   testBoard.mark(1, 0, 'x');
   testBoard.mark(1, 1, 'x');
   testBoard.mark(1, 2, 'x');
   testBoard.mark(2, 0, 'x');
   testBoard.mark(2, 1, 'x');
   testBoard.mark(2, 2, 'x');
   assertEquals(true, testBoard.isFull());
Esempio n. 3
  public void testN() {
    Queens q = new Queens();

    for (Board board : q.findSolution(8).all()) {
      if (!board.isFull()) continue;

      int arr[] = board.pos;


      for (int y = 0; y < arr.length; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) {
          System.out.print((arr[x] == y) ? "Q " : "_ ");
Esempio n. 4
  // MF Re-enable all this once you have the AJAX working
  // LV That would be now. Took some time to get all the errors out. Sure it could be implemented
  // better and more Java-like.
  public static Integer[] minMax(int p, Board b, int d) {
    // p: player designation
    // b: current board state
    // d: iteration depth

    Integer score = getScore(b, p);

    // some game states do not require any thinking (e.g. already lost or won)
    if (d == 0) return new Integer[] {null, score}; // max depth reached. just return the score.
    if (score == -WIN_SCORE) return new Integer[] {null, score}; // we lose, not good.
    if (score == WIN_SCORE) return new Integer[] {null, score}; // we win, good.
    if (b.isFull())
      return new Integer[] {null, 8888}; // board is full, pretty good, but not as good as winning.

    if (moveCache == null) {
      System.out.println("moveCache was null.");
      moveCache = new Hashtable<String, Integer[]>();

    // LV See if we can get the next move from the cache.
    // System.out.println(d+": "+b.getHash());

    if (moveCache.containsKey(b.getHash())) {
      Integer[] c = moveCache.get(b.getHash());
      // System.out.println("cache possible for hash = " + b.getHash());
      if (c[0] >= (Integer) d) {
        // System.out.println("cache hit!");
        return new Integer[] {c[1], c[2]};

    // LV No cache.
    // simple optimization attempt. look ahead two moves to see if win or lose possible.
    // this prevents the algorithm from exploring parts of the state space that are unrealistic to occur.
    if (d > 2) {
    	for (int q = 0; q < b.getSize(); ++q) { // for each possible move.
    		Board n = b.clone(); // copy current state.
    		if (n.playColumn(q)) { // make move.
    			Integer[] qs = minMax(p,n,2); // look ahead one move.
    			if (qs[1] == WIN_SCORE || qs[1] == -WIN_SCORE)  {
    				return new Integer[] {q,qs[1]}; // if I win or lose, stop exploring.

    // algorithm considers best and worst possible moves in one loop to save lines of code.
    Integer maxv = 0; // best score.
    Integer maxc = -1; // column where best score occurs.
    Integer minv = 999999; // worst score.
    Integer minc = -1; // colum where worst score occurs.
    for (int q = 0; q < b.getSize(); ++q) { // for each possible move.
      Board n = b.clone(); // copy current state.
      if (n.playColumn(q)) { // make move.
        Integer[] next = minMax(p, n, d - 1); // look ahead d-1 moves.
        if (maxc == -1 || next[1] > maxv) {
          maxc = q;
          maxv = next[1];
        } // compare to previous best.
        if (minc == -1 || next[1] < minv) {
          minc = q;
          minv = next[1];
        } // compare to previous worst.

    if (b.getTurn() == p) { // if it is our turn.
      moveCache.put(b.getHash(), new Integer[] {d, maxc, maxv / 2 + score / 2});
      return new Integer[] {maxc, maxv / 2 + score / 2}; // make best possible move.
    } else { // otherwise.
      moveCache.put(b.getHash(), new Integer[] {d, minc, minv / 2 + score / 2});
      return new Integer[] {minc, minv / 2 + score / 2}; // make worst possible move.
Esempio n. 5
 public void testIfBoardIsFull2() {
   Board testBoard = new Board();
   assertEquals(false, testBoard.isFull());